Links: | BOTTOM | ![]() | ![]() |
reference predict_h18530 (Oct 19, 2004 14:58:32) reference pred_h18530 (Oct 19, 2004 15:39:12) PPhdr from: PPhdr resp: MAIL PPhdr orig: HTML PPhdr want: HTML PPhdr password(###) prediction of: - default prediction of: - ProSite SEG ProDom return msf format ret html ret store # default: single protein sequence resfilename=ks3585dc description=yp086 MAGPYLRALR ILPRGSREPV QRSWLHGYTI DGGFAAHAAA EAGYAFELPE DADPVATAPL LCAGLIGWQS LKMAGEGRTI GIYGFGAAAH ILVQVCKHRG QSVYAFVLPG DEAGRKFTLD LGAVWAGFSG EKPPVPLDAA IIFAPAGELV PMALDVVRKG GTVVCGGIDM SDIPSMPYRL LWGERRVVSV ANLTRSDGAE FFSIGKAAGV RCFTSVYPLE HANEALDDLR AGRVSGAAVI VP
------------------------------------------------------------- Pattern-ID: ASN_GLYCOSYLATION PS00001 PDOC00001 Pattern-DE: N-glycosylation site Pattern: N[^P][ST][^P] 192 NLTR Pattern-ID: CAMP_PHOSPHO_SITE PS00004 PDOC00004 Pattern-DE: cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation site Pattern: [RK]{2}.[ST] 115 RKFT Pattern-ID: PKC_PHOSPHO_SITE PS00005 PDOC00005 Pattern-DE: Protein kinase C phosphorylation site Pattern: [ST].[RK] 70 SLK Pattern-ID: CK2_PHOSPHO_SITE PS00006 PDOC00006 Pattern-DE: Casein kinase II phosphorylation site Pattern: [ST].{2}[DE] 194 TRSD Pattern-ID: MYRISTYL PS00008 PDOC00008 Pattern-DE: N-myristoylation site Pattern: G[^EDRKHPFYW].{2}[STAGCN][^P] 32 GGFAAH 122 GAVWAG 161 GTVVCG 167 GIDMSD Pattern-ID: AMIDATION PS00009 PDOC00009 Pattern-DE: Amidation site Pattern: .G[RK][RK] 113 AGRK
prot (#) default: single protein sequence resfilename=ks3585dc description=yp086 /home/ppuser/server/work/predict_h18530 from: 1 to: 242 prot (#) default: single protein sequence resfilename=ks3585dc description=yp086 /home/ppuser/server/work/predict_h18530 /home/ppuser/server/work/predict_h18530.segNormGcg Length: 242 11-Jul-99 Check: 2818 .. 1 MAGPYLRALR ILPRGSREPV QRSWLHGYTI Dxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxLPE 51 DADPVATAPL LCAGLIGWQS LKMAGEGRTI GIYGFGAAAH ILVQVCKHRG 101 QSVYAFVLPG DEAGRKFTLD LGAVWAGFSG EKPPVPLDAA IIFAPAGELV 151 PMALDVVRKG GTVVCGGIDM SDIPSMPYRL LWGERRVVSV ANLTRSDGAE 201 FFSIGKAAGV RCFTSVYPLE HANEALDDLR AGRVSGAAVI VP
Identities computed with respect to: (query) prot Colored by: consensus/70% and property
HSP processing: ranked
62 [ . . . 1 . . . . : . . . . 2 . . . .] 241 prot (#) default: single protein... score P(N) N 100.0% CAGLIGWQSLKMAGEGRTIGIYGFGAAAHILVQVCKHRGQSVYAFVLPGDEAGRKFTLDLGAVWAGFSGEKPPVPLDAAIIFAPAGELVPMALDVVRKGGTVVCGGIDMSDIPSMPYRLLWGERRVVSVANLTRSDGAEFFSIGKAAGVRCFTSVYPLEHANEALDDLRAGRVSGAAVIV 1 PD102857 p2000.1 (1) P95153_MYCTU //... 359 3.2e-33 1 42.8% CAGIIGYRSleLPPGGR-LGLYGFGGSAHITAQVALAQGAEIH--VMTRGARARKLALQLGAASAQDAADRPPVPLDAAILFAPVGDLVLPALEALDRGGILAIAGIHLTDIPDLNYQqlFQERQIRSVTSNTRADARAFFDFAAQHHIEVTTPEYPLGQADRALGDLSAGRIAGAAVLL 2 PD071411 p2000.1 (1) O54388_BRUAB //... 162 2.4e-12 1 77.8% CAGLIGWRSLKKAGEGKRIGLYGFGAAAHIIAQVCR------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ consensus/100% CAGlIGapSLchsstG+.lGlYGFGuuAHIhsQVsh................................................................................................................................................ consensus/90% CAGlIGapSLchsstG+.lGlYGFGuuAHIhsQVsh................................................................................................................................................ consensus/80% CAGlIGapSLchsstG+.lGlYGFGuuAHIhsQVsh................................................................................................................................................ consensus/70% CAGlIGapSLchsstG+.lGlYGFGuuAHIhsQVsh................................................................................................................................................ |
--- ------------------------------------------------------------ --- --- Again: these results were obtained based on the domain data- --- base collected by Daniel Kahn and his coworkers in Toulouse. --- --- PLEASE quote: --- F Corpet, J Gouzy, D Kahn (1998). The ProDom database --- of protein domain families. Nucleic Ac Res 26:323-326. --- --- The general WWW page is on: ---- --------------------------------------- --- ---- --------------------------------------- --- --- For WWW graphic interfaces to PRODOM, in particular for your --- protein family, follow the following links (each line is ONE --- single link for your protein!!): --- ==> multiple alignment, consensus, PDB and PROSITE links of domain PD102857 ==> graphical output of all proteins having domain PD102857 ==> multiple alignment, consensus, PDB and PROSITE links of domain PD071411 ==> graphical output of all proteins having domain PD071411 --- --- NOTE: if you want to use the link, make sure the entire line --- is pasted as URL into your browser! --- --- END of PRODOM --- ------------------------------------------------------------
--- ------------------------------------------------------------ --- PSI-BLAST multiple sequence alignment --- ------------------------------------------------------------ --- --- PSI-BLAST ALIGNMENT HEADER: ABBREVIATIONS FOR SUMMARY --- SEQLENGTH : 242 --- ID : identifier of aligned (homologous) protein --- LSEQ2 : length of aligned sequence --- IDE : percentage of pairwise sequence identity --- SIM : percentage of similarity --- LALI : number of residues aligned --- LGAP : number of residues in all indels --- BSCORE : blast score (bits) --- BEXPECT : blast expectation value --- OMIM : OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) ID --- PROTEIN : one-line description of aligned protein --- '!' : indicates lower scoring alignment that is combined --- with the higher scoring adjacent one --- --- PSI-BLAST ALIGNMENT HEADER: SUMMARY ID LSEQ2 IDE SIM LALI LGAP BSCORE BEXPECT PROTEIN Q6RS93 340 21 38 234 12 257 1e-67 (Q6RS93) Thermostable alc trembl|AAR91477|AAR91477 340 21 38 234 12 257 1e-67 Thermostable alcohol dehy pdb|pdb|1rjw_A 339 21 38 234 12 256 2e-67 ADH3_BACST 339 21 38 234 12 256 2e-67 (P42328) Alcohol dehydrog ADH2_BACST 339 25 40 233 12 253 3e-66 (P42327) Alcohol dehydrog ADH1_BACST 337 22 37 233 12 249 4e-65 (P12311) Alcohol dehydrog Q6NEZ5 346 20 36 233 13 242 5e-63 (Q6NEZ5) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE50644|CAE50644 346 20 36 233 13 242 5e-63 Alcohol dehydrogenase (EC Q8GIX7 338 24 38 233 12 237 1e-61 (Q8GIX7) Alcohol dehydrog Q9HTD9 342 21 38 235 12 235 5e-61 (Q9HTD9) Alcohol dehydrog pdb|pdb|1llu_A 340 21 38 235 12 235 5e-61 Q8G2V9 344 22 35 235 14 234 7e-61 (Q8G2V9) Alcohol dehydrog Q8FUG7 340 19 34 233 13 232 3e-60 (Q8FUG7) Putative alcohol Q8NLX9 345 21 35 233 13 232 5e-60 (Q8NLX9) Zn-dependent alc Q89IH9 341 21 36 233 13 230 2e-59 (Q89IH9) Alcohol dehydrog Q8YEY1 373 22 35 231 14 230 2e-59 (Q8YEY1) ALCOHOL DEHYDROG Q6F7F7 343 23 37 233 13 227 1e-58 (Q6F7F7) Alcohol dehydrog Q8L3C9 344 20 34 233 12 224 9e-58 (Q8L3C9) Alcohol dehydrog Q7D129 342 20 32 235 12 224 1e-57 (Q7D129) AGR_C_1112p Q8UHQ4 342 20 32 235 12 224 1e-57 (Q8UHQ4) Alcohol dehydrog Q93R82 338 20 33 235 12 224 1e-57 (Q93R82) Glucosaminitol d Q8XUQ6 341 22 35 235 12 223 2e-57 (Q8XUQ6) PUTATIVE PROPANO Q99W07 336 24 39 234 15 220 2e-56 (Q99W07) Alcohol dehydrog Q7A742 336 24 39 234 15 220 2e-56 (Q7A742) Alcohol dehydrog Q6GBM4 336 24 39 234 15 219 3e-56 (Q6GBM4) Alcohol dehydrog Q6GJ63 336 24 39 234 15 219 3e-56 (Q6GJ63) Alcohol dehydrog Q8NXU1 336 24 39 234 15 219 3e-56 (Q8NXU1) Alcohol dehydrog ADHA_RHIME 340 19 31 235 12 218 6e-56 (O31186) Alcohol dehydrog Q9A1X7 338 22 36 233 14 215 6e-55 (Q9A1X7) Putative alcohol Q8DR96 339 20 35 233 15 214 7e-55 (Q8DR96) Alcohol dehydrog Q97SP1 339 20 35 233 15 214 7e-55 (Q97SP1) Alcohol dehydrog Q8P2Z8 338 22 36 233 14 214 1e-54 (Q8P2Z8) Putative alcohol Q738U7 347 21 35 234 14 212 3e-54 (Q738U7) Alcohol dehydrog Q74FN3 330 53 62 239 0 211 7e-54 (Q74FN3) Alcohol dehydrog Q81QZ5 345 21 35 234 14 211 7e-54 (Q81QZ5) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR33904|AAR33904 330 53 62 239 0 211 7e-54 Alcohol dehydrogenase, zi Q6HJ97 345 21 35 234 14 211 7e-54 (Q6HJ97) Alcohol dehydrog Q8G0M8 327 60 68 240 0 210 2e-53 (Q8G0M8) Alcohol dehydrog Q81DX6 345 21 35 234 14 210 2e-53 (Q81DX6) Alcohol dehydrog Q8YH79 327 60 67 240 0 209 4e-53 (Q8YH79) ALCOHOL DEHYDROG Q6FPS0 372 19 33 234 16 206 2e-52 (Q6FPS0) Candida glabrata Q89HC4 327 53 62 240 0 206 3e-52 (Q89HC4) Blr6070 protein Q9P8S5 373 19 31 234 16 206 4e-52 (Q9P8S5) Alcohol dehydrog Q9CEN0 340 21 39 233 15 206 4e-52 (Q9CEN0) Alcohol dehydrog Q8KKU9 242 93 93 242 0 206 4e-52 (Q8KKU9) Hypothetical pro Q879R3 282 22 36 233 14 205 7e-52 (Q879R3) Putative alcohol Q8K8X5 338 22 36 233 14 204 1e-51 (Q8K8X5) Putative alcohol ADH1_NEUCR 353 20 33 234 18 204 1e-51 (Q9P6C8) Alcohol dehydrog Q6NCU5 327 52 61 240 0 204 1e-51 (Q6NCU5) Putative Zn-cont trembl|CAE25818|CAE25818 327 52 61 240 0 204 1e-51 Putative Zn-containing al Q6XQ72 373 19 31 234 16 203 2e-51 (Q6XQ72) Alcohol dehydrog Q6XQ75 351 18 30 233 16 203 2e-51 (Q6XQ75) Alcohol dehydrog Q6Y8J4 337 20 36 233 13 202 3e-51 (Q6Y8J4) Mannitol dehydro trembl|AAO38758|AAO38758 337 20 36 233 13 202 3e-51 Mannitol dehydrogenase (E ADH1_ZYMMO 337 20 36 233 13 202 3e-51 (P20368) Alcohol dehydrog CAD2_PICAB 357 18 32 235 16 202 4e-51 (O82035) Cinnamyl-alcohol CAD7_PICAB 357 18 32 235 16 202 4e-51 (Q08350) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q6XQ77 348 19 31 235 16 202 4e-51 (Q6XQ77) Alcohol dehydrog Q6XQ78 348 19 31 234 16 202 4e-51 (Q6XQ78) Alcohol dehydrog Q8YYH1 328 46 58 239 0 202 5e-51 (Q8YYH1) Alcohol dehydrog ADH3_KLULA 374 20 31 234 16 201 1e-50 (P49384) Alcohol dehydrog CADH_PINRA 357 18 32 235 16 201 1e-50 (Q40976) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q8E2D4 338 22 36 233 14 200 2e-50 (Q8E2D4) Alcohol dehydrog Q8E7U1 338 22 36 233 14 200 2e-50 (Q8E7U1) Hypothetical pro Q8CQ56 340 25 39 233 15 200 2e-50 (Q8CQ56) Alcohol dehydrog Q757I1 351 19 30 234 16 199 3e-50 (Q757I1) AER032Wp ADH1_YEAST 347 19 31 234 16 199 3e-50 (P00330) Alcohol dehydrog Q6XQ79 374 20 34 234 16 199 3e-50 (Q6XQ79) Alcohol dehydrog Q6XQ69 348 19 31 234 16 199 4e-50 (Q6XQ69) Alcohol dehydrog O06007 349 17 29 234 17 199 5e-50 (O06007) NADP-dependent a Q9K0P0 348 23 38 234 13 198 6e-50 (Q9K0P0) Alcohol dehydrog ADH2_YEAST 347 19 30 234 16 198 8e-50 (P00331) Alcohol dehydrog ADH5_SACPS 351 18 30 233 16 198 8e-50 (Q6XQ67) Alcohol dehydrog ADH5_YEAST 351 18 30 233 16 198 8e-50 (P38113) Alcohol dehydrog ADH2_CANAL 348 20 32 234 16 198 9e-50 (O94038) Alcohol dehydrog Q9JVR8 346 23 37 234 13 197 1e-49 (Q9JVR8) Putative alcohol Q6XQ80 371 19 31 234 16 197 1e-49 (Q6XQ80) Alcohol dehydrog Q9ATW1 359 18 31 235 16 197 1e-49 (Q9ATW1) Cinnamyl alcohol ADH3_YEAST 375 18 30 234 16 196 2e-49 (P07246) Alcohol dehydrog ADH1_KLULA 350 20 30 234 16 196 4e-49 (P20369) Alcohol dehydrog MTD_FRAAN 359 18 30 235 16 196 4e-49 (Q9ZRF1) Probable mannito Q6XQ68 375 18 30 234 16 195 6e-49 (Q6XQ68) Alcohol dehydrog Q6XQ71 377 19 32 234 16 195 6e-49 (Q6XQ71) Alcohol dehydrog Q6FQA4 352 18 32 234 16 195 6e-49 (Q6FQA4) Candida glabrata ADH2_KLULA 348 18 30 234 16 195 7e-49 (P49383) Alcohol dehydrog ADH4_KLULA 375 19 33 234 16 194 1e-48 (P49385) Alcohol dehydrog Q75UM5 371 19 32 234 16 193 2e-48 (Q75UM5) Alcohol dehydrog Q9AE96 348 19 32 234 17 193 3e-48 (Q9AE96) Alcohol dehydrog Q6XQ70 348 19 31 234 16 193 3e-48 (Q6XQ70) Alcohol dehydrog Q6BMN4 346 18 33 232 16 192 4e-48 (Q6BMN4) Similar to CA392 Q75EJ5 385 19 31 234 16 192 6e-48 (Q75EJ5) AAR084Wp Q8ES57 346 16 29 234 17 191 7e-48 (Q8ES57) NADP-dependent a ADH2_PICST 348 18 31 234 16 191 1e-47 (O13309) Alcohol dehydrog ADH1_KLUMA 348 18 32 234 16 191 1e-47 (Q07288) Alcohol dehydrog Q8L7U8 362 17 30 236 16 191 1e-47 (Q8L7U8) Putative sinapyl Q6XQ73 351 18 30 234 16 190 2e-47 (Q6XQ73) Alcohol dehydrog Q6XQ81 348 18 29 234 16 190 2e-47 (Q6XQ81) Alcohol dehydrog MTD_MESCR 361 20 32 238 17 189 3e-47 (P93257) Probable mannito Q6XQ76 375 18 30 234 16 189 3e-47 (Q6XQ76) Alcohol dehydrog ADH2_KLUMA 347 19 30 234 16 189 4e-47 (Q9P4C2) Alcohol dehydrog Q8H0L8 359 20 32 237 18 188 6e-47 (Q8H0L8) Alcohol NADP+ ox Q6XQ74 351 17 29 234 16 188 7e-47 (Q6XQ74) Alcohol dehydrog Q9EWF1 346 18 30 234 17 188 9e-47 (Q9EWF1) Putative dehydro O87969 346 19 30 228 29 187 1e-46 (O87969) Orf8 Q9M722 289 20 31 237 18 187 1e-46 (Q9M722) ELI3 (Fragment) Q75UM6 375 19 32 234 16 187 1e-46 (Q75UM6) Alcohol dehydrog Q88G86 336 22 38 233 13 187 1e-46 (Q88G86) Alcohol dehydrog Q8XGI7 336 23 36 233 13 187 2e-46 (Q8XGI7) Alcohol dehydrog Q7CQI9 336 23 36 233 13 187 2e-46 (Q7CQI9) Alcohol dehydrog Q9CBF1 335 37 52 234 5 186 2e-46 (Q9CBF1) Putative alcohol P95153 346 37 52 234 5 186 2e-46 (P95153) Probable alcohol Q7VET4 346 37 52 234 5 186 2e-46 (Q7VET4) Probable alcohol Q73ZN0 343 38 52 234 5 186 2e-46 (Q73ZN0) AdhA_1 Q7D7W3 347 37 52 234 5 186 3e-46 (Q7D7W3) Zinc-binding deh Q75UM7 348 19 32 234 16 185 5e-46 (Q75UM7) Alcohol dehydrog Q8XZ99 334 48 60 238 0 185 6e-46 (Q8XZ99) PROBABLE ALCOHOL ADH1_PICST 348 21 33 234 16 185 6e-46 (O00097) Alcohol dehydrog MTD1_ARATH 357 18 31 238 17 185 8e-46 (Q02971) Probable mannito trembl|AAK91423|AAK91423 357 18 31 238 17 185 8e-46 AT4g37980/F20D10_100. trembl|AAL08241|AAL08241 357 18 31 238 17 185 8e-46 AT4g37980/F20D10_100. trembl|AAK25935|AAK25935 357 18 31 238 17 185 8e-46 Putative cinnamyl-alcohol trembl|AAK93608|AAK93608 357 18 31 238 17 185 8e-46 Putative cinnamyl-alcohol trembl|AAK64124|AAK64124 357 18 31 238 17 185 8e-46 Putative cinnamyl-alcohol trembl|AAO11645|AAO11645 357 18 31 238 17 185 8e-46 At4g37980/F20D10_100. trembl|AAP59432|AAP59432 357 18 31 238 17 185 8e-46 Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrog P74721 336 16 28 234 9 184 9e-46 (P74721) Zinc-containing Q7XAB2 360 18 30 238 17 184 9e-46 (Q7XAB2) 10-hydroxygerani Q9UW06 351 19 34 235 14 184 1e-45 (Q9UW06) Alcohol dehydrog Q92MD4 347 23 39 191 9 184 1e-45 (Q92MD4) PUTATIVE ZINC-TY ADH1_CANAL 350 19 34 234 16 184 1e-45 (P43067) Alcohol dehydrog Q8XEF9 346 22 36 233 13 184 1e-45 (Q8XEF9) Alcohol dehydrog Q6BH64 349 18 33 233 16 184 1e-45 (Q6BH64) Similar to CA392 Q9RI47 340 20 34 235 12 184 1e-45 (Q9RI47) Putative alcohol Q9UW07 351 19 34 233 16 184 2e-45 (Q9UW07) Alcohol dehydrog Q6C5I5 351 19 34 233 16 184 2e-45 (Q6C5I5) YlADH2 protein Q8FHH2 346 22 36 233 13 184 2e-45 (Q8FHH2) Alcohol dehydrog Q8PEF1 352 18 32 234 19 183 2e-45 (Q8PEF1) Alcohol dehydrog MTD_APIGR 365 18 31 235 16 183 3e-45 (Q38707) Mannitol dehydro ADHP_ECOLI 336 22 36 233 13 183 3e-45 (P39451) Alcohol dehydrog Q6CGT5 349 19 33 233 16 182 3e-45 (Q6CGT5) YlADH3 protein Q7XE98 420 19 31 236 16 182 4e-45 (Q7XE98) Putative cinnamy Q6C7T0 349 18 33 233 16 182 4e-45 (Q6C7T0) YlADH1 protein Q7AE27 346 22 36 233 13 182 4e-45 (Q7AE27) Alcohol dehydrog Q6CGX5 348 19 33 233 16 182 5e-45 (Q6CGX5) Similar to tr|Q9 Q7NCZ0 330 20 29 235 7 182 6e-45 (Q7NCZ0) Alcohol dehydrog Q94G59 362 17 29 234 16 182 6e-45 (Q94G59) Sinapyl alcohol Q9SJ25 376 16 31 235 18 182 6e-45 (Q9SJ25) Cinnamyl alcohol Q9HDD6 361 20 34 234 16 182 7e-45 (Q9HDD6) Mannitol-1-phosp ADH3_EMENI 352 19 34 234 18 181 7e-45 (P07754) Alcohol dehydrog Q82W75 349 19 32 234 19 181 8e-45 (Q82W75) Zinc-containing Q73VC1 346 18 30 235 17 181 1e-44 (Q73VC1) AdhC O65621 363 18 31 235 16 180 1e-44 (O65621) Cinnamyl alcohol Q9UW08 349 18 33 233 16 180 1e-44 (Q9UW08) Alcohol dehydrog Q8NTT0 339 17 32 238 11 180 1e-44 (Q8NTT0) Zn-dependent alc Q9CBQ3 362 18 32 237 18 180 2e-44 (Q9CBQ3) Alcohol dehydrog Q882D1 358 20 33 234 18 180 2e-44 (Q882D1) Oxidoreductase, CADH_PINTA 357 18 32 235 16 180 2e-44 (P41637) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q8Y1Q7 352 18 29 233 21 180 2e-44 (Q8Y1Q7) PUTATIVE NADP-DE ADHC_MYCTU 346 17 30 234 17 180 2e-44 (P31975) NADP-dependent a Q977A1 307 22 37 234 17 180 2e-44 (Q977A1) 307aa long hypot MTD_PETCR 337 18 30 235 16 179 3e-44 (P42754) Mannitol dehydro Q7AH73 349 18 31 234 19 179 3e-44 (Q7AH73) Putative oxidore Q8X6A3 349 18 31 234 19 179 3e-44 (Q8X6A3) Putative oxidore Q8PRD2 352 18 32 234 19 179 3e-44 (Q8PRD2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M632 357 18 32 235 16 179 3e-44 (Q9M632) Cinnamyl alcohol ADH1_EMENI 349 22 35 234 17 179 3e-44 (P08843) Alcohol dehydrog Q8XSN7 343 20 34 237 11 179 4e-44 (Q8XSN7) PROBABLE ALCOHOL YAHK_ECOLI 349 18 31 234 19 179 4e-44 (P75691) Zinc-type alcoho Q9PAV6 349 19 34 234 19 179 4e-44 (Q9PAV6) Alcohol dehydrog Q6D051 349 20 32 234 19 179 4e-44 (Q6D051) Putative zinc-bi Q8S411 370 19 31 236 16 179 4e-44 (Q8S411) Cinnamyl alcohol Q9PCP4 348 16 28 234 19 179 5e-44 (Q9PCP4) NADP-alcohol deh Q7C1C9 336 22 36 233 13 178 7e-44 (Q7C1C9) Alcohol dehydrog Q83R96 336 22 36 233 13 178 7e-44 (Q83R96) Alcohol dehydrog ADH1_ASPFL 349 21 34 233 19 178 7e-44 (P41747) Alcohol dehydrog CADH_POPDE 357 18 32 235 16 178 8e-44 (P31657) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q6PLS3 357 18 32 235 16 178 8e-44 (Q6PLS3) Cinnamyl alcohol trembl|AAR83343|AAR83343 357 18 32 235 16 178 8e-44 Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrog Q9I1J9 353 19 33 234 19 178 9e-44 (Q9I1J9) Probable alcohol Q8FKH5 349 18 31 234 19 178 1e-43 (Q8FKH5) Hypothetical zin Q9UAT1 326 18 30 218 21 177 1e-43 (Q9UAT1) Hypothetical pro Q9FSC7 357 18 32 235 16 177 1e-43 (Q9FSC7) Cinnamyl alcohol Q6ACG5 350 20 33 235 12 177 1e-43 (Q6ACG5) Alcohol dehydrog Q97W06 328 20 36 234 10 177 1e-43 (Q97W06) Alcohol dehydrog Q96XE0 347 19 35 232 17 177 2e-43 (Q96XE0) 347aa long hypot Q833V0 338 22 37 233 14 176 2e-43 (Q833V0) Alcohol dehydrog CAD4_TOBAC 357 18 34 235 16 176 3e-43 (P30359) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q8UK83 335 21 32 237 15 176 3e-43 (Q8UK83) Alcohol dehydrog Q6MD36 375 17 32 234 22 176 3e-43 (Q6MD36) Putative alcohol Q9SJ10 375 16 30 235 17 176 3e-43 (Q9SJ10) Cinnamyl alcohol Q7WVD0 352 16 29 234 14 176 3e-43 (Q7WVD0) 6-hydroxyhexanoa Q9F7D8 352 16 29 234 14 176 3e-43 (Q9F7D8) Alcohol dehydrog Q7D3J9 343 21 32 237 15 176 3e-43 (Q7D3J9) AGR_pAT_339p CAD1_ARACO 360 17 31 234 17 175 4e-43 (P42495) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q7VH01 363 18 32 229 30 175 5e-43 (Q7VH01) Putative NADP-de Q87BP2 349 19 35 234 19 175 5e-43 (Q87BP2) Alcohol dehydrog MTD2_ARATH 359 17 30 236 16 175 8e-43 (Q02972) Probable mannito trembl|AAK32871|AAK32871 359 17 30 236 16 175 8e-43 AT4g37990/F20D10_110. trembl|AAM91064|AAM91064 359 17 30 236 16 175 8e-43 AT4g37990/F20D10_110. trembl|AAP59433|AAP59433 359 17 30 236 16 175 8e-43 Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrog Q9PCN2 349 18 32 234 19 175 8e-43 (Q9PCN2) Alcohol dehydrog Q7CY20 241 19 36 193 5 175 8e-43 (Q7CY20) AGR_C_3663Ap CADH_MEDSA 358 18 34 234 16 174 9e-43 (P31656) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q8W4Z0 335 18 34 234 16 174 9e-43 (Q8W4Z0) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q97XR4 344 24 37 234 19 174 9e-43 (Q97XR4) Alcohol dehydrog Q8H859 354 18 30 235 17 174 1e-42 (Q8H859) Putative cinnamy ADH_SCHPO 350 16 29 235 16 174 1e-42 (P00332) Alcohol dehydrog Q747Z0 352 17 31 231 18 174 1e-42 (Q747Z0) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR36516|AAR36516 352 17 31 231 18 174 1e-42 Alcohol dehydrogenase, zi pdb|pdb|1uuf_A 339 18 30 228 24 174 1e-42 Q8UDU7 348 19 36 193 5 174 2e-42 (Q8UDU7) NADP-dependent a Q7QLX2 346 15 28 234 17 173 2e-42 (Q7QLX2) EbiP281 (Fragmen CADH_LOLPR 361 19 32 234 16 173 3e-42 (O22380) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q8LB84 360 15 30 235 16 173 3e-42 (Q8LB84) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q94K02 360 15 30 235 16 173 3e-42 (Q94K02) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q75DQ0 373 18 29 236 16 173 3e-42 (Q75DQ0) ABL033Cp Q8EVN7 362 16 28 235 16 172 3e-42 (Q8EVN7) NADP-dependent a Q8KRC3 349 19 32 238 23 172 3e-42 (Q8KRC3) Alcohol dehydrog Q947S2 361 19 32 234 16 172 4e-42 (Q947S2) Cinnamyl alcohol ADH2_CAEEL 351 20 30 232 17 172 4e-42 (O45687) Probable alcohol CAD2_EUCGU 356 16 33 234 16 172 5e-42 (P31655) Cinnamyl-alcohol CADH_EUCGL 356 16 33 234 16 172 5e-42 (O64969) Cinnamyl alcohol Q6V4H0 360 18 31 235 16 172 6e-42 (Q6V4H0) 10-hydroxygerani trembl|AAQ55962|AAQ55962 360 18 31 235 16 172 6e-42 10-hydroxygeraniol oxidor CAD9_TOBAC 357 18 34 235 16 171 8e-42 (P30360) Cinnamyl-alcohol MTDH_ARATH 360 15 30 235 16 171 9e-42 (P42734) Probable mannito CAD2_ARATH 357 18 32 234 16 171 1e-41 (O49482) Probable cinnamy trembl|AAK59426|AAK59426 357 18 32 234 16 171 1e-41 Putative cinnamyl alcohol trembl|AAM44967|AAM44967 357 18 32 234 16 171 1e-41 Putative cinnamyl alcohol trembl|AAP59435|AAP59435 357 18 32 234 16 171 1e-41 Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrog Q947S3 361 19 32 234 16 171 1e-41 (Q947S3) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8KCY2 338 31 44 239 8 171 1e-41 (Q8KCY2) Alcohol dehydrog CADH_SACOF 365 19 30 234 16 171 1e-41 (O82056) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q6KZL8 336 25 36 226 18 170 2e-41 (Q6KZL8) Alcohol dehydrog Q9CAI3 355 19 30 235 17 170 2e-41 (Q9CAI3) Putative cinnamy Q6F6R9 340 16 31 234 10 170 2e-41 (Q6F6R9) Putative alcohol Q6MJG4 332 18 31 235 10 169 3e-41 (Q6MJG4) Putative alcohol Q82I44 347 17 29 234 17 169 4e-41 (Q82I44) Putative NADP-de Q6MPF5 348 16 28 234 19 169 4e-41 (Q6MPF5) NADP-dependent a Q947S1 361 19 32 234 16 169 4e-41 (Q947S1) Cinnamyl alcohol Q6ERW9 361 16 28 235 16 169 5e-41 (Q6ERW9) Putative cinnamy Q6C6P0 351 19 29 234 17 169 5e-41 (Q6C6P0) Similar to sp|P0 Q8XQU4 355 18 31 234 19 169 5e-41 (Q8XQU4) PUTATIVE NADP-DE Q9Y9P9 359 20 34 233 20 169 5e-41 (Q9Y9P9) 359aa long hypot Q8X1W8 367 17 31 232 29 169 5e-41 (Q8X1W8) Alcohol dehydrog Q6RCS7 355 17 33 232 19 168 6e-41 (Q6RCS7) Cinnamyl alcohol trembl|AAR89392|AAR89392 355 17 33 232 19 168 6e-41 Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrog Q9PMC1 358 15 32 231 28 168 6e-41 (Q9PMC1) Putative NADP-de Q8TTM5 375 15 27 229 33 168 8e-41 (Q8TTM5) Zinc-binding alc pdb|pdb|1h2b_B 344 20 34 233 20 167 1e-40 pdb|pdb|1h2b_A 343 20 34 233 20 167 1e-40 Q7CYZ8 368 19 32 228 32 167 1e-40 (Q7CYZ8) AGR_C_2867p Q8NTH6 353 17 29 235 17 167 1e-40 (Q8NTH6) Zn-dependent alc Q8UF43 355 19 32 228 32 167 1e-40 (Q8UF43) Alcohol dehydrog Q7SG88 353 21 32 233 18 167 1e-40 (Q7SG88) Hypothetical pro Q8FU72 387 17 26 235 19 167 1e-40 (Q8FU72) Putative alcohol Q947S0 361 19 32 234 16 167 2e-40 (Q947S0) Cinnamyl alcohol Q9FUN8 356 16 33 234 16 167 2e-40 (Q9FUN8) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8FSP4 362 17 29 234 17 166 2e-40 (Q8FSP4) Putative dehydro Q6A8U5 353 16 29 235 17 166 2e-40 (Q6A8U5) Zn-dependent alc CAD1_ARATH 365 17 31 234 16 166 3e-40 (P48523) Cinnamyl-alcohol trembl|AAK44076|AAK44076 365 17 31 234 16 166 3e-40 Putative cinnamyl alcohol trembl|AAL34250|AAL34250 365 17 31 234 16 166 3e-40 Putative cinnamyl alcohol trembl|AAP59434|AAP59434 365 17 31 234 16 166 3e-40 Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrog MTD_MEDSA 359 16 30 235 15 166 3e-40 (O82515) Probable mannito trembl|AAL34328|AAL34328 359 16 30 235 15 166 3e-40 Cinnamyl-alcohol dehydrog Q7XWU3 360 18 31 234 21 166 3e-40 (Q7XWU3) OSJNBa0065B15.8 trembl|CAD39904|CAD39904 360 18 31 234 21 166 3e-40 OSJNBa0065B15.8 protein. Q9HJX2 336 14 30 232 15 165 4e-40 (Q9HJX2) Alcohol dehydrog Q82NZ9 334 41 55 233 5 165 5e-40 (Q82NZ9) Putative alcohol Q86AL4 336 22 38 223 11 165 5e-40 (Q86AL4) Similar to Ralst ADH1_CAEEL 349 19 32 232 17 165 6e-40 (Q17334) Alcohol dehydrog Q9U1F0 352 17 30 228 31 165 8e-40 (Q9U1F0) NADP-dependent a Q7UJP3 336 14 29 235 12 165 9e-40 (Q7UJP3) Hypothetical zin Q8L9U1 365 17 31 234 16 164 1e-39 (Q8L9U1) Cinnamyl alcohol Q82NE6 340 20 32 237 12 164 1e-39 (Q82NE6) Putative alcohol CAD1_EUCGU 354 16 33 232 18 164 1e-39 (Q42726) Cinnamyl-alcohol TDH_YERPE 341 13 30 233 15 164 1e-39 (Q8ZJN2) L-threonine 3-de Q82NB0 341 19 30 235 15 164 2e-39 (Q82NB0) Putative alcohol Q86AP0 340 19 36 234 13 163 2e-39 (Q86AP0) Similar to Ralst Q884B3 350 19 30 234 19 163 2e-39 (Q884B3) Oxidoreductase, Q7VVP4 343 20 34 236 11 163 3e-39 (Q7VVP4) Probable alcohol Q86JL8 320 21 39 234 13 163 3e-39 (Q86JL8) Similar to Coryn Q9PE92 352 18 32 234 19 163 3e-39 (Q9PE92) NADP-alcohol deh O04079 321 19 32 234 16 163 3e-39 (O04079) Cinnamyl alcohol Q70FT4 318 17 30 231 16 163 3e-39 (Q70FT4) Cinnamoyl alcoho Q70FS6 318 17 30 231 16 162 4e-39 (Q70FS6) Cinnamoyl alcoho Q97YM2 349 16 34 235 14 162 5e-39 (Q97YM2) Alcohol dehydrog Q87E95 352 19 32 233 21 162 5e-39 (Q87E95) NADP-alcohol deh Q97A38 335 14 29 232 15 161 8e-39 (Q97A38) Alcohol dehydrog Q6N3N8 350 18 32 235 15 161 8e-39 (Q6N3N8) Probable alcohol trembl|CAE29096|CAE29096 350 18 32 235 15 161 8e-39 Probable alcohol dehydrog Q88K65 350 18 30 234 19 161 1e-38 (Q88K65) D-isomer specifi Q71U99 212 19 38 192 9 161 1e-38 (Q71U99) Cinnamyl alcohol trembl|AAD18000|AAD18000 212 19 38 192 9 161 1e-38 Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrog Q6ERX1 359 20 32 234 18 160 1e-38 (Q6ERX1) Putative cinnamy Q7A8Q7 353 18 34 234 9 160 2e-38 (Q7A8Q7) Putative oxidore Q8XCA1 353 18 34 234 9 160 2e-38 (Q8XCA1) Putative oxidore Q6ZHS4 363 19 32 234 16 160 2e-38 (Q6ZHS4) Putative cinnamy YJGB_ECOLI 339 18 34 234 9 160 2e-38 (P27250) Hypothetical zin Q768S9 341 20 34 235 15 160 2e-38 (Q768S9) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|BAD03962|BAD03962 341 20 34 235 15 160 2e-38 Alcohol dehydrogenase. pdb|pdb|1r37_A 347 18 34 232 17 160 2e-38 ADH_SULSO 347 18 34 232 17 160 2e-38 (P39462) NAD-dependent al Q72TQ9 337 19 33 189 20 160 2e-38 (Q72TQ9) Alcohol dehydrog Q8F1H7 337 19 33 189 20 160 2e-38 (Q8F1H7) Alcohol dehydrog Q7UAQ0 353 18 34 234 9 160 2e-38 (Q7UAQ0) Putative oxidore Q83IM8 339 18 34 234 9 160 2e-38 (Q83IM8) Hypothetical pro Q6ERW7 305 16 28 235 19 160 3e-38 (Q6ERW7) Putative cinnamy Q8FAC4 353 18 34 234 9 159 3e-38 (Q8FAC4) Hypothetical zin TDH_ECOLI 341 13 29 233 15 159 5e-38 (P07913) L-threonine 3-de Q8EMT8 344 15 31 232 24 159 6e-38 (Q8EMT8) Sorbitol dehydro Q8NKG3 240 21 35 220 16 159 6e-38 (Q8NKG3) Alcohol dehydrog Q974U2 333 18 35 234 11 159 6e-38 (Q974U2) 333aa long hypot ADH_SULSR 347 17 34 232 17 158 7e-38 (P50381) NAD-dependent al CADH_EUCBO 355 16 33 233 17 158 7e-38 (P50746) Cinnamyl alcohol pdb|pdb|1nto_A 347 18 34 232 17 158 8e-38 pdb|pdb|1nvg_A 347 18 34 232 17 158 8e-38 TDH_VIBPA 343 14 29 233 15 158 8e-38 (P59410) L-threonine 3-de Q8ZK20 339 18 33 234 9 158 1e-37 (Q8ZK20) Putative alcohol O25732 348 16 31 229 28 158 1e-37 (O25732) Cinnamyl-alcohol TDH_ECOL6 341 12 29 233 15 158 1e-37 (Q8FCA2) L-threonine 3-de Q7NXH5 341 12 30 233 15 158 1e-37 (Q7NXH5) L-threonine 3-de TDH_SHIFL 341 12 29 233 15 157 1e-37 (P59409) L-threonine 3-de CADH_MAIZE 367 19 30 234 16 157 1e-37 (O24562) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q72U55 348 17 30 230 19 157 2e-37 (Q72U55) Zinc binding deh Q8CXR9 348 17 30 230 19 157 2e-37 (Q8CXR9) Probable Zinc-bi TDH_SALTY 341 12 30 233 15 157 2e-37 (Q8ZL52) L-threonine 3-de MTD1_STYHU 354 16 30 235 15 156 3e-37 (Q43137) Probable mannito Q6D298 339 17 32 234 9 156 3e-37 (Q6D298) Putative zinc-bi Q6ERW5 362 19 31 235 16 156 3e-37 (Q6ERW5) Putative cinnamy Q6AAC4 351 16 28 234 23 156 3e-37 (Q6AAC4) Alcohol dehydrog Q70FT1 312 17 30 223 16 155 6e-37 (Q70FT1) Cinnamoyl alcoho Q7MY48 341 13 30 233 15 155 6e-37 (Q7MY48) Threonine 3-dehy TDH_SHEON 341 12 30 233 15 155 7e-37 (Q8E8J1) L-threonine 3-de Q6LRD9 327 13 28 233 15 155 8e-37 (Q6LRD9) Putative threoni Q6DAT5 361 13 28 233 15 155 8e-37 (Q6DAT5) L-threonine 3-de Q7MFL5 343 12 28 233 15 155 8e-37 (Q7MFL5) Threonine dehydr Q6N886 340 14 29 232 19 155 8e-37 (Q6N886) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE27459|CAE27459 340 14 29 232 19 155 8e-37 Alcohol dehydrogenase (EC TDH_VIBVU 343 12 28 233 15 155 8e-37 (Q8D442) L-threonine 3-de Q70FT0 312 17 30 223 16 154 9e-37 (Q70FT0) Cinnamoyl alcoho TDH_ECO57 341 12 29 233 15 154 1e-36 (Q8XEJ1) L-threonine 3-de TDH_VIBCH 343 12 27 233 15 154 1e-36 (Q9KL62) L-threonine 3-de MTD3_STYHU 363 16 27 236 15 154 2e-36 (Q43138) Probable mannito Q8ZVD9 322 20 32 230 10 154 2e-36 (Q8ZVD9) Alcohol dehydrog Q89RJ2 355 18 29 235 15 153 2e-36 (Q89RJ2) Blr2780 protein TDH_SALTI 341 12 29 233 15 153 3e-36 (Q8Z2F4) L-threonine 3-de TDH_DEIRA 348 13 27 233 16 152 4e-36 (Q9RTU4) L-threonine 3-de Q9ZJ85 365 17 29 229 32 152 5e-36 (Q9ZJ85) ZINC-DEPENDENT A pdb|pdb|1jvb_A 347 18 34 232 17 152 7e-36 Q73ZJ0 337 17 29 237 11 151 8e-36 (Q73ZJ0) AdhA_2 Q7S0R4 346 21 33 189 21 151 9e-36 (Q7S0R4) Hypothetical pro Q83F39 342 12 29 233 15 151 1e-35 (Q83F39) L-threonine 3-de ADH2_EMENI 367 18 29 232 29 151 1e-35 (P54202) Alcohol dehydrog O67374 343 15 29 235 18 150 1e-35 (O67374) Alcohol dehydrog Q8CK64 341 19 31 235 15 150 1e-35 (Q8CK64) Putative alcohol TDH_THETN 347 13 31 232 24 150 2e-35 (Q8R7K0) L-threonine 3-de Q75JD7 335 21 36 234 13 150 2e-35 (Q75JD7) Similar to Ralst DHSO_BACHD 343 16 29 232 24 150 2e-35 (Q9Z9U1) Sorbitol dehydro Q976Y8 344 18 35 231 18 149 3e-35 (Q976Y8) 344aa long hypot Q8S412 407 17 31 216 16 149 4e-35 (Q8S412) Cinnamyl alcohol Q82J02 321 28 43 190 10 149 4e-35 (Q82J02) Putative dehydro Q9ZKA9 350 15 30 229 30 149 4e-35 (Q9ZKA9) ZINC-DEPENDENT A Q84H90 358 18 27 235 16 149 5e-35 (Q84H90) 6-hydroxyhexanoa Q86AG4 335 21 36 234 13 149 5e-35 (Q86AG4) Similar to Ralst Q7CYW9 342 14 26 233 18 149 6e-35 (Q7CYW9) AGR_C_2931p Q8UF07 342 14 26 233 18 149 6e-35 (Q8UF07) NADPH:quinone re Q7SC51 368 19 34 232 21 149 6e-35 (Q7SC51) Hypothetical pro Q8KQL2 352 16 26 226 18 148 8e-35 (Q8KQL2) Arabitol-phospha Q72LG2 343 15 25 235 19 148 1e-34 (Q72LG2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9F3K3 321 27 43 189 10 147 2e-34 (Q9F3K3) Putative dehydro Q6RXW3 352 17 28 235 16 147 2e-34 (Q6RXW3) 6-hydroxyhexanoa Q7NDX1 339 22 36 235 13 146 3e-34 (Q7NDX1) Alcohol dehydrog Q6N5B3 352 17 34 234 14 146 3e-34 (Q6N5B3) Putative NAD-dep trembl|CAE28508|CAE28508 352 17 34 234 14 146 3e-34 Putative NAD-dependent al Q89P08 412 21 32 233 16 145 6e-34 (Q89P08) Blr3675 protein Q8GPX3 346 12 30 233 23 145 6e-34 (Q8GPX3) Putative alcohol Q6KZW6 334 14 32 233 10 144 1e-33 (Q6KZW6) Zinc-binding deh Q98JJ7 216 16 29 190 17 144 2e-33 (Q98JJ7) Alcohol dehydrog O94564 346 16 30 212 25 144 2e-33 (O94564) SPBC1773.06c pro Q97YT7 362 15 28 232 27 143 2e-33 (Q97YT7) Alcohol dehydrog TDH_XANCP 340 13 26 233 14 143 2e-33 (O34268) L-threonine 3-de Q84H78 352 16 28 233 20 143 2e-33 (Q84H78) 6-hydroxyhexanoa Q6FRQ0 360 17 30 235 21 143 2e-33 (Q6FRQ0) Similar to sp|Q0 Q6GCM6 351 17 29 234 20 143 3e-33 (Q6GCM6) Putative zinc-bi Q8NYI1 351 17 29 234 20 143 3e-33 (Q8NYI1) Sorbitol dehydro Q97VW0 336 15 32 230 14 142 4e-33 (Q97VW0) Alcohol dehydrog Q6MV91 337 20 30 218 32 142 7e-33 (Q6MV91) Probable alcohol Q99WX5 351 17 29 234 20 142 7e-33 (Q99WX5) Sorbitol dehydro Q7A7V6 351 17 29 234 20 142 7e-33 (Q7A7V6) Sorbitol dehydro TDH_XANAC 340 13 27 233 14 142 7e-33 (Q8PNN2) L-threonine 3-de TDH_PYRHO 348 17 30 227 28 141 1e-32 (O58389) Probable L-threo Q9S5E6 346 22 34 237 23 140 1e-32 (Q9S5E6) Orf1, orf2, orf3 Q88DR3 336 19 30 216 19 140 2e-32 (Q88DR3) Alcohol dehydrog Q7F9B4 410 14 25 236 56 140 2e-32 (Q7F9B4) OSJNBa0070C17.13 O35017 329 19 31 223 12 140 2e-32 (O35017) YogA protein TDH_PYRAB 348 18 30 227 28 140 2e-32 (Q9UYX0) Probable L-threo Q8G168 342 13 25 233 18 140 2e-32 (Q8G168) Alcohol dehydrog Q8YGP4 342 13 25 233 18 140 2e-32 (Q8YGP4) ALCOHOL DEHYDROG Q6GK66 351 16 29 234 20 140 2e-32 (Q6GK66) Putative zinc-bi Q6FII9 359 17 31 235 21 140 2e-32 (Q6FII9) Candida glabrata TDH_PYRFU 348 18 30 227 28 139 3e-32 (Q8U259) Probable L-threo Q8EL78 351 15 30 233 20 139 3e-32 (Q8EL78) Alcohol dehydrog Q704D3 363 19 31 232 45 139 4e-32 (Q704D3) Zn-dependent alc trembl|CAF18461|CAF18461 363 19 31 232 45 139 4e-32 ADH (EC Q9KXX0 378 21 31 233 19 139 4e-32 (Q9KXX0) Putative NADP-de Q92EF4 348 13 27 237 24 139 4e-32 (Q92EF4) Lin0506 protein Q98L84 346 11 28 222 23 139 5e-32 (Q98L84) Alcohol dehydrog Q723E4 348 13 27 237 24 139 5e-32 (Q723E4) Alcohol dehydrog Q7WN63 336 19 33 192 26 139 6e-32 (Q7WN63) Putative alcohol Q8Y414 343 15 28 224 22 139 7e-32 (Q8Y414) Lmo2663 protein Q9HWT1 352 19 32 233 17 138 8e-32 (Q9HWT1) Probable alcohol Q92P55 342 13 27 233 18 138 9e-32 (Q92P55) PUTATIVE DEHYDRO TDH_RHIME 344 11 25 233 15 138 9e-32 (Q52998) L-threonine 3-de Q97V32 331 17 31 229 18 138 1e-31 (Q97V32) Alcohol dehydrog Q71WA8 343 15 28 224 22 137 1e-31 (Q71WA8) Alcohol dehydrog Q9AXW8 221 18 29 192 16 137 1e-31 (Q9AXW8) Eli3 product (Fr Q8Y9M0 348 13 27 237 24 137 1e-31 (Q8Y9M0) Lmo0506 protein Q89MU1 352 16 32 234 14 137 2e-31 (Q89MU1) Bll4101 protein Q96XA9 330 17 29 227 18 137 2e-31 (Q96XA9) 330aa long hypot Q8KLT9 346 22 33 238 22 137 2e-31 (Q8KLT9) Secondary alcoho Q8P783 335 16 28 213 17 137 2e-31 (Q8P783) Alcohol dehydrog Q97WA1 338 17 31 227 18 136 3e-31 (Q97WA1) Alcohol dehydrog Q927H6 343 15 28 224 22 136 3e-31 (Q927H6) Lin2812 protein Q9AXW6 207 20 31 183 28 136 4e-31 (Q9AXW6) Eli3 product (Fr Q7VV41 336 19 33 192 26 136 4e-31 (Q7VV41) Putative alcohol O07459 339 17 28 237 15 136 4e-31 (O07459) Putative alcohol trembl|CAE26100|CAE26100 339 17 28 237 15 136 4e-31 Putative alcohol dehydrog Q98L50 342 13 25 233 18 135 6e-31 (Q98L50) Alcohol dehydrog Q6BTK7 356 18 29 234 19 135 6e-31 (Q6BTK7) Similar to sp|Q0 Q7WXA7 341 36 45 184 0 135 7e-31 (Q7WXA7) Probable alcohol Q975C8 334 14 29 233 14 135 7e-31 (Q975C8) 334aa long hypot Q8G586 330 26 37 189 10 135 8e-31 (Q8G586) NADPH:quinone ox Q9HP38 347 16 27 240 17 135 8e-31 (Q9HP38) Alcohol dehydrog TDH_RHILO 344 12 26 232 17 135 8e-31 (Q983J7) L-threonine 3-de Q8ZU64 353 17 34 233 20 135 9e-31 (Q8ZU64) Alcohol dehydrog Q6U634 337 18 30 213 17 135 9e-31 (Q6U634) Hypothetical pro trembl|AAR07687|AAR07687 337 18 30 213 17 135 9e-31 Hypothetical protein. Q88S92 352 17 29 226 18 134 1e-30 (Q88S92) L-iditol 2-dehyd Q81CT4 329 19 32 189 14 134 1e-30 (Q81CT4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9UXF1 333 14 28 233 13 134 1e-30 (Q9UXF1) Alcohol dehydrog Q98I43 340 18 32 189 18 134 1e-30 (Q98I43) Alcohol dehydrog Q8PIK1 335 14 30 213 17 134 2e-30 (Q8PIK1) Alcohol dehydrog Q8H809 391 17 27 234 51 134 2e-30 (Q8H809) Putative mannito Q9F1R1 340 17 34 231 13 134 2e-30 (Q9F1R1) NADP-dependent a pdb|pdb|1ps0_A 360 15 28 235 21 133 2e-30 pdb|pdb|1q1n_A 360 15 28 235 21 133 2e-30 pdb|pdb|1piw_A 360 15 28 235 21 133 2e-30 ADH6_YEAST 360 15 28 235 21 133 2e-30 (Q04894) NADP-dependent a Q8J0P3 379 16 31 231 23 133 2e-30 (Q8J0P3) Alcohol dehydrog Q701X1 341 18 33 235 20 133 2e-30 (Q701X1) Putative zinc de Q7S994 368 20 38 190 24 133 2e-30 (Q7S994) Hypothetical pro Q97ZV3 371 21 33 235 40 133 3e-30 (Q97ZV3) Alcohol dehydrog Q97UW5 310 16 32 227 15 133 3e-30 (Q97UW5) Alcohol dehydrog Q9AXW5 206 20 31 181 28 133 3e-30 (Q9AXW5) Eli3 product (Fr O74230 353 18 27 221 20 132 6e-30 (O74230) Xylitol dehydrog Q9AXW4 203 18 30 186 16 132 6e-30 (Q9AXW4) Eli3 product (Fr Q7NCG2 302 23 33 220 9 132 6e-30 (Q7NCG2) Gll3017 protein Q876R2 363 18 28 226 24 132 7e-30 (Q876R2) Xylitol dehydrog Q92MZ8 340 21 31 189 17 132 7e-30 (Q92MZ8) PUTATIVE OXIDORE Q6HI71 329 20 33 189 14 132 7e-30 (Q6HI71) Alcohol dehydrog Q81PZ2 329 20 33 189 14 132 7e-30 (Q81PZ2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9HIM3 328 18 33 227 12 132 7e-30 (Q9HIM3) Alcohol dehydrog Q8LDF7 427 16 29 233 45 132 7e-30 (Q8LDF7) Alcohol dehydrog Q8ERC9 327 20 35 189 14 132 7e-30 (Q8ERC9) Alcohol dehydrog Q93ZM6 427 16 29 233 45 131 8e-30 (Q93ZM6) AT5g63620/MBK5_9 Q737H1 329 19 33 189 14 131 8e-30 (Q737H1) Alcohol dehydrog O42703 336 16 28 235 9 131 9e-30 (O42703) SADH Q98F62 338 17 26 190 17 131 1e-29 (Q98F62) Alcohol dehydrog Q6G3M4 342 12 22 233 18 131 1e-29 (Q6G3M4) Alcohol dehydrog Q6BTG8 345 15 30 237 11 130 2e-29 (Q6BTG8) Similar to CA233 Q9FFQ2 383 16 29 233 45 130 2e-29 (Q9FFQ2) Alcohol dehydrog Q983S8 336 18 29 212 19 130 2e-29 (Q983S8) Alcohol dehydrog Q8KIL9 375 16 28 236 42 130 2e-29 (Q8KIL9) Probable alcohol Q6BV89 364 16 29 233 26 130 2e-29 (Q6BV89) Debaryomyces han Q8KSX4 325 21 36 193 26 130 2e-29 (Q8KSX4) Putative NADPH:q Q7U390 335 18 30 227 31 130 2e-29 (Q7U390) Probable Zinc-bi Q7U364 335 18 30 227 31 130 2e-29 (Q7U364) Probable Zinc-bi Q7U378 335 18 29 227 31 130 3e-29 (Q7U378) Probable Zinc-bi Q887F9 336 16 29 213 17 129 3e-29 (Q887F9) Oxidoreductase, Q8RL68 340 13 26 234 17 129 4e-29 (Q8RL68) MupE Q96YX2 361 19 31 235 40 129 4e-29 (Q96YX2) 361aa long hypot Q8S5B6 246 20 32 157 16 129 4e-29 (Q8S5B6) Cinnamyl alcohol Q9HTV6 325 20 30 191 26 128 6e-29 (Q9HTV6) Probable oxidore Q97C38 328 19 33 227 12 128 7e-29 (Q97C38) Alcohol dehydrog DHSO_BACSU 352 15 26 237 18 128 8e-29 (Q06004) Sorbitol dehydro Q6BVQ0 345 16 30 236 11 128 9e-29 (Q6BVQ0) Similar to CA233 Q6BV88 364 17 29 233 26 128 1e-28 (Q6BV88) Debaryomyces han Q7SFE0 383 19 27 225 26 128 1e-28 (Q7SFE0) Hypothetical pro Q7CXR6 357 13 29 233 23 127 1e-28 (Q7CXR6) AGR_C_3897p Q8UDH4 347 13 29 233 23 127 2e-28 (Q8UDH4) Alcohol dehydrog Q87UR5 325 21 32 192 26 127 2e-28 (Q87UR5) Oxidoreductase, O23981 152 18 37 147 6 127 2e-28 (O23981) Cinnamyl alcohol Q92RC3 346 12 28 205 20 126 3e-28 (Q92RC3) PUTATIVE OXIDORE Q7S6L2 364 16 29 235 23 126 3e-28 (Q7S6L2) Hypothetical pro Q59696 362 16 31 233 21 126 3e-28 (Q59696) 2,3-butanediol d Q6GCM4 347 17 31 233 24 126 4e-28 (Q6GCM4) Putative zinc-bi Q99WX3 347 17 31 233 24 126 4e-28 (Q99WX3) Sorbitol dehydro Q7A1W1 347 17 31 233 24 126 4e-28 (Q7A1W1) MW0226 protein Q7A7V4 347 17 31 233 24 126 4e-28 (Q7A7V4) SA0240 protein Q89C99 362 12 26 233 43 126 4e-28 (Q89C99) Alcohol dehydrog Q976W4 311 17 31 227 16 126 4e-28 (Q976W4) 311aa long hypot Q6L110 336 19 36 233 13 125 5e-28 (Q6L110) Zinc-binding deh Q6GK64 347 17 31 233 24 125 5e-28 (Q6GK64) Putative zinc-bi Q6G020 342 12 23 232 20 125 5e-28 (Q6G020) Alcohol dehydrog Q716W8 341 17 29 218 18 125 6e-28 (Q716W8) Putative zinc-co trembl|AAQ12031|AAQ12031 341 17 29 218 18 125 6e-28 Putative zinc-containing Q8S5C0 246 18 30 157 16 125 6e-28 (Q8S5C0) Cinnamyl alcohol Q6H2I9 341 17 29 216 18 125 7e-28 (Q6H2I9) Zinc-dependent d Q716X4 341 17 29 216 18 125 7e-28 (Q716X4) Putative zinc-co trembl|AAQ12025|AAQ12025 341 17 29 216 18 125 7e-28 Putative zinc-containing Q6L0S1 317 16 29 222 18 125 8e-28 (Q6L0S1) Zinc-binding alc Q8RUD2 246 19 31 157 16 125 1e-27 (Q8RUD2) Cinnamyl alcohol YCZ5_YEAST 361 17 32 234 22 124 1e-27 (P25377) Hypothetical zin Q6YBW1 348 19 31 238 23 124 1e-27 (Q6YBW1) (S)-specific alc trembl|AAN73270|AAN73270 348 19 31 238 23 124 1e-27 (S)-specific alcohol dehy Q8S5A9 246 19 31 157 16 124 1e-27 (Q8S5A9) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8S5B7 246 18 30 157 16 124 1e-27 (Q8S5B7) Cinnamyl alcohol Q9AXW3 204 21 32 183 29 124 2e-27 (Q9AXW3) Eli3 product (Fr Q8S5B8 245 19 31 156 16 123 2e-27 (Q8S5B8) Cinnamyl alcohol O30864 348 15 28 226 18 123 2e-27 (O30864) Benzyl alcohol d Q98JI4 336 19 33 189 19 123 2e-27 (Q98JI4) Probable alcohol Q8S598 244 19 31 156 16 123 2e-27 (Q8S598) Cinnamyl alcohol Q88QE2 362 16 30 233 21 123 2e-27 (Q88QE2) 2,3-butanediol d Q8S5B5 246 19 31 157 16 123 3e-27 (Q8S5B5) Cinnamyl alcohol Q6AAR3 345 14 29 232 18 123 3e-27 (Q6AAR3) Threonine 3-dehy Q51992 348 15 27 226 18 123 3e-27 (Q51992) TmbW O52641 348 15 28 226 18 123 3e-27 (O52641) Putative alcohol Q9AXW7 209 20 31 175 28 123 4e-27 (Q9AXW7) Eli3 product (Fr Q9CFD2 348 18 29 226 24 123 4e-27 (Q9CFD2) Dehydrogenase Q59715 348 15 28 226 18 122 4e-27 (Q59715) Benzyl alcohol d Q8S5B4 246 19 31 157 16 122 5e-27 (Q8S5B4) Cinnamyl alcohol Q6HFT1 332 19 33 188 33 122 6e-27 (Q6HFT1) Alcohol dehydrog Q7MZD2 327 15 28 192 30 122 7e-27 (Q7MZD2) Quinone oxidored Q8S5B0 246 19 30 157 16 122 8e-27 (Q8S5B0) Cinnamyl alcohol Q81HW3 350 10 29 235 20 122 8e-27 (Q81HW3) (R,R)-butanediol Q9HWM8 363 15 28 225 21 122 8e-27 (Q9HWM8) 2,3-butanediol d Q7C1P8 358 12 26 227 29 121 9e-27 (Q7C1P8) Putative oxidore Q83RH7 358 12 26 227 29 121 9e-27 (Q83RH7) Putative oxidore Q51972 348 15 28 226 18 121 1e-26 (Q51972) Hypothetical pro YDJL_ECOLI 358 12 26 227 29 121 1e-26 (P77539) Hypothetical zin Q7ADB8 358 12 26 227 29 121 1e-26 (Q7ADB8) Putative oxidore Q8FGW9 358 12 26 227 29 121 1e-26 (Q8FGW9) Hypothetical zin Q8XDU8 358 12 26 227 29 121 1e-26 (Q8XDU8) Putative oxidore Q7SAC7 375 21 32 191 39 121 1e-26 (Q7SAC7) Hypothetical pro Q6HNE0 350 10 29 235 20 121 1e-26 (Q6HNE0) Zinc-containing Q73DH0 350 10 29 235 20 121 1e-26 (Q73DH0) Alcohol dehydrog Q8S5A8 246 19 30 157 16 121 1e-26 (Q8S5A8) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8S5B9 246 19 31 157 16 121 1e-26 (Q8S5B9) Cinnamyl alcohol Q96Y27 339 16 30 233 24 121 1e-26 (Q96Y27) 339aa long hypot Q8S5A7 246 18 30 157 16 121 1e-26 (Q8S5A7) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8S5A4 246 18 30 157 16 120 2e-26 (Q8S5A4) Cinnamyl alcohol Q82CL0 347 15 29 235 23 120 2e-26 (Q82CL0) Putative oxidore Q98MN4 325 20 32 193 26 120 2e-26 (Q98MN4) Quinone oxidored Q81V29 350 10 29 235 20 120 2e-26 (Q81V29) Alcohol dehydrog Q7P1K0 324 18 34 193 26 120 2e-26 (Q7P1K0) Quinone oxidored Q8D070 379 16 26 234 47 120 2e-26 (Q8D070) Alcohol dehydrog Q6BXU0 364 13 29 234 27 120 2e-26 (Q6BXU0) Similar to sp|Q0 Q74VB9 379 16 26 234 47 120 2e-26 (Q74VB9) Probable alcohol Q8ZG18 377 16 26 234 47 120 2e-26 (Q8ZG18) Probable alcohol O85702 313 22 34 187 14 120 2e-26 (O85702) Putative oxidore Q7AKR2 313 22 34 187 14 120 2e-26 (Q7AKR2) Putative zinc-bi Q81YI1 332 18 33 188 33 120 2e-26 (Q81YI1) Alcohol dehydrog Q8EMU0 349 16 28 220 25 120 2e-26 (Q8EMU0) Sorbitol dehydro Q9YBP2 289 20 33 218 12 120 3e-26 (Q9YBP2) 289aa long hypot QOR_PSEAE 325 16 28 193 26 120 3e-26 (P43903) Quinone oxidored Q8S5B2 246 18 30 157 16 120 3e-26 (Q8S5B2) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8S590 245 18 30 156 16 120 3e-26 (Q8S590) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8S595 245 18 30 156 16 120 3e-26 (Q8S595) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8S597 245 18 30 156 16 120 3e-26 (Q8S597) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8S5B1 246 18 30 157 16 120 3e-26 (Q8S5B1) Cinnamyl alcohol Q7UR16 346 15 26 234 23 120 3e-26 (Q7UR16) Probable alcohol Q89LG1 324 17 28 193 26 119 4e-26 (Q89LG1) Quinone oxidored Q7CUJ4 312 17 27 235 43 119 4e-26 (Q7CUJ4) AGR_L_1150p Q8U810 312 17 27 235 43 119 4e-26 (Q8U810) Alcohol dehydrog Q93R65 349 10 28 231 20 119 4e-26 (Q93R65) Acetylacetoin re Q97VV5 348 18 34 232 22 119 4e-26 (Q97VV5) Alcohol dehydrog Q733Y6 332 17 33 188 33 118 7e-26 (Q733Y6) Alcohol dehydrog Q8S5B3 246 18 30 157 16 118 7e-26 (Q8S5B3) Cinnamyl alcohol Q72L62 343 14 24 234 18 118 7e-26 (Q72L62) Threonine 3-dehy Q8PIR9 356 15 29 233 23 118 8e-26 (Q8PIR9) Alcohol dehydrog Q8ZW83 330 17 29 231 14 118 8e-26 (Q8ZW83) Alcohol dehydrog Q6CMI8 366 15 30 232 25 118 9e-26 (Q6CMI8) Similar to sp|Q0 Q7BKE4 351 13 27 234 18 118 9e-26 (Q7BKE4) Predicted Zn-dep Q88B47 325 16 28 191 26 118 9e-26 (Q88B47) Quinone oxidored trembl|AAQ62392|AAQ62392 351 13 27 234 18 118 9e-26 Predicted Zn-dependent al Q6SG66 351 13 27 234 18 118 1e-25 (Q6SG66) Oxidoreductase, Q6UCX6 351 13 27 234 18 118 1e-25 (Q6UCX6) Predicted Zn-dep trembl|AAR05264|AAR05264 351 13 27 234 18 118 1e-25 Predicted Zn-dependent al trembl|AAR37996|AAR37996 351 13 27 234 18 118 1e-25 Oxidoreductase, zinc-bind ADH_MACMU 374 15 23 228 52 118 1e-25 (P28469) Alcohol dehydrog Q8FW89 324 18 33 193 26 118 1e-25 (Q8FW89) Quinone oxidored Q6N6E3 324 19 29 189 34 117 1e-25 (Q6N6E3) Quinone oxidored trembl|CAE28115|CAE28115 324 19 29 189 34 117 1e-25 Quinone oxidoreductase (E Q9A414 366 13 25 234 48 117 1e-25 (Q9A414) Alcohol dehydrog Q81AR0 329 18 34 188 33 117 1e-25 (Q81AR0) Quinone oxidored Q93QG4 352 16 26 236 16 117 1e-25 (Q93QG4) 6-hydroxyhexanoa Q886L9 370 15 28 233 49 117 1e-25 (Q886L9) Alcohol dehydrog Q88CH1 325 16 28 192 26 117 2e-25 (Q88CH1) Alcohol dehydrog Q88IL1 338 21 33 189 31 117 2e-25 (Q88IL1) Alcohol dehydrog Q9EWT0 362 15 24 234 38 117 2e-25 (Q9EWT0) Putative oxidore Q8PQW8 336 16 30 212 19 117 2e-25 (Q8PQW8) Alcohol dehydrog Q8ZUP0 331 19 31 236 8 117 2e-25 (Q8ZUP0) Alcohol dehydrog Q6ZC70 422 16 29 233 45 116 3e-25 (Q6ZC70) Putative alcohol Q7RZV3 361 15 28 235 23 116 4e-25 (Q7RZV3) Hypothetical pro Q9SDV4 216 18 32 180 18 116 4e-25 (Q9SDV4) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8S594 237 18 29 148 16 115 5e-25 (Q8S594) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8S593 237 18 29 148 16 115 5e-25 (Q8S593) Cinnamyl alcohol Q81B16 331 16 29 187 31 115 5e-25 (Q81B16) Quinone oxidored Q70K16 327 14 27 232 24 115 6e-25 (Q70K16) YjmD protein QOR_SALTY 327 16 29 189 36 115 6e-25 (P40783) Quinone oxidored Q8Z1T0 327 16 29 189 36 115 6e-25 (Q8Z1T0) Quinone oxidored Q7P029 379 17 28 233 49 115 7e-25 (Q7P029) Alcohol dehydrog Q9S7R0 142 14 29 137 6 115 8e-25 (Q9S7R0) Cinnamyl alcohol Q9SDU9 142 14 29 137 6 115 8e-25 (Q9SDU9) Cinnamyl alcohol Q9SDV0 142 14 29 137 6 115 8e-25 (Q9SDV0) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8S5A3 245 18 31 158 19 115 8e-25 (Q8S5A3) Cinnamyl alcohol Q88RQ7 325 17 29 189 34 115 9e-25 (Q88RQ7) Quinone oxidored Q88U51 314 18 30 182 22 115 9e-25 (Q88U51) Oxidoreductase ( Q8ES25 311 18 32 182 25 115 9e-25 (Q8ES25) Zinc-binding oxi Q6KAV2 368 17 29 224 23 114 1e-24 (Q6KAV2) Xylitol dehydrog YDJJ_ECOLI 347 15 28 228 19 114 1e-24 (P77280) Hypothetical zin Q9HY01 370 16 27 231 49 114 1e-24 (Q9HY01) Alcohol dehydrog Q82LF5 334 17 28 188 34 114 1e-24 (Q82LF5) Putative oxidore Q8D1F2 350 15 30 193 28 114 1e-24 (Q8D1F2) Quinone oxidored Q8ZJ12 327 15 30 193 28 114 1e-24 (Q8ZJ12) Quinone oxidored Q6HG35 331 16 31 187 31 114 1e-24 (Q6HG35) Quinone oxidored ADH2_STRCA 379 14 26 232 57 114 1e-24 (P80468) Alcohol dehydrog P93619 324 17 35 193 25 114 1e-24 (P93619) Probable NADP-de Q6D0Y5 328 14 28 192 30 114 2e-24 (Q6D0Y5) Quinone oxidored Q6LS35 376 16 28 233 49 113 2e-24 (Q6LS35) Putative alcohol Q72GL5 319 21 34 189 31 113 2e-24 (Q72GL5) Quinone oxidored Q8FGX2 347 15 28 228 19 113 2e-24 (Q8FGX2) Hypothetical zin Q9SDV1 211 18 31 177 18 113 2e-24 (Q9SDV1) Cinnamyl alcohol Q9SDV2 215 18 31 180 18 113 2e-24 (Q9SDV2) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8CX91 374 16 27 234 45 113 2e-24 (Q8CX91) Alcohol dehydrog pdb|pdb|1qor_A 326 16 30 189 36 113 2e-24 QOR_ECOLI 327 16 30 189 36 113 2e-24 (P28304) Quinone oxidored Q7N4J5 338 17 31 188 29 113 2e-24 (Q7N4J5) Similar to proba Q88TC0 373 19 35 192 22 113 2e-24 (Q88TC0) Aryl-alcohol deh TDH_BACSU 347 14 27 232 23 113 2e-24 (O31776) L-threonine 3-de Q7V0M2 343 17 32 192 21 113 3e-24 (Q7V0M2) Zinc-containing Q827H1 363 16 24 231 43 113 3e-24 (Q827H1) Putative zinc-co Q87K27 382 17 27 232 47 113 3e-24 (Q87K27) Putative alcohol Q9YCL2 332 15 26 217 16 113 4e-24 (Q9YCL2) 332aa long hypot Q7A930 327 16 30 189 36 113 4e-24 (Q7A930) Quinone oxidored Q8X5V4 327 16 30 189 36 113 4e-24 (Q8X5V4) Quinone oxidored pdb|pdb|1hdy_A 374 14 23 235 47 113 4e-24 pdb|pdb|1deh_A 374 14 23 235 47 113 4e-24 pdb|pdb|1hdx_A 374 14 23 235 47 113 4e-24 pdb|pdb|1hsz_A 374 14 23 235 47 113 4e-24 pdb|pdb|3hud_A 374 14 23 235 47 113 4e-24 ADHB_HUMAN 374 14 23 235 47 113 4e-24 (P00325) Alcohol dehydrog Q92PZ3 347 17 28 218 24 113 4e-24 (Q92PZ3) PUTATIVE ZINC-CO Q8XXD1 324 18 30 193 26 113 4e-24 (Q8XXD1) PROBABLE NADPH:Q pdb|pdb|1hso_A 374 14 23 228 52 113 4e-24 ADHA_HUMAN 374 14 23 228 52 113 4e-24 (P07327) Alcohol dehydrog Q81MY1 335 16 30 187 35 112 4e-24 (Q81MY1) Alcohol dehydrog Q7UBC4 327 16 30 189 36 112 4e-24 (Q7UBC4) Quinone oxidored Q83P85 363 16 30 189 36 112 4e-24 (Q83P85) Quinone oxidored Q6GNC3 332 16 29 190 33 112 4e-24 (Q6GNC3) MGC82892 protein pdb|pdb|1hdz_A 374 14 23 235 47 112 4e-24 Q7MN76 376 15 27 231 48 112 4e-24 (Q7MN76) Zn-dependent alc Q9A4J4 346 14 24 236 21 112 5e-24 (Q9A4J4) Alcohol dehydrog Q88MF5 371 17 29 233 49 112 5e-24 (Q88MF5) D-isomer specifi Q8ELG9 342 15 29 178 16 112 5e-24 (Q8ELG9) Sorbitol dehydro ADH_PAPHA 374 14 23 235 47 112 7e-24 (P14139) Alcohol dehydrog Q8FB28 327 16 30 189 36 112 7e-24 (Q8FB28) Quinone oxidored Q8DF77 376 15 27 231 48 112 7e-24 (Q8DF77) Zn-dependent alc pdb|pdb|1htb_A 374 14 23 228 46 112 8e-24 Q9KGB7 354 17 29 234 23 112 8e-24 (Q9KGB7) Sorbitol dehydro Q9SDV3 211 18 31 177 18 112 9e-24 (Q9SDV3) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8PCI4 325 18 31 190 26 111 9e-24 (Q8PCI4) Quinone reductas Q9AXW9 209 19 29 165 16 111 1e-23 (Q9AXW9) Eli3 product (Fr pdb|pdb|1ht0_A 374 14 24 232 53 111 1e-23 Q6NZA7 375 14 24 232 53 111 1e-23 (Q6NZA7) Class I alcohol trembl|AAH62476|AAH62476 375 14 24 232 53 111 1e-23 Class I alcohol dehydroge Q9MBD7 367 13 22 226 27 111 1e-23 (Q9MBD7) NAD-dependent so Q8FWP5 375 17 27 234 44 111 1e-23 (Q8FWP5) Alcohol dehydrog Q97TZ4 345 15 29 232 26 111 1e-23 (Q97TZ4) Sorbitol dehydro Q8KST7 346 14 26 219 21 111 1e-23 (Q8KST7) Hypothetical pro Q8YBN2 375 17 27 234 44 111 1e-23 (Q8YBN2) ALCOHOL DEHYDROG Q8E800 376 18 28 234 47 111 1e-23 (Q8E800) Zinc-binding deh Q6LBW4 322 14 24 232 53 111 1e-23 (Q6LBW4) Liver alchol deh trembl|CAA27876|CAA27876 322 14 24 232 53 111 1e-23 HUMAN MRNA FOR LIVER ALCH Q7ADC0 347 14 27 228 19 110 2e-23 (Q7ADC0) Putative oxidore Q8XDV0 347 14 27 228 19 110 2e-23 (Q8XDV0) Putative oxidore ADHG_HUMAN 374 14 24 232 53 110 2e-23 (P00326) Alcohol dehydrog Q7QAQ5 383 15 26 227 20 110 2e-23 (Q7QAQ5) AgCP7736 (Fragme Q88WH3 347 17 28 232 25 110 2e-23 (Q88WH3) Alcohol dehydrog Q987B3 356 21 32 215 17 110 2e-23 (Q987B3) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|BAC06856|BAC06856 375 14 24 232 53 110 2e-23 Alcohol dehydrogenase 3. Q9Z658 331 15 29 191 29 110 2e-23 (Q9Z658) Hypothetical pro ADH3_COTJA 375 14 22 235 48 110 2e-23 (P19631) Alcohol dehydrog Q6D3N0 373 14 24 234 47 110 2e-23 (Q6D3N0) Alcohol dehydrog Q6LIC9 351 16 27 216 14 110 2e-23 (Q6LIC9) Hypothetical oxi Q86ZV0 355 16 28 228 21 110 2e-23 (Q86ZV0) Xylitol dehydrog ADHB_UROHA 375 13 22 236 46 110 2e-23 (P25406) Alcohol dehydrog Q98I31 326 23 36 193 23 110 2e-23 (Q98I31) Probable quinone Q825K4 315 20 33 188 14 110 3e-23 (Q825K4) Putative oxidore Q9NJD0 377 14 27 233 49 110 3e-23 (Q9NJD0) Alcohol dehydrog Q92PR0 325 17 29 193 26 110 3e-23 (Q92PR0) PROBABLE QUINONE Q93X81 368 13 23 226 27 110 3e-23 (Q93X81) Sorbitol dehydro Q7ND11 369 15 27 233 48 110 3e-23 (Q7ND11) Glutathione depe Q8P5F2 369 15 26 231 49 110 3e-23 (Q8P5F2) Alcohol dehydrog Q92WD4 359 18 30 215 17 110 3e-23 (Q92WD4) Putative oxidore Q8PP94 325 18 30 190 26 110 3e-23 (Q8PP94) Quinone reductas Q70HZ4 330 19 33 190 19 110 3e-23 (Q70HZ4) Putative oxidore Q839Q1 339 19 30 188 33 110 3e-23 (Q839Q1) Oxidoreductase, trembl|CAE45675|CAE45675 330 19 33 190 19 110 3e-23 Putative oxidoreductase. Q8EFC7 379 17 27 233 49 110 3e-23 (Q8EFC7) Alcohol dehydrog Q8GMS5 369 17 28 234 49 109 3e-23 (Q8GMS5) Putative alcohol Q736Y0 308 18 26 179 26 109 4e-23 (Q736Y0) Oxidoreductase, DHSO_YEAST 357 14 26 214 24 109 4e-23 (P35497) Sorbitol dehydro Q96YB5 332 16 30 224 18 109 4e-23 (Q96YB5) 332aa long hypot Q6D5Y4 331 18 34 189 31 109 4e-23 (Q6D5Y4) Probable zinc-bi ADH1_CHICK 375 14 23 235 48 109 5e-23 (P23991) Alcohol dehydrog Q6LU28 376 17 27 231 49 109 5e-23 (Q6LU28) Putative alcohol Q74JI7 346 15 28 224 31 109 5e-23 (Q74JI7) Hypothetical pro Q8S596 240 18 28 151 16 109 5e-23 (Q8S596) Cinnamyl alcohol ADHA_UROHA 375 12 22 235 48 109 6e-23 (P25405) Alcohol dehydrog Q7QAQ6 369 12 25 227 20 108 6e-23 (Q7QAQ6) AgCP7735 (Fragme Q92M08 391 19 27 232 51 108 6e-23 (Q92M08) PUTATIVE ZINC-TY DHSP_YEAST 357 14 27 214 24 108 6e-23 (Q07786) Sorbitol dehydro Q9I4J8 328 19 32 193 26 108 6e-23 (Q9I4J8) Probable oxidore Q9KEB8 322 20 34 190 25 108 7e-23 (Q9KEB8) Quinone oxidored Q72IG9 318 18 30 185 25 108 7e-23 (Q72IG9) Putative odidore FADH_AMYME 360 16 26 233 37 108 7e-23 (P80094) NAD/mycothiol-de Q8S5A0 227 19 28 144 16 108 7e-23 (Q8S5A0) Cinnamyl alcohol Q6NK60 315 18 32 191 22 108 9e-23 (Q6NK60) Putative quinone Q8ELI9 326 12 23 236 9 108 9e-23 (Q8ELI9) Sorbitol dehydro trembl|CAE48681|CAE48681 315 18 32 191 22 108 9e-23 Putative quinone oxidored O97959 375 14 23 228 46 108 9e-23 (O97959) Alcohol dehydrog Q9RDU5 372 15 27 231 48 108 9e-23 (Q9RDU5) Putative formald Q8DMW0 337 20 32 191 35 108 1e-22 (Q8DMW0) Tlr0001 protein Q7UR69 386 14 25 234 33 108 1e-22 (Q7UR69) Alcohol dehydrog Q8EMM7 338 13 25 222 15 108 1e-22 (Q8EMM7) Dehydrogenase Q8S5A6 227 18 28 144 16 108 1e-22 (Q8S5A6) Cinnamyl alcohol Q735A4 340 17 32 189 18 108 1e-22 (Q735A4) Sorbitol dehydro Q82B34 358 17 28 228 34 108 1e-22 (Q82B34) Putative zinc-bi Q6C648 357 13 24 226 25 108 1e-22 (Q6C648) Similar to tr|O7 Q8PPF2 369 14 26 231 49 108 1e-22 (Q8PPF2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9BJ34 377 14 27 233 49 108 1e-22 (Q9BJ34) Alcohol dehydrog Q6R5I9 379 13 26 231 55 108 1e-22 (Q6R5I9) Class III alcoho Q6EM42 368 14 22 226 27 108 1e-22 (Q6EM42) NAD-dependent so Q741B2 331 19 28 189 36 108 1e-22 (Q741B2) Qor Q8Y1T4 368 14 26 235 47 107 1e-22 (Q8Y1T4) PROBABLE BIFUNCT Q6EM45 368 14 22 226 27 107 1e-22 (Q6EM45) NAD-dependent so Q7US13 396 13 27 228 14 107 1e-22 (Q7US13) Probable zinc-ty Q885H1 333 20 35 189 31 107 1e-22 (Q885H1) Oxidoreductase, Q9BJ33 377 14 27 233 49 107 2e-22 (Q9BJ33) Alcohol dehydrog ADH1_ALLMI 374 13 23 236 45 107 2e-22 (P80222) Alcohol dehydrog Q75W59 170 16 36 137 6 107 2e-22 (Q75W59) Cinnamyl alcohol Q9RIY6 356 16 24 235 23 107 2e-22 (Q9RIY6) Putative zinc-co Q8XTN7 368 13 26 235 47 107 2e-22 (Q8XTN7) PROBABLE BIFUNCT P96202 2188 17 31 191 26 107 2e-22 (P96202) PHENOLPTHIOCEROL Q7TXL8 2188 17 31 191 26 107 2e-22 (Q7TXL8) PHENOLPTHIOCEROL Q7D6F1 2188 17 31 191 26 107 2e-22 (Q7D6F1) Polyketide synth Q6EM44 322 14 23 221 27 107 2e-22 (Q6EM44) NAD-dependent so ADHA_PERMA 374 15 25 235 47 107 2e-22 (P41680) Alcohol dehydrog Q8G5C4 347 15 27 228 23 107 2e-22 (Q8G5C4) Possible alcohol Q7VT06 368 14 26 235 47 107 2e-22 (Q7VT06) Alcohol dehydrog Q7W300 368 14 26 235 47 107 2e-22 (Q7W300) Alcohol dehydrog Q7WE00 368 14 26 235 47 107 2e-22 (Q7WE00) Alcohol dehydrog O35045 339 12 25 219 21 107 2e-22 (O35045) Zinc-containing Q8YEQ9 370 14 27 235 49 107 2e-22 (Q8YEQ9) Glutathione-depe Q745P9 323 18 30 192 28 107 2e-22 (Q745P9) Hypothetical pro Q8FU41 318 19 32 191 22 107 2e-22 (Q8FU41) Putative quinone FAH1_SCHPO 378 15 27 228 45 107 2e-22 (P78870) Probable glutath Q9A212 321 18 31 189 33 107 2e-22 (Q9A212) Quinone oxidored Q97NZ4 345 16 27 234 24 107 2e-22 (Q97NZ4) Alcohol dehydrog Q49933 2201 16 31 191 26 107 2e-22 (Q49933) Polyketide synth Q8L5I0 368 14 22 226 27 107 2e-22 (Q8L5I0) Sorbitol dehydro Q8Y413 350 13 25 234 27 107 3e-22 (Q8Y413) Lmo2664 protein pdb|pdb|1vj0_A 366 14 26 238 34 107 3e-22 pdb|pdb|1vj0_B 364 14 26 238 34 107 3e-22 pdb|pdb|1vj0_D 365 14 26 238 34 107 3e-22 Q9WYR7 368 14 26 238 34 107 3e-22 (Q9WYR7) Alcohol dehydrog Q8W2C7 367 13 22 226 27 107 3e-22 (Q8W2C7) Sorbitol dehydro Q9RVG8 388 17 31 193 25 107 3e-22 (Q9RVG8) NADPH quinone ox Q82MN2 342 14 25 231 19 106 3e-22 (Q82MN2) Putative threoni Q8YSY1 335 14 24 217 45 106 3e-22 (Q8YSY1) Alr2948 protein Q6NXA6 376 16 26 234 47 106 3e-22 (Q6NXA6) Alcohol dehydrog Q07993 356 16 28 215 20 106 3e-22 (Q07993) S.cerevisiae chr Q90XD4 376 16 26 234 47 106 3e-22 (Q90XD4) Alcohol dehydrog ADHA_RAT 375 16 25 235 48 106 3e-22 (P06757) Alcohol dehydrog Q6EE34 376 14 28 234 47 106 3e-22 (Q6EE34) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAH62403|AAH62403 376 16 25 235 48 106 4e-22 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1. Q6N8E8 369 13 26 235 48 106 4e-22 (Q6N8E8) Glutathione depe trembl|CAE27396|CAE27396 369 13 26 235 48 106 4e-22 Glutathione dependent for ADH4_HUMAN 391 13 22 229 62 106 4e-22 (P08319) Alcohol dehydrog Q6NWV0 375 14 24 232 53 106 4e-22 (Q6NWV0) Class I alcohol Q71WA7 350 13 25 234 27 106 4e-22 (Q71WA7) Alcohol dehydrog Q829Q5 329 19 31 233 15 106 4e-22 (Q829Q5) Putative zinc-bi Q8D0P7 348 17 30 193 26 106 4e-22 (Q8D0P7) Putative oxidore pdb|pdb|1e3j_A 348 14 26 225 24 106 4e-22 Q8FYW9 326 15 28 191 27 106 4e-22 (Q8FYW9) Alcohol dehydrog Q8ZPG7 341 13 26 224 17 106 5e-22 (Q8ZPG7) Putative zinc-bi YPHC_ECOLI 353 14 27 232 21 106 5e-22 (P77360) Hypothetical zin O96496 352 14 26 225 24 105 5e-22 (O96496) NADP(H)-dependen Q7D0L3 348 17 28 189 30 105 5e-22 (Q7D0L3) AGR_C_1508p O65423 325 17 29 190 29 105 5e-22 (O65423) Putative NADPH q Q8TCD7 380 13 23 231 59 105 5e-22 (Q8TCD7) Hypothetical pro Q8W2C8 368 14 22 226 27 105 5e-22 (Q8W2C8) Sorbitol dehydro Q8ZFP1 336 17 30 193 26 105 5e-22 (Q8ZFP1) Probable Zinc-bi Q927H5 350 13 25 234 27 105 5e-22 (Q927H5) Lin2813 protein DHSO_SCHPO 360 13 25 230 25 105 5e-22 (P36624) Putative sorbito ADHX_SPAAU 376 14 27 232 53 105 6e-22 (P79896) Alcohol dehydrog Q8YIY7 336 14 28 191 27 105 7e-22 (Q8YIY7) QUINONE OXIDORED Q8Z715 341 13 26 224 17 105 7e-22 (Q8Z715) Putative alcohol Q8DWE2 372 15 25 231 49 105 7e-22 (Q8DWE2) Putative alcohol Q6EE36 345 14 26 221 48 105 8e-22 (Q6EE36) Alcohol dehydrog Q6K840 328 16 27 191 31 105 8e-22 (Q6K840) Putative quinone Q7RZ31 336 20 31 191 31 105 8e-22 (Q7RZ31) Hypothetical pro trembl|CAF06004|CAF06004 336 20 31 191 31 105 8e-22 Related to NADPH2 quinone Q81MY4 317 19 32 187 18 105 8e-22 (Q81MY4) Alcohol dehydrog ADH3_HAEIN 378 14 28 231 49 105 8e-22 (P44557) Putative alcohol Q8FDK6 338 14 32 202 15 105 8e-22 (Q8FDK6) Hypothetical zin Q8FBF8 336 18 27 227 6 105 9e-22 (Q8FBF8) Putative dehydro Q89GY0 369 13 26 235 48 105 1e-21 (Q89GY0) Alcohol dehydrog Q8E1C9 345 16 26 234 24 105 1e-21 (Q8E1C9) Alcohol dehydrog Q840S8 370 19 29 236 45 105 1e-21 (Q840S8) Nicotinoprotein Q7D8F4 335 20 29 189 36 104 1e-21 (Q7D8F4) Quinone oxidored ADHX_UROHA 373 14 25 234 47 104 1e-21 (P80467) Alcohol dehydrog Q89I97 325 17 30 190 28 104 1e-21 (Q89I97) Blr5742 protein Q6EM38 319 14 22 219 27 104 1e-21 (Q6EM38) NAD-dependent so P72043 328 16 31 192 30 104 1e-21 (P72043) PROBABLE OXIDORE Q8GSC0 237 20 32 126 11 104 1e-21 (Q8GSC0) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q9Z9T9 306 18 31 193 15 104 1e-21 (Q9Z9T9) Sorbitol dehydro O53146 328 20 29 189 36 104 1e-21 (O53146) PROBABLE QUINONE Q7U018 328 20 29 189 36 104 1e-21 (Q7U018) PROBABLE QUINONE Q8H698 237 20 32 126 11 104 1e-21 (Q8H698) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q8GRS7 237 20 32 126 11 104 1e-21 (Q8GRS7) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q6MXU0 372 16 27 231 49 104 1e-21 (Q6MXU0) Alcohol dehydrog Q9RKG0 344 19 29 225 17 104 1e-21 (Q9RKG0) Putative dehydro trembl|CAE51632|CAE51632 372 16 27 231 49 104 1e-21 Alcohol dehydrogenase cla Q8DNK5 345 16 27 234 24 104 1e-21 (Q8DNK5) Alcohol dehydrog Q9NKQ5 332 18 33 190 29 104 1e-21 (Q9NKQ5) Quinone oxidored Q8UH60 327 17 28 189 30 104 1e-21 (Q8UH60) Quinone oxidored Q8L389 371 15 25 233 50 104 1e-21 (Q8L389) Putative aldehyd Q6EM40 321 13 23 219 27 104 2e-21 (Q6EM40) NAD-dependent so Q9BWB8 332 15 30 190 33 104 2e-21 (Q9BWB8) Tumor protein p5 Q8TSM3 309 20 35 179 27 104 2e-21 (Q8TSM3) NADPH:quinone re Q98TD4 329 20 34 190 26 104 2e-21 (Q98TD4) Zeta-crystallin Q7S3S7 347 18 26 190 25 104 2e-21 (Q7S3S7) Hypothetical pro Q8S592 221 20 30 126 11 104 2e-21 (Q8S592) Cinnamyl alcohol Q89UB4 332 18 30 191 27 104 2e-21 (Q89UB4) Quinone oxidored Q7NWE7 332 17 27 190 27 103 2e-21 (Q7NWE7) Probable quinone trembl|AAL90256|AAL90256 379 15 25 233 50 103 2e-21 GM08044p. trembl|AAL90353|AAL90353 379 15 25 233 50 103 2e-21 RE29421p. ADHX_DROME 378 15 25 233 50 103 2e-21 (P46415) Alcohol dehydrog Q7TX61 323 18 33 192 23 103 2e-21 (Q7TX61) PROBABLE NADPH Q P95185 323 18 33 192 23 103 2e-21 (P95185) PROBABLE NADPH Q Q7D618 323 18 33 192 23 103 2e-21 (Q7D618) Quinone oxidored Q6EM43 321 14 23 219 27 103 2e-21 (Q6EM43) NAD-dependent so Q6MPF7 369 15 29 233 49 103 2e-21 (Q6MPF7) Alcohol dehydrog Q7ABL2 262 14 27 232 21 103 2e-21 (Q7ABL2) Hypothetical pro Q8DSD3 349 18 32 233 28 103 2e-21 (Q8DSD3) Putative alcohol ADH1_APTAU 374 13 22 232 53 103 2e-21 (P49645) Alcohol dehydrog Y053_HAEIN 342 12 24 214 19 103 2e-21 (Q57517) Hypothetical zin Q9X9X1 329 20 31 233 15 103 2e-21 (Q9X9X1) Putative zinc-bi Q6P7G1 376 15 25 236 46 103 2e-21 (Q6P7G1) MGC68507 protein trembl|AAH61682|AAH61682 376 15 25 236 46 103 2e-21 Hypothetical protein. ADH1_STRCA 374 13 23 235 47 103 3e-21 (P80338) Alcohol dehydrog Q70IX7 339 16 29 220 18 103 3e-21 (Q70IX7) Putative dehydro Q7UBY5 364 14 27 232 21 103 3e-21 (Q7UBY5) Putative oxidore Q6A5Q9 333 17 32 192 25 103 3e-21 (Q6A5Q9) Zn-binding dehyd Q8XA66 277 14 27 232 21 103 3e-21 (Q8XA66) Putative oxidore ADHX_RABIT 373 13 25 233 48 103 3e-21 (O19053) Alcohol dehydrog Q83QJ7 364 14 27 232 21 103 3e-21 (Q83QJ7) Putative oxidore Q8GRZ6 237 20 32 126 11 103 3e-21 (Q8GRZ6) Cinnamyl-alcohol Q9NJC3 377 13 26 233 48 103 3e-21 (Q9NJC3) Alcohol dehydrog Q7WFG9 334 18 30 193 34 103 3e-21 (Q7WFG9) Putative zinc-bi Q8FT78 328 18 30 191 25 103 3e-21 (Q8FT78) Putative quinone FADH_YEAST 386 15 27 231 53 103 3e-21 (P32771) Glutathione-depe Q8ZPA8 372 13 27 230 51 102 4e-21 (Q8ZPA8) Alcohol dehydrog Q81RD6 328 16 33 193 25 102 4e-21 (Q81RD6) Quinone oxidored Q6NZZ1 378 14 24 230 54 102 4e-21 (Q6NZZ1) Hypothetical pro Q8K571 376 16 24 235 48 102 5e-21 (Q8K571) ADH-like protein Q6EEC6 346 16 27 222 46 102 5e-21 (Q6EEC6) Alcohol dehydrog Q73YE8 361 13 24 235 35 102 5e-21 (Q73YE8) AdhE2 Q81B19 317 18 32 187 18 102 5e-21 (Q81B19) Quinone oxidored Q9FKG8 324 16 32 193 25 102 5e-21 (Q9FKG8) Quinone oxidored ADH1_NAJNA 375 12 23 235 48 102 5e-21 (P80512) Alcohol dehydrog Q8FKG1 369 13 26 231 49 102 5e-21 (Q8FKG1) Alcohol dehydrog Q6EE33 371 14 24 227 47 102 6e-21 (Q6EE33) Alcohol dehydrog Q6DKD6 378 13 22 228 46 102 6e-21 (Q6DKD6) MGC83376 protein Q74T72 395 15 26 231 28 102 6e-21 (Q74T72) Putative zinc-bi Q840T0 369 17 28 236 45 102 7e-21 (Q840T0) Nicotinoprotein ADHX_CAEEL 384 14 26 234 51 102 7e-21 (Q17335) Alcohol dehydrog ADHL_GADMO 375 15 27 233 49 102 8e-21 (P81601) Alcohol dehydrog ADH2_PERMA 375 14 22 236 46 102 8e-21 (P41681) Alcohol dehydrog Q6BC30 364 13 25 221 31 102 8e-21 (Q6BC30) Dihydroxyacetone Q82VZ2 368 13 25 235 45 102 8e-21 (Q82VZ2) Alcohol dehydrog Q8Y9B9 313 20 33 181 28 102 9e-21 (Q8Y9B9) Lmo0613 protein Q83CT0 315 20 34 182 16 102 9e-21 (Q83CT0) Alcohol dehydrog Q6W1Z5 370 13 26 235 47 101 9e-21 (Q6W1Z5) Glutathione-depe trembl|AAQ87223|AAQ87223 370 13 26 235 47 101 9e-21 Glutathione-dependent for Q7AH45 369 13 25 231 49 101 9e-21 (Q7AH45) Alcohol dehydrog Q8X5J4 369 13 25 231 49 101 9e-21 (Q8X5J4) Alcohol dehydrog ADHQ_RABIT 378 15 27 231 58 101 1e-20 (O46650) Alcohol dehydrog Q8L2E3 369 13 26 231 49 101 1e-20 (Q8L2E3) Alcohol dehydrog TDH_STRCO 342 14 25 202 15 101 1e-20 (Q9L233) L-threonine 3-de Q7VEM6 361 15 24 235 35 101 1e-20 (Q7VEM6) Probable zinc-de O53533 361 15 24 235 35 101 1e-20 (O53533) Probable zinc-de Q7D7D0 361 15 24 235 35 101 1e-20 (Q7D7D0) Zinc-binding deh Q7VT48 334 17 30 193 34 101 1e-20 (Q7VT48) Putative zinc-bi Q82GR4 349 15 31 234 29 101 1e-20 (Q82GR4) Putative alcohol Q75CZ3 353 15 26 213 19 101 1e-20 (Q75CZ3) ABR229Cp Q6N8G3 322 17 29 192 28 101 1e-20 (Q6N8G3) Putative quinone trembl|CAE27381|CAE27381 322 17 29 192 28 101 1e-20 Putative quinone oxidored Q7CU14 343 12 25 218 22 101 1e-20 (Q7CU14) AGR_L_1538p Q8U8K4 343 12 25 218 22 101 1e-20 (Q8U8K4) Zinc-binding deh ADHP_RABIT 378 14 25 231 58 101 1e-20 (O46649) Alcohol dehydrog ADHB_MYCBO 375 16 24 235 46 101 1e-20 (Q7U1B9) Alcohol dehydrog ADHB_MYCTU 375 16 24 235 46 101 1e-20 (P71818) Alcohol dehydrog Q9MAW7 371 11 25 223 30 101 1e-20 (Q9MAW7) NAD-dependent so Q7W7R9 329 16 26 192 26 101 1e-20 (Q7W7R9) Quinone oxidored Q7WL56 329 16 26 192 26 101 1e-20 (Q7WL56) Quinone oxidored Q59399 369 13 23 232 47 101 1e-20 (Q59399) Formaldehyde deh Q7CVQ9 397 14 32 181 18 101 1e-20 (Q7CVQ9) AGR_L_281p Q8Y041 324 17 27 192 26 101 1e-20 (Q8Y041) PROBABLE OXIDORE Q6AZL8 378 18 30 183 25 101 1e-20 (Q6AZL8) Hypothetical pro Q6IU48 173 19 36 127 5 101 1e-20 (Q6IU48) AdhP (Fragment) Q6HJK3 328 16 33 193 25 101 1e-20 (Q6HJK3) Quinone oxidored Q8YTB3 369 15 27 234 46 101 1e-20 (Q8YTB3) Glutathione depe Q9CBN2 361 14 24 234 37 101 1e-20 (Q9CBN2) Putative alcohol Q948G0 338 15 26 190 43 101 1e-20 (Q948G0) Putative quinone Q722T7 313 20 33 181 28 101 2e-20 (Q722T7) Alcohol dehydrog Q98FI0 326 16 28 191 27 100 2e-20 (Q98FI0) NADPH quinone ox Q7SY34 377 14 24 231 52 100 2e-20 (Q7SY34) Hypothetical pro Q9SEQ4 379 12 23 224 51 100 2e-20 (Q9SEQ4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SER9 379 12 24 225 49 100 2e-20 (Q9SER9) Alcohol dehydrog Q89QI6 322 16 30 192 26 100 2e-20 (Q89QI6) Bll3142 protein Q7Q8X4 413 14 24 233 48 100 2e-20 (Q7Q8X4) AgCP11760 (Fragm ADH3_ECOLI 369 13 25 231 49 100 2e-20 (P25437) Alcohol dehydrog ADH3_SYNY3 369 13 28 231 49 100 2e-20 (P73138) Probable alcohol Q8U6R7 357 14 32 181 18 100 2e-20 (Q8U6R7) Zinc-binding deh Q6B208 382 12 25 232 26 100 2e-20 (Q6B208) YAL060W Q8ZVZ5 358 18 33 185 21 100 2e-20 (Q8ZVZ5) Alcohol dehydrog ADH1_PEA 380 12 22 224 51 100 2e-20 (P12886) Alcohol dehydrog Q8NQ67 325 18 29 191 25 100 2e-20 (Q8NQ67) NADPH:quinone re Q6ZBH2 369 15 26 227 27 100 2e-20 (Q6ZBH2) Putative sorbito Q7VWH1 329 16 27 192 26 100 2e-20 (Q7VWH1) Quinone oxidored Q6M521 328 18 29 191 25 100 2e-20 (Q6M521) PROBABLE NADPH:Q Q727V0 325 18 29 191 26 100 2e-20 (Q727V0) Quinone oxidored Q7MZF7 369 14 26 231 49 100 2e-20 (Q7MZF7) Alcohol dehydrog Q43026 375 13 22 225 49 100 3e-20 (Q43026) Alcohol dehydrog Q834I1 313 16 27 182 26 100 3e-20 (Q834I1) Oxidoreductase, Q9S4L6 369 13 27 231 49 100 3e-20 (Q9S4L6) Glutathione-depe Q9K5Y6 348 11 26 222 20 100 3e-20 (Q9K5Y6) L-iditol 2-dehyd Q7D323 359 18 31 190 31 100 3e-20 (Q7D323) AGR_pAT_656p Q8UJM9 334 18 31 190 31 100 3e-20 (Q8UJM9) Zinc-binding oxi Q930C9 343 12 25 218 22 100 3e-20 (Q930C9) IdnD L-idonate 5 Q734B1 321 16 32 193 23 100 3e-20 (Q734B1) Quinone oxidored Q6LL43 326 15 26 225 38 100 3e-20 (Q6LL43) Putative adh_zin Q92E39 313 19 33 181 28 100 3e-20 (Q92E39) Lin0622 protein Q98CF7 289 19 29 218 24 100 3e-20 (Q98CF7) 2,3-butanediol d ADHX_MYXGL 376 15 25 233 49 100 3e-20 (P80360) Alcohol dehydrog Q94F67 309 20 33 177 28 99 4e-20 (Q94F67) Quinone oxidored Q43021 375 13 22 225 49 99 4e-20 (Q43021) Alcohol dehydrog O24687 369 16 26 234 46 99 4e-20 (O24687) Glutathione depe Q73V26 323 19 31 191 25 99 4e-20 (Q73V26) FadB4 Q9SEQ1 379 13 23 224 51 99 4e-20 (Q9SEQ1) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SEQ3 379 13 23 224 51 99 4e-20 (Q9SEQ3) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SER2 379 13 23 224 51 99 4e-20 (Q9SER2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9ADD8 318 20 33 187 18 99 4e-20 (Q9ADD8) Putative oxidore Q965R0 554 14 25 228 50 99 4e-20 (Q965R0) Hypothetical pro ADHX_HORSE 373 13 24 233 48 99 4e-20 (P19854) Alcohol dehydrog O97479 360 16 27 228 20 99 4e-20 (O97479) CG1982-PA (Sorbi Q6FLS2 381 16 26 224 52 99 4e-20 (Q6FLS2) Candida glabrata Q960H1 360 16 27 228 20 99 4e-20 (Q960H1) LP12301p Q21702 347 11 22 226 22 99 4e-20 (Q21702) Hypothetical pro Q8W2C9 368 13 21 227 25 99 5e-20 (Q8W2C9) Sorbitol dehydro Q6NCR9 324 16 27 193 26 99 5e-20 (Q6NCR9) Possible alcohol trembl|CAE25844|CAE25844 324 16 27 193 26 99 5e-20 Possible alcohol dehydrog ADH1_RABIT 374 14 23 225 52 99 5e-20 (Q03505) Alcohol dehydrog Q6EM39 321 14 23 219 27 99 5e-20 (Q6EM39) NAD-dependent so Q9SES0 379 12 23 225 49 99 5e-20 (Q9SES0) Alcohol dehydrog Q9JP93 326 16 27 192 26 99 5e-20 (Q9JP93) ORF326 protein Q9ZR22 371 11 25 223 30 99 5e-20 (Q9ZR22) NAD-dependent so Q6BZN7 346 13 29 187 25 99 5e-20 (Q6BZN7) Similar to tr|O9 Q43027 375 13 22 225 49 99 5e-20 (Q43027) Alcohol dehydrog Q98J41 334 17 32 189 31 99 5e-20 (Q98J41) Probable zinc-bi Q8ZDQ4 408 14 25 231 28 99 5e-20 (Q8ZDQ4) Putative zinc-bi pdb|pdb|1mgo_A 374 14 23 231 46 99 5e-20 Q7TXA3 368 20 27 235 45 99 6e-20 (Q7TXA3) PROBABLE ZINC-TY O53303 368 20 27 235 45 99 6e-20 (O53303) PROBABLE ZINC-TY Q7D655 368 20 27 235 45 99 6e-20 (Q7D655) Zinc-binding deh Q7A8J4 345 15 27 219 19 99 6e-20 (Q7A8J4) Putative oxidore Q8XB60 345 15 27 219 19 99 6e-20 (Q8XB60) Putative oxidore Q75CR7 381 15 26 231 53 99 6e-20 (Q75CR7) ACL148Cp Q6FB55 369 13 27 231 49 98 6e-20 (Q6FB55) Glutathione-depe Q7QAQ4 370 15 26 219 19 98 6e-20 (Q7QAQ4) AgCP7802 (Fragme Q8WS89 377 15 24 233 49 98 6e-20 (Q8WS89) Alcohol dehydrog Q89X00 324 16 28 193 26 98 6e-20 (Q89X00) Blr0528 protein Q6MD15 342 11 24 232 17 98 7e-20 (Q6MD15) Probable threoni Q7MPK6 713 17 30 177 46 98 7e-20 (Q7MPK6) Putatve zinc-bin Q8PPN3 368 16 26 233 48 98 7e-20 (Q8PPN3) Alcohol dehydrog Q8WS90 377 15 25 233 49 98 7e-20 (Q8WS90) Alcohol dehydrog Q6NBB3 332 14 26 192 27 98 8e-20 (Q6NBB3) Putative NADPH q Q6NC01 370 16 27 236 46 98 8e-20 (Q6NC01) Possible alcohol trembl|CAE26118|CAE26118 370 16 27 236 46 98 8e-20 Possible alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE26359|CAE26359 332 14 26 192 27 98 8e-20 Putative NADPH quinone ox Q9JRB0 378 13 27 231 49 98 8e-20 (Q9JRB0) Alcohol dehydrog Q7DDC8 378 13 27 231 49 98 8e-20 (Q7DDC8) Alcohol dehydrog Q43023 375 13 22 225 49 98 8e-20 (Q43023) Alcohol dehydrog YJJN_ECOLI 337 15 27 219 19 98 8e-20 (P39400) Hypothetical zin Q8YUK9 352 13 30 230 39 98 8e-20 (Q8YUK9) Sorbitol dehydro Q82F92 326 17 30 191 29 98 9e-20 (Q82F92) Putative quinone Q9CD96 336 17 34 192 28 98 9e-20 (Q9CD96) Putative oxidire Q6EM46 371 11 24 223 30 98 9e-20 (Q6EM46) NAD-dependent so Q8S599 230 18 28 147 16 98 9e-20 (Q8S599) Cinnamyl alcohol Q9SER3 379 13 24 224 51 98 9e-20 (Q9SER3) Alcohol dehydrog Q820H0 348 15 26 237 23 98 9e-20 (Q820H0) Putative Zinc-co Q8W2D0 371 11 24 223 30 98 9e-20 (Q8W2D0) Sorbitol dehydro Q9XA55 326 17 30 191 29 98 9e-20 (Q9XA55) Putative quinone Q81E81 328 16 33 193 25 98 9e-20 (Q81E81) Quinone oxidored Q43022 375 13 22 225 49 98 1e-19 (Q43022) Alcohol dehydrog ADH1_TRIRP 380 12 22 224 51 98 1e-19 (P13603) Alcohol dehydrog Q8VQC9 325 21 32 191 25 98 1e-19 (Q8VQC9) Putative oxidore Q9L8C5 2439 15 28 189 43 98 1e-19 (Q9L8C5) Polyketide synth Q9KIZ5 2439 14 26 189 43 98 1e-19 (Q9KIZ5) EpoF Q88M54 320 20 32 191 24 98 1e-19 (Q88M54) Alcohol dehydrog O42483 376 13 22 228 46 98 1e-19 (O42483) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FAB2 185 18 33 156 21 98 1e-19 (Q9FAB2) ADH (Fragment) Q6GN87 445 11 27 191 42 98 1e-19 (Q6GN87) MGC82953 protein Q82BD4 334 18 29 235 10 98 1e-19 (Q82BD4) Putative alcohol pdb|pdb|1axe_A 374 13 22 228 46 98 1e-19 BDH1_YEAST 382 12 25 232 26 98 1e-19 (P39714) (R,R)-butanediol Q8FA74 340 15 26 220 19 98 1e-19 (Q8FA74) Hypothetical zin pdb|pdb|1adb_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|1adc_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|1adf 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|1adg 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|1bto_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|1het_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|1heu_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|1hf3_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|1hld_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|1lde_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|1ldy_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|1mg0_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|1n92_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|1p1r_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|2ohx_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|2oxi_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|3bto_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|5adh 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|6adh_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 pdb|pdb|8adh 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 ADHE_HORSE 374 13 22 228 46 97 1e-19 (P00327) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SBS9 379 12 23 226 47 97 1e-19 (Q9SBS9) Alcohol dehydrog Q92RD5 327 15 27 190 28 97 1e-19 (Q92RD5) PUTATIVE OXIDORE XYL2_PICST 363 14 23 219 33 97 1e-19 (P22144) D-xylulose reduc trembl|AAD28251|AAD28251 363 14 23 219 33 97 1e-19 Xylitol dehydrogenase. Q8CN48 350 17 30 198 16 97 2e-19 (Q8CN48) Sorbitol dehydro Q9ZWK8 363 13 24 225 49 97 2e-19 (Q9ZWK8) Alcohol dehydrog Q9A5D4 369 15 26 233 48 97 2e-19 (Q9A5D4) Alcohol dehydrog Q73RL3 348 15 25 215 33 97 2e-19 (Q73RL3) Sorbitol dehydro Q89H58 324 19 31 188 34 97 2e-19 (Q89H58) Quinone oxidored ADH1_RANPE 375 14 24 228 46 97 2e-19 (P22797) Alcohol dehydrog O42909 347 17 24 187 30 97 2e-19 (O42909) SPBC16A3.02c pro Q739E7 328 16 33 193 25 97 2e-19 (Q739E7) Quinone oxidored Q8FSQ2 380 14 24 231 46 97 2e-19 (Q8FSQ2) Putative alcohol Q8A1P2 338 14 28 223 18 97 2e-19 (Q8A1P2) Sorbitol dehydro Q92YT8 341 18 29 220 18 97 2e-19 (Q92YT8) Putative Q8X0U5 380 14 25 233 50 97 2e-19 (Q8X0U5) Probable alcohol Q6BJ23 380 18 29 233 51 97 2e-19 (Q6BJ23) Debaryomyces han Q8DIZ5 366 14 29 231 37 97 2e-19 (Q8DIZ5) Sorbitol dehydro Q88TQ4 346 15 23 234 23 97 2e-19 (Q88TQ4) Alcohol dehydrog Q7CZB5 371 14 28 218 23 97 2e-19 (Q7CZB5) AGR_C_2601p Q9SER4 379 12 22 224 51 97 2e-19 (Q9SER4) Alcohol dehydrog DHSO_BOMMO 348 17 28 225 20 97 2e-19 (Q02912) Sorbitol dehydro O34788 346 14 31 192 18 97 2e-19 (O34788) Dehydrogenase (Y Q869N7 331 17 27 187 42 97 2e-19 (Q869N7) Similar to Bruce Q92UI4 339 15 25 232 20 97 3e-19 (Q92UI4) Putative sugar-a Q8KHP4 722 15 29 174 46 97 3e-19 (Q8KHP4) Similar to Zinc- pdb|pdb|1qv6_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 3e-19 pdb|pdb|1qv7_A 374 13 22 228 46 97 3e-19 Q8P568 368 15 25 235 48 97 3e-19 (Q8P568) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FJ95 364 13 22 226 27 96 3e-19 (Q9FJ95) Putative sorbito Q9Z2M3 375 12 22 232 53 96 3e-19 (Q9Z2M3) Alcohol dehydrog Q82NU0 331 19 30 188 33 96 3e-19 (Q82NU0) Putative oxidore Q924D0 396 17 26 181 54 96 3e-19 (Q924D0) NOGO-interacting Q9SES2 379 12 22 224 51 96 3e-19 (Q9SES2) Alcohol dehydrog Q70KF0 340 19 29 219 16 96 3e-19 (Q70KF0) Putative alcohol Q9S700 379 14 27 181 28 96 3e-19 (Q9S700) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SES1 379 12 22 224 51 96 3e-19 (Q9SES1) Alcohol dehydrog Q6CRY3 354 16 27 213 20 96 3e-19 (Q6CRY3) Similar to sp|P3 Q9RDN5 338 18 29 235 10 96 3e-19 (Q9RDN5) Putative dehydro Q41724 325 16 33 192 27 96 3e-19 (Q41724) Probable NADP-de O96299 360 16 27 227 22 96 3e-19 (O96299) CG4649-PA (LD477 Q89JK5 343 15 27 215 29 96 3e-19 (Q89JK5) IdnD L-idonate 5 pdb|pdb|1a71_A 374 14 23 228 46 96 3e-19 pdb|pdb|1a72 374 14 23 228 46 96 3e-19 Q6EM41 284 14 22 186 21 96 4e-19 (Q6EM41) NAD-dependent so Q87W67 401 17 29 224 44 96 4e-19 (Q87W67) Crotonyl-CoA red ADH3_PASPI 369 13 25 232 47 96 4e-19 (P39450) Putative alcohol Q6CR27 384 15 27 232 51 96 4e-19 (Q6CR27) Kluyveromyces la Q6CX77 353 20 33 191 28 96 4e-19 (Q6CX77) Similar to sp|P3 Q9A3B1 320 18 32 191 26 96 4e-19 (Q9A3B1) Alcohol dehydrog Q9L8C9 1421 16 31 191 26 96 4e-19 (Q9L8C9) Polyketide synth O34179 389 13 22 234 25 96 4e-19 (O34179) Dehydrogenase Q9AUT6 331 20 33 192 27 96 4e-19 (Q9AUT6) Putative quinone QOR_MOUSE 331 20 33 220 32 96 4e-19 (P47199) Quinone oxidored pdb|pdb|1axg_A 374 14 23 228 46 96 4e-19 ADH7_RAT 374 14 23 236 44 96 4e-19 (P41682) Alcohol dehydrog Q6IRT1 381 12 25 233 48 96 4e-19 (Q6IRT1) ADH5 protein (Fr pdb|pdb|1agn_A 373 13 25 236 44 96 4e-19 pdb|pdb|1d1s_A 373 13 25 236 44 96 4e-19 Q7S380 2574 14 30 192 30 96 4e-19 (Q7S380) Hypothetical pro ADH7_HUMAN 374 13 25 236 44 96 4e-19 (P40394) Alcohol dehydrog Q82NU1 308 21 34 182 21 96 4e-19 (Q82NU1) Putative oxidore Q6CAJ7 346 18 31 186 39 96 4e-19 (Q6CAJ7) Similar to tr|Q8 Q9RJX1 326 18 28 192 26 96 4e-19 (Q9RJX1) Putative oxidore Q7Z1R6 361 16 28 223 31 96 4e-19 (Q7Z1R6) Isopropanol dehy pdb|pdb|1ee2_A 373 13 22 228 45 96 5e-19 ADHS_HORSE 373 13 22 228 45 96 5e-19 (P00328) Alcohol dehydrog Q8R1T0 396 17 27 181 54 96 5e-19 (Q8R1T0) Reticulon 4 inte O69071 565 17 29 224 44 96 5e-19 (O69071) Oxidoreductase C Q89C17 347 16 30 187 29 96 5e-19 (Q89C17) Bll7981 protein Q8YZP5 318 17 29 185 24 96 5e-19 (Q8YZP5) All0412 protein Q9KJ00 1421 16 31 191 26 96 5e-19 (Q9KJ00) EpoA Q8UFI9 347 14 28 218 23 95 5e-19 (Q8UFI9) Sorbitol dehydro Q75JT6 335 13 27 189 34 95 5e-19 (Q75JT6) Similar to Homo Q80XR3 331 20 33 220 32 95 5e-19 (Q80XR3) Crystallin, zeta pdb|pdb|1n8k_A 374 13 22 228 46 95 5e-19 Q9R0E4 375 13 21 232 53 95 5e-19 (Q9R0E4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9HMB6 347 13 23 229 25 95 6e-19 (Q9HMB6) Alcohol dehydrog pdb|pdb|1m6h_A 373 12 25 233 48 95 6e-19 pdb|pdb|1m6w_A 373 12 25 233 48 95 6e-19 pdb|pdb|1ma0_A 373 12 25 233 48 95 6e-19 pdb|pdb|1mc5_A 373 12 25 233 48 95 6e-19 pdb|pdb|1mp0_A 373 12 25 233 48 95 6e-19 pdb|pdb|1teh_A 373 12 25 233 48 95 6e-19 ADHX_HUMAN 373 12 25 233 48 95 6e-19 (P11766) Alcohol dehydrog Q7NM29 360 14 27 217 34 95 6e-19 (Q7NM29) Sorbitol dehydro Q8LEV5 364 13 22 226 27 95 6e-19 (Q8LEV5) Sorbitol dehydro Q9ZN85 385 17 29 204 23 95 6e-19 (Q9ZN85) Phenylacetaldehy DHSO_RAT 399 15 27 221 19 95 6e-19 (P27867) Sorbitol dehydro Q6EEC5 344 14 27 222 45 95 6e-19 (Q6EEC5) Alcohol dehydrog Q6DJR0 329 19 33 191 24 95 6e-19 (Q6DJR0) Hypothetical pro Q9Z2M1 375 13 22 232 53 95 7e-19 (Q9Z2M1) Alcohol dehydrog pdb|pdb|1ju9_A 374 13 22 228 46 95 7e-19 Q768R6 380 16 27 234 51 95 7e-19 (Q768R6) Glutathione-depe Q84V97 380 11 21 224 51 95 7e-19 (Q84V97) Alcohol dehydrog Q6L743 343 16 28 223 21 95 7e-19 (Q6L743) Dehydrogenase ADHA_GEOBU 374 13 22 232 53 95 7e-19 (Q64413) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SEP9 379 15 28 181 28 95 7e-19 (Q9SEP9) Alcohol dehydrog Q78EH0 375 13 22 232 53 95 7e-19 (Q78EH0) Alcohol dehydrog Q64673 375 13 22 232 53 95 7e-19 (Q64673) Alcohol dehydrog Q96V39 380 16 28 234 48 95 7e-19 (Q96V39) Formaldehyde deh Q6CYX3 340 15 27 220 17 95 7e-19 (Q6CYX3) Putative zinc-bi Q6FI45 374 12 24 233 48 95 7e-19 (Q6FI45) ADH5 protein Q9ZWK6 363 13 22 216 67 95 7e-19 (Q9ZWK6) Alcohol dehydrog Q8S591 231 18 28 147 16 95 8e-19 (Q8S591) Cinnamyl alcohol Q9SES3 379 13 22 224 51 95 8e-19 (Q9SES3) Alcohol dehydrog Q6SJA8 370 14 25 234 47 95 8e-19 (Q6SJA8) Putative glutath Q7D4V9 328 16 31 192 30 95 8e-19 (Q7D4V9) Quinone oxidored Q7TVP4 328 16 31 192 30 95 8e-19 (Q7TVP4) PUTATIVE OXIDORE Q9ABX4 332 15 26 192 33 95 9e-19 (Q9ABX4) Alcohol dehydrog Q6SJA2 370 14 25 234 47 95 9e-19 (Q6SJA2) Putative glutath ADH_ANAPL 185 17 27 162 23 95 9e-19 (P30350) Alcohol dehydrog Q767G1 340 18 28 203 8 95 9e-19 (Q767G1) Putative dehydro trembl|BAD07386|BAD07386 340 18 28 203 8 95 9e-19 Putative dehydrogenase. O22649 330 16 29 173 23 95 1e-18 (O22649) Alcohol dehydrog Q7QAQ3 402 17 26 228 25 95 1e-18 (Q7QAQ3) AgCP7924 (Fragme Q9A5Q1 366 18 31 191 20 95 1e-18 (Q9A5Q1) Benzyl-alcohol d Q6C297 381 16 26 231 50 95 1e-18 (Q6C297) Yarrowia lipolyt Q87YB7 320 15 32 191 24 95 1e-18 (Q87YB7) Oxidoreductase, Q7USN3 328 20 29 188 17 95 1e-18 (Q7USN3) Quinone oxidored Q8FFZ0 346 13 25 234 27 95 1e-18 (Q8FFZ0) Galactitol-1-pho Q7CS04 348 12 24 229 23 95 1e-18 (Q7CS04) AGR_L_3122p Q8UAW1 348 12 24 229 23 95 1e-18 (Q8UAW1) Zinc-binding deh IDND_ECOLI 343 14 25 218 22 95 1e-18 (P39346) L-idonate 5-dehy Q43016 380 16 28 174 33 95 1e-18 (Q43016) Alcohol dehydrog Q8S5A1 228 18 29 145 16 95 1e-18 (Q8S5A1) Cinnamyl alcohol O54388 254 40 47 120 5 94 1e-18 (O54388) Adh Q9ZWL3 361 12 22 222 55 94 1e-18 (Q9ZWL3) Alcohol dehydrog Q64533 375 13 22 232 53 94 1e-18 (Q64533) Alcohol dehydrog Q9ZWK7 362 12 23 225 49 94 1e-18 (Q9ZWK7) Alcohol dehydrog Q8KQG6 338 12 26 206 11 94 1e-18 (Q8KQG6) Mannitol dehydro Q9KFV8 324 13 28 191 27 94 1e-18 (Q9KFV8) Quinone oxidored ADHX_MOUSE 373 12 25 234 47 94 1e-18 (P28474) Alcohol dehydrog O04713 379 11 21 224 51 94 1e-18 (O04713) Alcohol dehydrog Q8LA61 379 11 21 224 51 94 1e-18 (Q8LA61) Alcohol dehydrog Q92WB6 352 16 26 227 27 94 1e-18 (Q92WB6) Putative alcohol ADH1_ARATH 379 11 21 224 51 94 1e-18 (P06525) Alcohol dehydrog O04868 379 11 21 224 51 94 1e-18 (O04868) Alcohol dehydrog pdb|pdb|1d1t_A 373 13 25 236 44 94 1e-18 Q9CAZ3 379 12 21 224 51 94 1e-18 (Q9CAZ3) Alcohol dehydrog Q49134 432 14 25 221 43 94 1e-18 (Q49134) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SEQ5 379 14 28 182 28 94 1e-18 (Q9SEQ5) Alcohol dehydrog DHSO_MOUSE 375 14 27 221 19 94 1e-18 (Q64442) Sorbitol dehydro Q8D195 382 14 25 232 26 94 1e-18 (Q8D195) Putative dehydro ADHX_ARATH 379 13 25 224 49 94 1e-18 (Q96533) Alcohol dehydrog Q8C662 374 12 25 234 47 94 1e-18 (Q8C662) Mus musculus 0 d trembl|AAM64806|AAM64806 379 13 25 224 49 94 1e-18 Alcohol dehydrogenase (EC trembl|AAQ22638|AAQ22638 379 13 25 224 49 94 1e-18 At5g43940/MRH10_4. Q70E18 119 17 35 114 6 94 1e-18 (Q70E18) Putative cinnamy trembl|CAE51031|CAE51031 119 17 35 114 6 94 1e-18 Putative cinnamyl alcohol Q7M1S7 379 14 23 226 47 94 2e-18 (Q7M1S7) Alcohol dehydrog ADH4_RAT 376 12 25 227 50 94 2e-18 (Q64563) Alcohol dehydrog Q8LJR2 367 11 21 223 53 94 2e-18 (Q8LJR2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SEQ0 379 12 22 225 49 94 2e-18 (Q9SEQ0) Alcohol dehydrog Q6P5I3 379 12 25 234 47 94 2e-18 (Q6P5I3) Adh5 protein (Fr trembl|AAH62879|AAH62879 379 12 25 234 47 94 2e-18 Adh5 protein (Fragment). Q8S5A5 227 18 28 144 16 94 2e-18 (Q8S5A5) Cinnamyl alcohol Q8FAC6 343 14 25 218 22 94 2e-18 (Q8FAC6) L-idonate 5-dehy Q6RKF2 2493 14 31 188 36 94 2e-18 (Q6RKF2) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR90267|AAR90267 2493 14 31 188 36 94 2e-18 Polyketide synthase. O34009 323 16 29 193 25 94 2e-18 (O34009) NAD(P)H -depende ADHA_GEOKN 374 13 21 232 53 94 2e-18 (Q64415) Alcohol dehydrog FADH_PICPA 379 14 28 234 51 94 2e-18 (O74685) Glutathione-depe Q9SER1 379 12 21 224 51 94 2e-18 (Q9SER1) Alcohol dehydrog Q9I0F8 324 19 28 193 26 94 2e-18 (Q9I0F8) Probable quinone Q6D9L4 437 17 30 191 43 94 2e-18 (Q6D9L4) Putative oxidore pdb|pdb|1e3l_A 376 12 26 227 50 93 2e-18 Q9CAZ2 379 11 21 224 51 93 2e-18 (Q9CAZ2) Alcohol dehydrog Q8ZBQ5 371 14 25 232 26 93 2e-18 (Q8ZBQ5) Putative Zinc-bi Q7T2J4 376 15 28 229 46 93 2e-18 (Q7T2J4) Mixed alcohol de ADH7_MOUSE 374 13 23 236 44 93 2e-18 (Q64437) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAM22809|AAM22809 374 13 23 236 44 93 2e-18 Alcohol dehydrogenase cla pdb|pdb|1e3e_A 376 12 26 227 50 93 2e-18 pdb|pdb|1e3i_A 376 12 26 227 50 93 2e-18 ADH4_MOUSE 376 12 26 227 50 93 2e-18 (Q9QYY9) Alcohol dehydrog O04080 379 11 21 224 51 93 2e-18 (O04080) Alcohol dehydrog O04717 379 11 21 224 51 93 2e-18 (O04717) Alcohol dehydrog O23821 379 11 21 224 51 93 2e-18 (O23821) Alcohol dehydrog Q94AY6 379 11 21 224 51 93 2e-18 (Q94AY6) AT1g77120/T14N5. pdb|pdb|1e3l_B 373 12 26 227 50 93 2e-18 pdb|pdb|1e3e_B 373 12 26 227 50 93 2e-18 pdb|pdb|1e3i_B 373 12 26 227 50 93 2e-18 Q8KL43 368 13 26 229 42 93 2e-18 (Q8KL43) Probable aryl al Q8VUF4 355 11 24 231 38 93 2e-18 (Q8VUF4) 6-hydroxycyclohe Q98HL3 308 21 32 185 18 93 2e-18 (Q98HL3) Probable oxidore FAH2_SCHPO 380 14 28 227 46 93 2e-18 (O74540) Putative glutath ADHX_RAT 373 12 25 234 47 93 2e-18 (P12711) Alcohol dehydrog Q6REM1 384 14 24 234 37 93 2e-18 (Q6REM1) Putative alcohol trembl|AAR90167|AAR90167 384 14 24 234 37 93 2e-18 Putative alcohol dehydrog pdb|pdb|1qlh_A 374 13 22 228 46 93 3e-18 pdb|pdb|1qlj_A 374 13 22 228 46 93 3e-18 Q7C0Y7 346 13 25 234 27 93 3e-18 (Q7C0Y7) Galactitol-1-pho Q83QY7 346 13 25 234 27 93 3e-18 (Q83QY7) Galactitol-1-pho FADH_CANMA 381 15 27 234 48 93 3e-18 (Q06099) Glutathione-depe Q98GP2 306 23 38 190 16 93 3e-18 (Q98GP2) Oxidoreductase ADHH_GADMO 375 14 26 227 48 93 3e-18 (P81600) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SER8 379 11 22 223 53 93 3e-18 (Q9SER8) Alcohol dehydrog GATD_ECOLI 346 13 25 234 27 93 3e-18 (P37190) Galactitol-1-pho Q9SEP7 379 13 23 225 49 93 3e-18 (Q9SEP7) Alcohol dehydrog Q768S7 351 14 23 221 29 93 3e-18 (Q768S7) Alcohol dehydrog Q828R6 359 15 25 235 39 93 3e-18 (Q828R6) Putative alcohol trembl|BAD03964|BAD03964 351 14 23 221 29 93 3e-18 Alcohol dehydrogenase. Q7D3N5 389 14 25 233 45 93 3e-18 (Q7D3N5) AGR_pAT_280p Q9KBB7 366 13 24 227 41 93 3e-18 (Q9KBB7) Benzyl alcohol d Q8S5A2 227 18 28 144 16 93 3e-18 (Q8S5A2) Cinnamyl alcohol Q9SEQ6 379 12 22 224 51 93 3e-18 (Q9SEQ6) Alcohol dehydrog Q9ZWK9 363 12 22 225 49 93 3e-18 (Q9ZWK9) Alcohol dehydrog Q7CW70 336 15 23 230 21 93 3e-18 (Q7CW70) AGR_C_5103p Q8UBN7 336 15 23 230 21 93 3e-18 (Q8UBN7) Zinc-binding deh Q8NTU9 318 17 31 191 22 93 4e-18 (Q8NTU9) NADPH:quinone re O65116 262 15 27 183 25 93 4e-18 (O65116) Alcohol dehydrog Q6DJH7 360 16 29 220 21 93 4e-18 (Q6DJH7) Hypothetical pro Q9Z2M2 375 13 22 232 53 93 4e-18 (Q9Z2M2) Alcohol dehydrog Q6BXY1 363 12 23 225 31 93 4e-18 (Q6BXY1) Similar to CA605 Q43015 380 13 22 225 49 93 4e-18 (Q43015) Alcohol dehydrog Q81AS9 321 15 30 192 25 93 4e-18 (Q81AS9) Quinone oxidored Q43300 375 14 22 223 53 93 4e-18 (Q43300) Alcohol dehydrog Q6D746 338 19 31 185 33 93 4e-18 (Q6D746) Putative zinc-bi Q83VI5 338 10 26 204 15 92 4e-18 (Q83VI5) Mannitol-2-dehyd O69045 370 17 27 236 46 92 4e-18 (O69045) Hypothetical alc Q931C5 307 15 25 191 25 92 4e-18 (Q931C5) Probable quinone Q6C6N8 346 19 33 186 38 92 5e-18 (Q6C6N8) Similar to tr|Q8 Q9SEP6 379 11 23 226 47 92 5e-18 (Q9SEP6) Alcohol dehydrog Q6N5I5 333 18 29 190 28 92 5e-18 (Q6N5I5) Putative quinone trembl|CAE28430|CAE28430 333 18 29 190 28 92 5e-18 Putative quinone oxidored O49110 379 14 28 173 33 92 5e-18 (O49110) Alcohol dehydrog pdb|pdb|1f8f_A 362 13 25 225 41 92 5e-18 Q9A7Z8 320 15 27 192 26 92 5e-18 (Q9A7Z8) NADP-dependent q Q8WWV3 396 17 26 188 40 92 5e-18 (Q8WWV3) NOGO-interacting Q6B4J3 378 14 24 229 52 92 5e-18 (Q6B4J3) Alcohol dehydrog Q9LLQ1 379 13 22 225 49 92 5e-18 (Q9LLQ1) Alcohol dehydrog Q6A665 347 17 31 229 18 92 5e-18 (Q6A665) Putative zinc-bi Q8N9B3 296 17 26 188 40 92 6e-18 (Q8N9B3) Hypothetical pro Q9BRA4 396 17 26 188 40 92 6e-18 (Q9BRA4) Reticulon 4 inte Q8UKC1 372 14 25 233 45 92 6e-18 (Q8UKC1) Alcohol dehydrog Q6AYT0 329 20 33 219 32 92 6e-18 (Q6AYT0) Hypothetical pro Q89F70 349 16 27 233 22 92 6e-18 (Q89F70) L-idonate 5-dehy Q9HYY4 320 16 31 190 26 92 6e-18 (Q9HYY4) Probable oxidore Q8XR50 713 16 29 188 46 92 6e-18 (Q8XR50) PROBABLE TRANSME Q9D748 374 13 23 236 44 92 6e-18 (Q9D748) Mus musculus adu ADHA_MOUSE 374 17 26 235 47 92 6e-18 (P00329) Alcohol dehydrog Q9JYX0 346 15 27 219 23 92 6e-18 (Q9JYX0) Alcohol dehydrog Q8KHS1 713 17 30 177 46 92 6e-18 (Q8KHS1) Similar to Zinc- ADH_GADCA 375 14 25 228 54 92 7e-18 (P26325) Alcohol dehydrog Q8J0F1 380 15 27 234 51 92 7e-18 (Q8J0F1) Formaldehyde deh Q8J0E7 175 18 31 154 20 92 7e-18 (Q8J0E7) Quinone oxidored XYLB_PSEPU 366 13 23 226 42 92 7e-18 (P39849) Aryl-alcohol deh trembl|CAC86825|CAC86825 366 13 23 226 42 92 7e-18 XylB protein. Q8CJJ2 315 24 32 201 21 92 7e-18 (Q8CJJ2) Putative zinc-bi ADH_FRAAN 380 12 24 224 51 92 7e-18 (P17648) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SEQ7 379 11 21 225 49 92 7e-18 (Q9SEQ7) Alcohol dehydrog pdb|pdb|1cdo_A 374 14 25 228 54 92 7e-18 Q72LM6 344 15 27 234 25 92 7e-18 (Q72LM6) Dehydrogenase Q6N2X7 351 21 32 183 26 92 7e-18 (Q6N2X7) Possible acetoin Q88VU4 314 15 26 179 26 92 7e-18 (Q88VU4) Oxidoreductase ( trembl|CAE29362|CAE29362 351 21 32 183 26 92 7e-18 Possible acetoin dehydrog Q84LY3 305 16 27 172 25 92 8e-18 (Q84LY3) Alcohol dehydrog Q871W3 338 19 33 189 31 92 8e-18 (Q871W3) Probable NADPH q Q6DEC5 335 18 32 190 25 92 8e-18 (Q6DEC5) Hypothetical pro Q9SER7 379 11 21 224 51 92 9e-18 (Q9SER7) Alcohol dehydrog Q84LY7 305 12 21 225 49 92 9e-18 (Q84LY7) Alcohol dehydrog Q81YJ9 321 17 31 193 23 92 9e-18 (Q81YJ9) Quinone oxidored Q8XXP8 334 13 26 192 31 92 9e-18 (Q8XXP8) PUTATIVE NADPH Q ADH1_ORYSA 376 13 23 228 44 91 9e-18 (P20306) Alcohol dehydrog Q8EJ33 332 15 28 192 27 91 1e-17 (Q8EJ33) Alcohol dehydrog Q8P143 349 11 24 221 24 91 1e-17 (Q8P143) Putative zinc-co ADH6_HUMAN 368 13 28 180 23 91 1e-17 (P28332) Alcohol dehydrog O24501 265 15 27 185 23 91 1e-17 (O24501) Alcohol dehydrog Q9ZWL1 361 14 28 157 22 91 1e-17 (Q9ZWL1) Alcohol dehydrog Q86ZD9 2603 15 32 193 28 91 1e-17 (Q86ZD9) Type I polyketid O65119 262 15 27 183 25 91 1e-17 (O65119) Alcohol dehydrog Q84LZ4 305 13 22 226 47 91 1e-17 (Q84LZ4) Alcohol dehydrog O65916 262 15 27 183 25 91 1e-17 (O65916) Alcohol dehydrog Q9RMD0 712 16 29 177 46 91 1e-17 (Q9RMD0) Hypothetical pro Q6NSK9 329 19 32 191 24 91 1e-17 (Q6NSK9) CRYZ protein Q70DY3 118 17 35 113 6 91 1e-17 (Q70DY3) Putative cinnamy trembl|CAE51067|CAE51067 118 17 35 113 6 91 1e-17 Putative cinnamyl-alcohol O65120 262 15 27 183 25 91 1e-17 (O65120) Alcohol dehydrog QOR_YEAST 334 16 30 190 30 91 1e-17 (P38230) Probable quinone QOR_HUMAN 329 19 32 191 24 91 1e-17 (Q08257) Quinone oxidored Q84M11 305 13 23 226 47 91 1e-17 (Q84M11) Alcohol dehydrog Q7EYM8 390 20 33 177 28 91 1e-17 (Q7EYM8) Putative oxidore Q53927 329 21 33 194 25 91 1e-17 (Q53927) ORF2 protein (Pu trembl|BAD05410|BAD05410 390 20 33 177 28 91 1e-17 Putative oxidoreductase, trembl|BAD05630|BAD05630 390 20 33 177 28 91 1e-17 Putative oxidoreductase, Q84K28 305 12 21 225 49 91 1e-17 (Q84K28) Alcohol dehydrog Q82M20 238 19 34 190 16 91 1e-17 (Q82M20) Putative oxidore Q53865 447 15 25 191 41 91 1e-17 (Q53865) Crotonyl CoA red DHSO_SHEEP 354 14 26 220 21 91 1e-17 (P07846) Sorbitol dehydro pdb|pdb|1pl7_A 356 14 26 220 21 91 2e-17 pdb|pdb|1pl8_A 356 14 26 220 21 91 2e-17 Q84M09 305 12 21 225 49 91 2e-17 (Q84M09) Alcohol dehydrog Q84UY3 379 16 29 172 24 91 2e-17 (Q84UY3) Alcohol dehydrog Q84M14 305 12 21 225 49 90 2e-17 (Q84M14) Alcohol dehydrog Q84M10 305 13 23 226 47 90 2e-17 (Q84M10) Alcohol dehydrog Q7UT38 342 14 25 217 22 90 2e-17 (Q7UT38) Zinc-type alcoho O18769 357 15 26 221 19 90 2e-17 (O18769) Sorbitol dehydro Q6FBH9 333 12 28 194 22 90 2e-17 (Q6FBH9) Putative oxydore Q83XQ0 363 18 31 193 22 90 2e-17 (Q83XQ0) Putative oxidore Q9SER6 379 12 23 225 49 90 2e-17 (Q9SER6) Alcohol dehydrog DHSO_HUMAN 356 14 26 220 21 90 2e-17 (Q00796) Sorbitol dehydro Q84M16 305 12 21 225 49 90 2e-17 (Q84M16) Alcohol dehydrog Q6TUH3 810 13 25 221 19 90 2e-17 (Q6TUH3) LRRGT00071 trembl|AAQ91027|AAQ91027 810 13 25 221 19 90 2e-17 LRRGT00071. Q8FQX8 219 16 32 190 22 90 2e-17 (Q8FQX8) Putative benzyl pdb|pdb|1p0c_A 372 13 27 236 44 90 2e-17 pdb|pdb|1p0f_A 372 13 27 236 44 90 2e-17 O65117 262 15 27 183 25 90 2e-17 (O65117) Alcohol dehydrog Q9ZWL2 361 12 22 225 49 90 2e-17 (Q9ZWL2) Alcohol dehydrog Q92VB4 326 16 32 194 21 90 2e-17 (Q92VB4) Putative NADPH q Q6CWY9 386 14 27 206 19 90 2e-17 (Q6CWY9) Similar to sp|Q9 Q9SNX9 382 13 25 221 58 90 2e-17 (Q9SNX9) Putative alcohol ADH8_RANPE 372 13 27 236 44 90 2e-17 (O57380) NADP-dependent a YAG1_YEAST 417 12 22 213 30 90 2e-17 (P39713) Hypothetical zin Q75ZY0 379 12 22 227 45 90 2e-17 (Q75ZY0) Alcohol dehydrog Q84M18 305 12 21 225 49 90 2e-17 (Q84M18) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|BAC87770|BAC87770 379 12 22 227 45 90 2e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. ADH_MALDO 380 16 28 184 25 90 2e-17 (P48977) Alcohol dehydrog Q42763 379 13 25 224 51 90 2e-17 (Q42763) Alcohol dehydrog Q8FF35 364 14 27 232 21 90 2e-17 (Q8FF35) Hypothetical zin Q98LU5 375 14 26 235 54 90 2e-17 (Q98LU5) Glutathione depe O23816 379 14 28 181 28 90 2e-17 (O23816) Alcohol dehydrog Q6XVN4 383 16 27 226 47 90 2e-17 (Q6XVN4) GSNO reductase Q8ZM59 338 16 30 203 13 90 2e-17 (Q8ZM59) Putative zinc-bi trembl|AAP41027|AAP41027 383 16 27 226 47 90 2e-17 GSNO reductase. VAT1_HUMAN 393 13 28 191 44 90 2e-17 (Q99536) Synaptic vesicle trembl|AAH01913|AAH01913 389 13 28 191 44 90 2e-17 VAT1 protein (Fragment). trembl|AAH08725|AAH08725 393 13 28 191 44 90 2e-17 Vesicle amine transport p Q39782 379 13 25 224 51 90 2e-17 (Q39782) Alcohol dehydrog Q9ZWK4 350 12 24 225 49 90 2e-17 (Q9ZWK4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9S247 365 16 26 235 40 90 2e-17 (Q9S247) Putative alcohol Q9M6B5 380 12 22 226 47 90 2e-17 (Q9M6B5) Alcohol dehydrog Q94IL8 379 12 21 225 49 90 2e-17 (Q94IL8) Alcohol dehydrog Q84M17 305 12 21 225 49 90 3e-17 (Q84M17) Alcohol dehydrog Q7PU31 314 17 29 184 21 90 3e-17 (Q7PU31) ENSANGP000000002 Q84M04 305 12 21 225 49 90 3e-17 (Q84M04) Alcohol dehydrog Q8Z3J2 347 14 27 232 27 90 3e-17 (Q8Z3J2) Galactitol-1-pho Q82LU9 445 15 25 184 40 90 3e-17 (Q82LU9) Putative crotony Q890C3 325 19 33 187 30 90 3e-17 (Q890C3) Oxidoreductase ( Q84LZ3 305 12 21 225 49 90 3e-17 (Q84LZ3) Alcohol dehydrog Q8ZLU7 347 14 27 232 27 90 3e-17 (Q8ZLU7) Galactitol-1-pho ADH1_PENAM 379 12 21 225 49 90 3e-17 (P14219) Alcohol dehydrog Q84LY5 305 12 21 225 49 90 3e-17 (Q84LY5) Alcohol dehydrog Q6FBY3 371 20 31 190 22 90 3e-17 (Q6FBY3) Putative aryl-al Q89MQ5 329 13 24 191 25 90 3e-17 (Q89MQ5) Quinone oxidored Q73TX2 363 20 32 184 14 90 3e-17 (Q73TX2) AdhE ADH3_HORVU 379 13 22 226 47 90 3e-17 (P10848) Alcohol dehydrog Q75ZX6 379 12 23 227 45 90 3e-17 (Q75ZX6) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|BAC87774|BAC87774 379 12 23 227 45 90 3e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. Q9ZBK1 447 15 26 191 41 90 3e-17 (Q9ZBK1) Crotonyl CoA red Q8CN11 350 14 26 223 26 90 3e-17 (Q8CN11) Sorbitol dehydro Q9SER5 379 12 22 225 49 90 3e-17 (Q9SER5) Alcohol dehydrog Q829G3 347 14 24 225 25 90 3e-17 (Q829G3) Putative zinc-co Q59096 371 13 24 227 43 90 3e-17 (Q59096) Benzyl alcohol d Q6HFU8 321 17 31 193 23 90 3e-17 (Q6HFU8) Quinone oxidored Q986Y2 329 14 26 191 25 90 3e-17 (Q986Y2) Quinone oxidored Q84M15 305 12 21 225 49 90 3e-17 (Q84M15) Alcohol dehydrog Q84M13 305 16 27 184 25 90 3e-17 (Q84M13) Alcohol dehydrog Q9ZWK5 363 12 22 216 67 90 3e-17 (Q9ZWK5) Alcohol dehydrog Q75ZX1 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 (Q75ZX1) Alcohol dehydrog Q75ZX2 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 (Q75ZX2) Alcohol dehydrog Q75ZX3 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 (Q75ZX3) Alcohol dehydrog Q75ZX4 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 (Q75ZX4) Alcohol dehydrog Q760C7 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 (Q760C7) Alcohol dehydrog Q9LLP9 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 (Q9LLP9) Alcohol dehydrog Q92Z66 357 16 28 192 24 90 4e-17 (Q92Z66) Probable alcohol trembl|BAC87759|BAC87759 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87760|BAC87760 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87761|BAC87761 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87762|BAC87762 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87764|BAC87764 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87765|BAC87765 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87766|BAC87766 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87768|BAC87768 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87769|BAC87769 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87771|BAC87771 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87772|BAC87772 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87773|BAC87773 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87775|BAC87775 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87776|BAC87776 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87777|BAC87777 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87778|BAC87778 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. trembl|BAC87779|BAC87779 379 12 23 227 45 90 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. Q9M6B4 363 16 28 176 29 89 4e-17 (Q9M6B4) Alcohol dehydrog ADH1_PETHY 382 13 22 225 50 89 4e-17 (P25141) Alcohol dehydrog O82430 379 12 21 225 49 89 4e-17 (O82430) Putative alcohol Q94IL9 379 15 27 162 24 89 4e-17 (Q94IL9) Alcohol dehydrog Q84M03 305 12 21 225 49 89 4e-17 (Q84M03) Alcohol dehydrog Q75ZY7 379 12 23 227 45 89 4e-17 (Q75ZY7) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|BAC87763|BAC87763 379 12 23 227 45 89 4e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. Q9SEQ8 379 12 22 224 51 89 4e-17 (Q9SEQ8) Alcohol dehydrog P93624 306 16 29 173 23 89 4e-17 (P93624) Alcohol dehydrog Q6RKL0 2633 15 27 186 40 89 4e-17 (Q6RKL0) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR92212|AAR92212 2633 15 27 186 40 89 4e-17 Polyketide synthase. RSPB_ECOLI 339 12 23 226 13 89 4e-17 (P38105) Starvation sensi Q40249 380 17 29 173 23 89 4e-17 (Q40249) Gibberellin-resp ADHX_ORYSA 381 13 25 224 49 89 5e-17 (P93436) Alcohol dehydrog Q84LX2 305 13 23 226 47 89 5e-17 (Q84LX2) Alcohol dehydrog O65459 378 15 22 228 49 89 5e-17 (O65459) Alcohol dehydrog QOR_BOVIN 330 19 35 191 24 89 5e-17 (O97764) Zeta-crystallin Q84LZ0 305 12 21 225 49 89 5e-17 (Q84LZ0) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FZ01 380 12 22 226 47 89 5e-17 (Q9FZ01) Alcohol dehydrog Q75ZX0 379 12 21 226 47 89 5e-17 (Q75ZX0) Alcohol dehydrog Q94L27 379 12 21 225 49 89 5e-17 (Q94L27) Alcohol dehydrog Q9XD58 367 17 30 182 21 89 5e-17 (Q9XD58) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|BAC87780|BAC87780 379 12 21 226 47 89 5e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. Q7NCW7 333 16 29 190 22 89 5e-17 (Q7NCW7) Glr2859 protein Q90Y38 377 14 26 222 54 89 5e-17 (Q90Y38) Alcohol dehydrog O22650 330 16 27 179 25 89 5e-17 (O22650) Alcohol dehydrog Q945P3 386 18 32 177 28 89 5e-17 (Q945P3) At1g23740/F5O8_2 Q6K6C1 381 13 25 224 49 89 5e-17 (Q6K6C1) Alcohol dehydrog Q6P0S5 377 14 26 222 54 89 5e-17 (Q6P0S5) Alcohol dehydrog O23819 379 14 26 181 28 89 5e-17 (O23819) Alcohol dehydrog Q6WRI7 139 21 30 137 2 89 5e-17 (Q6WRI7) Secondary alcoho Q84LY2 305 12 21 225 49 89 5e-17 (Q84LY2) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAQ84551|AAQ84551 139 21 30 137 2 89 5e-17 Secondary alcohol dehydro Q79X91 349 11 24 221 24 89 5e-17 (Q79X91) Putative zinc-co Q8K7J9 349 11 24 221 24 89 5e-17 (Q8K7J9) Putative zinc-co P93623 380 15 25 225 47 89 5e-17 (P93623) Alcohol dehydrog Q84LX3 305 12 21 225 49 89 5e-17 (Q84LX3) Alcohol dehydrog ADH1_MAIZE 379 12 21 225 49 89 6e-17 (P00333) Alcohol dehydrog Q9ZWL4 361 12 22 225 49 89 6e-17 (Q9ZWL4) Alcohol dehydrog O23817 379 12 23 225 49 89 6e-17 (O23817) Alcohol dehydrog Q6IVK8 380 17 29 171 27 89 6e-17 (Q6IVK8) ADH-like UDP-glu Q82WE2 371 13 24 226 45 89 6e-17 (Q82WE2) Zinc-containing Q8Y2Y7 345 13 23 221 23 89 6e-17 (Q8Y2Y7) PROBABLE ZINC-DE Q8DN84 352 14 26 219 25 89 6e-17 (Q8DN84) Putative alcohol Q97NH4 352 14 26 219 25 89 6e-17 (Q97NH4) Alcohol dehydrog Q75ZY3 379 12 23 227 45 88 6e-17 (Q75ZY3) Alcohol dehydrog Q84M08 305 12 21 225 49 88 6e-17 (Q84M08) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FZ00 382 11 21 223 55 88 6e-17 (Q9FZ00) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|BAC87767|BAC87767 379 12 23 227 45 88 6e-17 Alcohol dehydrogenase I. Q84LX7 305 12 21 225 49 88 6e-17 (Q84LX7) Alcohol dehydrog Q84UY2 374 16 28 171 27 88 6e-17 (Q84UY2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M4B2 357 12 23 225 49 88 6e-17 (Q9M4B2) Alcohol dehydrog Q73XS9 3679 14 28 190 25 88 7e-17 (Q73XS9) Hypothetical pro Q820G9 348 14 29 237 23 88 7e-17 (Q820G9) Putative Zinc-co Q43020 375 13 21 225 49 88 7e-17 (Q43020) Alcohol dehydrog Q84M07 305 12 21 225 49 88 7e-17 (Q84M07) Alcohol dehydrog Q6XBH4 96 22 38 92 0 88 7e-17 (Q6XBH4) Putative zinc-ty Q9A3W6 424 14 26 221 42 88 7e-17 (Q9A3W6) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAO83399|AAO83399 96 22 38 92 0 88 7e-17 Putative zinc-type alcoho O65118 262 15 27 183 25 88 7e-17 (O65118) Alcohol dehydrog Q7PVV2 2472 16 30 191 30 88 8e-17 (Q7PVV2) ENSANGP000000166 Q8FHC8 347 13 24 225 13 88 8e-17 (Q8FHC8) Starvation sensi O23818 379 12 22 225 49 88 8e-17 (O23818) Alcohol dehydrog O24599 379 12 22 225 49 88 8e-17 (O24599) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SEQ9 379 12 22 225 49 88 8e-17 (Q9SEQ9) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SER0 379 11 23 223 49 88 8e-17 (Q9SER0) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SBU9 379 12 22 225 49 88 8e-17 (Q9SBU9) Alcohol dehydrog Q7W574 325 15 28 192 27 88 8e-17 (Q7W574) Probable zinc-bi Q84LX5 305 12 21 225 49 88 8e-17 (Q84LX5) Alcohol dehydrog Q7VZT6 325 15 28 192 27 88 8e-17 (Q7VZT6) Probable zinc-bi Q7WCQ4 325 15 28 192 27 88 8e-17 (Q7WCQ4) Probable zinc-bi Q9XC27 371 13 25 225 47 88 8e-17 (Q9XC27) AreB (Aryl-alcoh Q9I1Z6 366 17 30 192 24 88 8e-17 (Q9I1Z6) Alcohol dehydrog P95749 449 15 24 184 40 88 9e-17 (P95749) Crotonyl CoA red Q8LGK8 384 15 22 228 49 88 9e-17 (Q8LGK8) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SBV0 379 11 22 225 49 88 9e-17 (Q9SBV0) Alcohol dehydrog QOR_LAMGU 330 20 36 191 24 88 9e-17 (Q28452) Quinone oxidored Q99ZS0 349 11 24 221 24 88 9e-17 (Q99ZS0) Putative zinc-co Q43264 379 12 21 225 49 88 9e-17 (Q43264) Alcohol dehydrog Q9X5P6 414 13 26 184 43 88 9e-17 (Q9X5P6) Hypothetical pro ADH2_MAIZE 379 12 23 223 53 88 9e-17 (P04707) Alcohol dehydrog Q6BL26 385 13 23 232 28 88 9e-17 (Q6BL26) Debaryomyces han Q84LZ8 305 12 21 225 49 88 9e-17 (Q84LZ8) Alcohol dehydrog Q8R0N5 355 13 28 191 27 88 9e-17 (Q8R0N5) Similar to quino Q39783 379 12 23 223 53 88 1e-16 (Q39783) Alcohol dehydrog Q84LZ6 305 12 21 225 49 88 1e-16 (Q84LZ6) Alcohol dehydrog Q8MR70 1529 16 33 191 30 88 1e-16 (Q8MR70) GH02912p (Fragme Q9VQL6 2409 16 33 191 30 88 1e-16 (Q9VQL6) CG3524-PA O65114 262 15 27 183 25 88 1e-16 (O65114) Alcohol dehydrog Q9LDM3 361 12 22 225 49 88 1e-16 (Q9LDM3) Alcohol dehydrog Q8FWQ4 335 15 26 191 27 88 1e-16 (Q8FWQ4) Alcohol dehydrog Q41767 379 12 23 223 53 88 1e-16 (Q41767) Adh2-N protein Q8YBM3 346 15 26 191 27 88 1e-16 (Q8YBM3) QUINONE OXIDORED O49112 380 10 23 226 47 88 1e-16 (O49112) Alcohol dehydrog Q84LZ5 305 12 20 225 49 88 1e-16 (Q84LZ5) Alcohol dehydrog O23815 379 12 22 225 49 88 1e-16 (O23815) Alchohol dehydro Q6XUN8 377 14 32 181 22 88 1e-16 (Q6XUN8) Benzyl alcohol d trembl|AAP44247|AAP44247 377 14 32 181 22 88 1e-16 Benzyl alcohol dehydrogen Q8Y300 188 37 48 93 0 88 1e-16 (Q8Y300) PUTATIVE ZINC-CO Q92WZ2 375 14 26 235 54 88 1e-16 (Q92WZ2) Probable glutath pdb|pdb|7adh 374 14 22 228 46 87 1e-16 QORL_ARATH 309 18 32 177 28 87 1e-16 (Q9ZUC1) Quinone oxidored Q92QD7 375 14 26 235 54 87 1e-16 (Q92QD7) PROBABLE ALCOHOL Q84LZ1 305 12 22 226 47 87 1e-16 (Q84LZ1) Alcohol dehydrog Q9KIZ7 7257 14 28 190 26 87 2e-16 (Q9KIZ7) EpoD ADH1_SOLTU 380 17 28 171 27 87 2e-16 (P14673) Alcohol dehydrog Q84LY6 305 12 21 225 49 87 2e-16 (Q84LY6) Alcohol dehydrog Q8EVU7 364 17 30 176 23 87 2e-16 (Q8EVU7) Alcohol dehydrog Q84LX6 305 16 27 162 24 87 2e-16 (Q84LX6) Alcohol dehydrog O14679 322 14 29 176 33 87 2e-16 (O14679) Pig3 O49114 322 11 23 225 49 87 2e-16 (O49114) Alcohol dehydrog Q9RAG9 368 15 23 234 38 87 2e-16 (Q9RAG9) NosE ADH_ALCEU 366 16 32 192 24 87 2e-16 (P14940) Alcohol dehydrog Q8YM24 341 14 26 224 24 87 2e-16 (Q8YM24) Alr5117 protein ADH2_SOLTU 380 16 27 172 25 87 2e-16 (P14674) Alcohol dehydrog Q9L8C7 7257 14 28 190 26 87 2e-16 (Q9L8C7) Polyketide synth Q9SM48 241 15 27 185 23 87 2e-16 (Q9SM48) Alcohol dehydrog Q84LY9 305 12 21 225 49 87 2e-16 (Q84LY9) Alcohol dehydrog O65115 262 15 27 183 25 87 2e-16 (O65115) Alcohol dehydrog ADH3_SOLTU 380 16 27 172 25 87 2e-16 (P14675) Alcohol dehydrog ADHX_MAIZE 381 13 25 224 49 87 2e-16 (P93629) Alcohol dehydrog FADH_PARDE 375 13 25 235 54 87 2e-16 (P45382) Glutathione-depe Q8NTI8 368 14 25 231 46 87 2e-16 (Q8NTI8) Zn-dependent alc Q9RYQ7 336 19 26 192 28 87 2e-16 (Q9RYQ7) NADPH quinone ox pdb|pdb|1pl6_A 356 14 26 220 21 87 2e-16 Q93X93 132 18 32 123 8 87 2e-16 (Q93X93) Cinnamyl alcohol Q6V1N5 448 15 26 188 36 87 2e-16 (Q6V1N5) PlmT7 trembl|AAQ84149|AAQ84149 448 15 26 188 36 87 2e-16 PlmT7. Q9SEQ2 379 11 22 225 49 87 2e-16 (Q9SEQ2) Alcohol dehydrog Q6IRQ3 377 12 22 235 47 87 2e-16 (Q6IRQ3) MGC82221 protein Q7TQ90 872 12 24 227 57 87 2e-16 (Q7TQ90) Ac1002 Q42953 379 12 21 226 47 87 2e-16 (Q42953) Alcohol dehydrog Q43690 380 17 28 172 25 87 2e-16 (Q43690) Alcohol dehydrog Q6SS02 2511 13 30 193 26 87 2e-16 (Q6SS02) Fatty acid synth Q92XT8 375 14 26 234 54 87 2e-16 (Q92XT8) Probable AdhC2 g Q84M02 305 12 21 225 49 87 2e-16 (Q84M02) Alcohol dehydrog Q8TPK9 356 18 30 182 22 87 2e-16 (Q8TPK9) Alcohol dehydrog ADH1_HORVU 379 12 21 226 47 87 3e-16 (P05336) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SK86 388 14 21 227 51 87 3e-16 (Q9SK86) Very similar to Q6NYU0 474 12 25 190 42 87 3e-16 (Q6NYU0) Hypothetical pro Q8JFV8 484 12 25 190 42 87 3e-16 (Q8JFV8) SI:dZ163L24.2 (N O23820 379 11 22 225 49 87 3e-16 (O23820) Alcohol dehydrog Q6RKK9 2484 14 28 193 28 87 3e-16 (Q6RKK9) Polyketide synth Q16702 2509 13 30 193 26 87 3e-16 (Q16702) Fatty acid synth Q6P4U5 2511 13 30 193 26 87 3e-16 (Q6P4U5) Fatty acid synth Q96IT0 930 13 30 193 26 87 3e-16 (Q96IT0) Hypothetical pro Q8LEB8 309 18 32 177 28 87 3e-16 (Q8LEB8) Quinone oxidored trembl|AAH63242|AAH63242 2511 13 30 193 26 87 3e-16 Fatty acid synthase. trembl|AAR92213|AAR92213 2484 14 28 193 28 87 3e-16 Polyketide synthase. FAS_CHICK 2511 15 31 193 26 87 3e-16 (P12276) Fatty acid synth Q84M01 305 12 21 225 49 86 3e-16 (Q84M01) Alcohol dehydrog Q8YNV3 318 13 26 221 15 86 3e-16 (Q8YNV3) All4458 protein Q6D8Q4 340 11 23 236 13 86 3e-16 (Q6D8Q4) Putative starvat Q7T3C7 359 15 25 188 40 86 3e-16 (Q7T3C7) Hypothetical pro Q43028 375 12 23 230 52 86 3e-16 (Q43028) Alcohol dehydrog Q43025 374 13 23 231 50 86 3e-16 (Q43025) Alcohol dehydrog Q9HK56 250 16 32 166 11 86 3e-16 (Q9HK56) Sorbitol dehydro Q43024 375 12 23 230 52 86 3e-16 (Q43024) Alcohol dehydrog Q72HC3 346 19 26 175 26 86 3e-16 (Q72HC3) Alcohol dehydrog Q7CYS3 375 14 26 233 55 86 3e-16 (Q7CYS3) AGR_C_3072p Q8UET5 375 14 26 233 55 86 3e-16 (Q8UET5) Alcohol dehydrog Q84LY4 305 12 21 225 49 86 3e-16 (Q84LY4) Alcohol dehydrog Q743J0 375 15 25 235 46 86 3e-16 (Q743J0) AdhB Q9A5U4 324 19 27 188 15 86 3e-16 (Q9A5U4) Alcohol dehydrog Q8GNK2 399 17 27 229 44 86 4e-16 (Q8GNK2) Putative alcohol Q82H39 344 15 22 234 23 86 4e-16 (Q82H39) Putative alcohol Q84LX9 305 12 20 225 49 86 4e-16 (Q84LX9) Alcohol dehydrog Q87LR9 316 17 30 187 14 86 4e-16 (Q87LR9) Quinone oxidored Q7NWD9 358 18 33 192 24 86 4e-16 (Q7NWD9) Probable zinc-co Q84BD2 368 15 23 234 38 86 4e-16 (Q84BD2) NcpD Q749V5 328 13 27 192 27 86 4e-16 (Q749V5) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR36009|AAR36009 328 13 27 192 27 86 4e-16 Alcohol dehydrogenase, zi Q84M05 305 12 21 225 49 86 4e-16 (Q84M05) Alcohol dehydrog Q84LY0 305 12 21 225 49 86 4e-16 (Q84LY0) Alcohol dehydrog Q8LHA1 390 10 21 226 49 86 4e-16 (Q8LHA1) Putative alcohol Q6XMX4 329 14 29 189 23 86 4e-16 (Q6XMX4) Putative quinone trembl|AAP74057|AAP74057 329 14 29 189 23 86 4e-16 Putative quinone oxidored QOR_CAVPO 329 21 35 191 24 86 4e-16 (P11415) Quinone oxidored Q7KML1 898 16 31 191 30 86 4e-16 (Q7KML1) BcDNA.GH07626 Q9VQL7 2438 16 31 191 30 86 4e-16 (Q9VQL7) CG3523-PA Q84LZ9 305 12 23 226 47 86 5e-16 (Q84LZ9) Alcohol dehydrog Q84LY1 305 12 22 226 47 86 5e-16 (Q84LY1) Alcohol dehydrog Q6CLT7 385 12 22 232 26 86 5e-16 (Q6CLT7) Similar to sp|P3 Q81IZ4 302 17 28 170 30 86 5e-16 (Q81IZ4) Quinone oxidored ADHI_RHOSH 376 13 26 235 53 86 5e-16 (P72324) Alcohol dehydrog Q9F3C2 317 19 30 194 18 86 5e-16 (Q9F3C2) Putative oxidore Q83YE5 338 18 31 194 38 85 5e-16 (Q83YE5) Shy5 Q6RKJ8 2287 14 30 193 26 85 5e-16 (Q6RKJ8) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR90238|AAR90238 2287 14 30 193 26 85 5e-16 Polyketide synthase. Q7DN06 293 11 21 221 49 85 6e-16 (Q7DN06) Alcohol dehydrog Q73GK3 325 14 27 187 24 85 6e-16 (Q73GK3) Quinone oxidored ADH1_ZEALU 293 11 21 221 49 85 6e-16 (Q07264) Alcohol dehydrog Q6BL25 383 13 23 219 27 85 6e-16 (Q6BL25) Debaryomyces han Q93P90 339 16 28 213 20 85 6e-16 (Q93P90) MS141, putative ADH2_LYCES 380 16 28 172 25 85 6e-16 (P28032) Alcohol dehydrog Q8LBR3 393 12 26 227 53 85 6e-16 (Q8LBR3) Alcohol dehydrog Q8ZK22 343 13 24 218 20 85 6e-16 (Q8ZK22) L-idonate 5-dehy Q9RNU6 453 14 25 184 40 85 7e-16 (Q9RNU6) Crotonyl-CoA red Q84LX0 305 12 20 225 49 85 7e-16 (Q84LX0) Alcohol dehydrog Q7FA34 509 17 28 186 28 85 8e-16 (Q7FA34) OSJNBa0034E24.2 Q41241 389 15 27 184 27 85 8e-16 (Q41241) Alcohol dehydrog Q84M00 305 15 26 172 25 85 8e-16 (Q84M00) Alcohol dehydrog Q9KBH6 408 14 20 231 54 85 8e-16 (Q9KBH6) BH1951 protein Q8XRB0 344 11 25 216 25 85 8e-16 (Q8XRB0) PUTATIVE L-IDONA Q826L9 336 14 26 219 17 85 8e-16 (Q826L9) Putative zinc-co Q84LX8 305 12 21 226 47 85 9e-16 (Q84LX8) Alcohol dehydrog Q88GW1 324 18 29 192 26 85 9e-16 (Q88GW1) Quinone oxidored Q82Q45 331 21 30 184 35 85 9e-16 (Q82Q45) Putative zinc-bi Q6A995 348 13 24 223 35 85 1e-15 (Q6A995) Putative zinc-bi Q7NNP1 344 17 27 232 25 85 1e-15 (Q7NNP1) Glr0369 protein Q8DK96 373 16 26 234 28 85 1e-15 (Q8DK96) Tll0970 protein Q6CF54 341 18 31 188 34 85 1e-15 (Q6CF54) Similar to tr|Q8 Q9L2A5 339 21 32 187 15 85 1e-15 (Q9L2A5) Putative zinc-bi Q6BK84 338 18 30 189 28 84 1e-15 (Q6BK84) Similar to sp|P3 VAT1_MOUSE 406 13 28 190 44 84 1e-15 (Q62465) Synaptic vesicle Q84M12 305 13 21 225 49 84 1e-15 (Q84M12) Alcohol dehydrog Q82UT4 2544 16 32 183 40 84 1e-15 (Q82UT4) Putative type I Q8ZPJ0 339 11 23 235 15 84 1e-15 (Q8ZPJ0) Putative dehydro Q84LZ2 305 12 22 226 47 84 2e-15 (Q84LZ2) Alcohol dehydrog Q71SP7 2513 13 30 193 26 84 2e-15 (Q71SP7) Fatty acid synth trembl|AAR19788|AAR19788 2513 13 30 193 26 84 2e-15 Fatty acid synthase. Q890E1 334 15 32 188 33 84 2e-15 (Q890E1) Oxidoreductase ( Q7TZC1 234 16 30 193 16 84 2e-15 (Q7TZC1) POSSIBLE DEHYDRO O49115 322 11 23 226 47 83 2e-15 (O49115) Alcohol dehydrog Q8DY56 351 11 22 220 24 83 2e-15 (Q8DY56) Alcohol dehydrog Q84LZ7 305 12 23 226 47 83 2e-15 (Q84LZ7) Alcohol dehydrog Q43238 293 11 21 221 49 83 2e-15 (Q43238) Alcohol dehydrog O01678 2422 13 27 227 33 83 2e-15 (O01678) P270 Q39174 629 17 33 185 33 83 2e-15 (Q39174) Putative alcohol Q9FX95 629 17 33 185 33 83 2e-15 (Q9FX95) ARP protein (At1 Q6FWH2 383 11 23 232 27 83 2e-15 (Q6FWH2) Candida glabrata Q84LY8 305 12 21 225 49 83 2e-15 (Q84LY8) Alcohol dehydrog Q9RJR7 329 14 25 187 32 83 2e-15 (Q9RJR7) Putative zinc-bi Q9F5P1 375 14 26 234 54 83 3e-15 (Q9F5P1) GSH-dependent fo Q7SYU6 376 14 26 178 26 83 3e-15 (Q7SYU6) MGC64477 protein Q74JH2 205 17 34 174 20 83 3e-15 (Q74JH2) Hypothetical pro Q43263 293 11 21 221 49 83 3e-15 (Q43263) Alcohol dehydrog Q8L3C8 302 22 32 189 21 83 3e-15 (Q8L3C8) Probable quinone Q8E3S2 351 11 22 220 24 83 3e-15 (Q8E3S2) Hypothetical pro FAS_HUMAN 2504 13 30 193 26 83 3e-15 (P49327) Fatty acid synth O85841 365 15 27 231 46 83 3e-15 (O85841) Benzyl alcohol d Q9CH42 370 14 30 211 19 83 3e-15 (Q9CH42) 2,3-butanediol d ADHX_PEA 378 13 24 222 55 83 3e-15 (P80572) Alcohol dehydrog Q93PA8 378 13 27 233 54 83 3e-15 (Q93PA8) MS123, putative Q7SI09 363 16 26 218 24 83 3e-15 (Q7SI09) Hypothetical pro Q8CJS3 306 20 32 182 23 83 3e-15 (Q8CJS3) Putative oxidore ADHX_OCTVU 378 14 26 234 47 83 3e-15 (P81431) Alcohol dehydrog Q72KK6 302 22 32 189 21 83 3e-15 (Q72KK6) Quinone oxidored Q21703 347 13 25 226 22 83 4e-15 (Q21703) Hypothetical pro O74489 329 18 34 183 33 83 4e-15 (O74489) SPCC1442.16c pro Q9AXG6 195 15 26 164 25 83 4e-15 (Q9AXG6) Alcohol dehydrog Q987C5 341 14 23 227 15 83 4e-15 (Q987C5) Alcohol dehydrog ADH2_HORVU 373 12 22 222 49 83 4e-15 (P10847) Alcohol dehydrog Q9JVJ8 354 14 29 178 21 83 4e-15 (Q9JVJ8) Putative zinc-bi Q9R6G7 322 21 32 192 27 83 4e-15 (Q9R6G7) Tiorf92 protein Q6N7S2 324 14 25 192 25 82 4e-15 (Q6N7S2) Putative oxidore trembl|CAE27625|CAE27625 324 14 25 192 25 82 4e-15 Putative oxidoreductase ( Q6ECH5 336 14 25 226 17 82 5e-15 (Q6ECH5) Mannitol dehydro Q7XMU4 333 17 28 186 28 82 5e-15 (Q7XMU4) OSJNBa0018J19.14 trembl|CAE04447|CAE04447 333 17 28 186 28 82 5e-15 OSJNBa0018J19.14 protein. Q8YC36 238 18 30 118 15 82 5e-15 (Q8YC36) QUINONE OXIDORED Q7WTD7 2187 16 28 192 22 82 6e-15 (Q7WTD7) NanA11 Q763T4 382 13 25 218 33 82 6e-15 (Q763T4) Xylitol dehydrog Q9LXZ4 348 18 30 190 31 82 6e-15 (Q9LXZ4) Putative quinone trembl|BAC81768|BAC81768 382 13 25 218 33 82 6e-15 Xylitol dehydrogenase. Q9C0Y6 349 19 29 180 27 82 6e-15 (Q9C0Y6) SPAPB24D3.08c pr Q6AA39 349 17 27 223 24 82 6e-15 (Q6AA39) Zinc-binding deh Q8YYF3 389 9 18 236 67 82 6e-15 (Q8YYF3) Alcohol dehydrog Q8DC41 316 17 30 187 14 82 6e-15 (Q8DC41) NADPH:quinone re Q6BWB2 371 12 23 217 34 82 6e-15 (Q6BWB2) Similar to sp|P3 Q7MHS2 316 17 30 187 14 82 6e-15 (Q7MHS2) NADPH:quinone re Q6FDE7 371 12 29 191 22 82 7e-15 (Q6FDE7) Putative (R,R)-b Q96RL8 396 15 24 188 40 82 7e-15 (Q96RL8) NOGO-interacting Q92TD4 338 16 24 213 17 82 7e-15 (Q92TD4) PUTATIVE ZINC-TY Q9AR24 195 14 26 171 25 82 7e-15 (Q9AR24) Alcohol dehydrog Q9AXG7 195 14 26 171 25 82 7e-15 (Q9AXG7) Alcohol dehydrog Q6T2B7 448 14 24 219 41 82 7e-15 (Q6T2B7) RimJ trembl|AAR16523|AAR16523 448 14 24 219 41 82 7e-15 RimJ. O50035 195 15 26 164 25 82 7e-15 (O50035) Alcohol dehydrog Q7CW33 319 15 28 192 25 82 7e-15 (Q7CW33) AGR_L_35p Q8U6D7 319 15 28 192 25 82 7e-15 (Q8U6D7) NADP-dependent q Q703W7 347 20 33 162 14 82 7e-15 (Q703W7) Glucose dehydrog trembl|CAF18527|CAF18527 347 20 33 162 14 82 7e-15 GDH (EC Q89IM9 325 13 24 191 25 82 8e-15 (Q89IM9) Bll5605 protein Q9SK87 386 17 27 183 26 82 8e-15 (Q9SK87) Very similar to Q9AQZ6 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 (Q9AQZ6) Alcohol dehydrog FDEH_PSEPU 361 17 27 184 24 82 8e-15 (P09347) 5-exo-alcohol de O50067 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 (O50067) Alcohol dehydrog Q71UX9 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 (Q71UX9) Alcohol dehydrog Q7G177 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 (Q7G177) Alcohol dehydrog Q9AQZ2 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 (Q9AQZ2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9AQZ3 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 (Q9AQZ3) Alcohol dehydrog Q93VN9 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 (Q93VN9) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAC00505|AAC00505 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAC00506|AAC00506 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAC00507|AAC00507 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAC00508|AAC00508 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAC00509|AAC00509 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAC00510|AAC00510 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAC00511|AAC00511 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q94KU4 195 15 26 164 25 82 8e-15 (Q94KU4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9ZWL0 359 11 22 221 49 82 8e-15 (Q9ZWL0) Alcohol dehydrog Q82N36 347 19 31 191 44 82 8e-15 (Q82N36) Putative oxidore Q84LX1 305 12 20 225 49 82 9e-15 (Q84LX1) Alcohol dehydrog Q9AXG4 195 14 26 171 25 82 9e-15 (Q9AXG4) Alcohol dehydrog Q92S51 2504 19 32 190 32 82 9e-15 (Q92S51) FATTY ACID SYNTH O28179 402 14 23 228 48 82 9e-15 (O28179) Alcohol dehydrog Q6IRQ0 375 14 25 235 46 82 9e-15 (Q6IRQ0) MGC82311 protein Q9AGH5 190 17 29 158 35 82 9e-15 (Q9AGH5) Quinone oxidored Q8PNP3 340 17 26 189 37 82 9e-15 (Q8PNP3) Oxidoreductase Q9KIE1 3591 17 29 181 23 82 9e-15 (Q9KIE1) FkbC Q6LI50 331 15 25 176 30 81 1e-14 (Q6LI50) Hypothetical alc Q828N6 341 15 28 234 17 81 1e-14 (Q828N6) Putative zinc-bi pdb|pdb|1iyz_A 299 22 32 187 22 81 1e-14 Q9K0J3 354 14 30 178 21 81 1e-14 (Q9K0J3) Alcohol dehydrog Q6MQZ6 326 16 32 192 27 81 1e-14 (Q6MQZ6) Quinone oxidored ADH2_ORYSA 375 12 21 223 50 81 1e-14 (P18332) Alcohol dehydrog O96554 8243 16 32 190 29 81 1e-14 (O96554) Type I fatty aci Q846X3 4038 15 29 190 25 81 1e-14 (Q846X3) Monensin polyket Q9AA38 325 17 27 192 26 81 1e-14 (Q9AA38) Alcohol dehydrog FAS_RAT 2505 13 29 191 26 81 1e-14 (P12785) Fatty acid synth Q63577 2505 13 29 191 26 81 1e-14 (Q63577) Fatty acid synth Q6H5W1 381 12 23 227 44 81 1e-14 (Q6H5W1) Putative alcohol Q84LX4 305 12 20 225 49 81 1e-14 (Q84LX4) Alcohol dehydrog Q8TSM5 345 19 33 190 30 81 1e-14 (Q8TSM5) NADPH:quinone re O87871 368 14 26 235 29 81 1e-14 (O87871) 6-hydroxycylohex O23939 337 18 30 177 28 81 1e-14 (O23939) Ripening-induced Q846X2 4106 19 31 184 42 81 1e-14 (Q846X2) Monensin polyket Q8P970 389 12 22 235 69 81 1e-14 (Q8P970) Glutathione-depe Q83HR3 356 13 21 221 32 80 2e-14 (Q83HR3) Alcohol dehydrog Q83GG5 357 13 21 221 32 80 2e-14 (Q83GG5) Zinc-type alcoho Q7D7T9 384 14 25 232 26 80 2e-14 (Q7D7T9) Zinc-binding deh Q73S84 410 13 24 228 50 80 2e-14 (Q73S84) Adh O07737 384 14 25 232 26 80 2e-14 (O07737) POSSIBLE DEHYDRO Q92X82 411 10 20 236 65 80 2e-14 (Q92X82) Putative alcohol Q7U2P6 383 18 31 184 14 80 2e-14 (Q7U2P6) PUTATIVE ZINC-TY Q79G02 383 18 31 184 14 80 2e-14 (Q79G02) PROBABLE ZINC-TY Q7DAC8 383 18 31 184 14 80 2e-14 (Q7DAC8) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE55250|CAE55250 383 18 31 184 14 80 2e-14 PROBABLE ZINC-TYPE ALCOHO Q6BXS6 357 14 27 219 32 80 2e-14 (Q6BXS6) Similar to tr|Q9 Q6H5W0 255 14 25 214 34 80 2e-14 (Q6H5W0) Putative alcohol Q92XG6 322 12 25 192 26 80 2e-14 (Q92XG6) Probable oxidore pdb|pdb|1bxz_A 352 17 29 182 22 80 2e-14 pdb|pdb|1ykf_A 352 17 29 182 22 80 2e-14 ADH_THEBR 352 17 29 182 22 80 2e-14 (P14941) NADP-dependent a Q8RBW3 352 17 29 182 22 80 2e-14 (Q8RBW3) Threonine dehydr Q74LD4 332 18 29 189 32 80 3e-14 (Q74LD4) Hypothetical pro P77990 352 17 29 182 22 80 3e-14 (P77990) Secondary-alcoho Q8VZ49 380 13 24 232 57 80 3e-14 (Q8VZ49) Putative alcohol O45496 328 21 33 188 27 80 3e-14 (O45496) Hypothetical pro O49205 195 15 26 164 25 80 3e-14 (O49205) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FH04 390 12 23 228 50 80 3e-14 (Q9FH04) Alcohol dehydrog Q7WT15 339 18 32 193 25 80 3e-14 (Q7WT15) Enoyl reductase Q840S3 296 16 29 229 45 80 3e-14 (Q840S3) Alcohol dehydrog Q9S270 358 15 30 234 17 80 3e-14 (Q9S270) Putative zinc-bi Q6E7K0 3302 14 25 185 36 80 3e-14 (Q6E7K0) JamJ Q9AXG5 195 15 27 164 25 80 3e-14 (Q9AXG5) Alcohol dehydrog Q840S5 375 17 24 235 46 80 3e-14 (Q840S5) Alcohol dehydrog Q7NMN0 390 10 17 236 66 80 4e-14 (Q7NMN0) Gll0735 protein Q8C4Z0 978 12 29 191 26 80 4e-14 (Q8C4Z0) Mus musculus 3 d Q9EQR0 2504 12 29 191 26 80 4e-14 (Q9EQR0) Fatty acid synth Q98GG6 338 14 21 213 19 80 4e-14 (Q98GG6) L-iditol 2-dehyd O82478 374 13 24 228 47 79 4e-14 (O82478) Alcohol dehydrog Q7UKC0 389 11 20 235 69 79 4e-14 (Q7UKC0) Glutathione-depe Q89CX0 329 20 31 181 25 79 4e-14 (Q89CX0) Blr7675 protein Q6BC32 380 14 24 213 28 79 4e-14 (Q6BC32) Glycerol dehydro Q6HPK0 302 16 28 170 30 79 4e-14 (Q6HPK0) Alcohol dehydrog Q8IN62 1214 15 25 216 24 79 4e-14 (Q8IN62) CG4836-PB Q9VDQ9 1217 15 25 216 24 79 4e-14 (Q9VDQ9) CG4836-PC Q6DNE5 2199 17 30 185 33 79 5e-14 (Q6DNE5) CurH Q73U66 386 19 28 233 50 79 5e-14 (Q73U66) AdhD Q6RKK3 2491 15 32 191 31 79 5e-14 (Q6RKK3) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR92219|AAR92219 2491 15 32 191 31 79 5e-14 Polyketide synthase. Q9KEW1 339 15 26 185 45 79 5e-14 (Q9KEW1) Alginate lyase Q7WTF1 3979 17 30 191 23 79 5e-14 (Q7WTF1) NanA5 Q9SXZ7 470 18 35 182 34 79 6e-14 (Q9SXZ7) NADPH oxidoreduc XYLD_RHILO 348 14 27 183 16 79 6e-14 (Q98D10) Putative D-xylul Q8LBA4 366 16 30 189 32 79 6e-14 (Q8LBA4) Zinc-binding deh Q9LK96 366 16 30 189 32 79 6e-14 (Q9LK96) Oxidoreductase-l Q97DU6 377 11 21 221 52 79 6e-14 (Q97DU6) Alcohol dehydrog Q846X4 4132 18 30 191 23 79 6e-14 (Q846X4) Monensin polyket Q8NLH3 306 16 29 177 26 78 7e-14 (Q8NLH3) NADPH:quinone re Q7Q4L2 2189 16 30 191 30 78 7e-14 (Q7Q4L2) EbiP6538 (Fragme Q8H7N2 306 16 30 179 19 78 7e-14 (Q8H7N2) Putative alcohol Q73ZI2 341 17 27 232 26 78 7e-14 (Q73ZI2) Hypothetical pro Q7FA53 331 17 28 187 25 78 7e-14 (Q7FA53) OSJNBa0018J19.3 trembl|CAE04436|CAE04436 331 17 28 187 25 78 7e-14 OSJNBa0018J19.3 protein. Q9JTV8 250 14 27 177 20 78 8e-14 (Q9JTV8) Putative zinc-bi Q8Y1R5 338 12 22 226 23 78 8e-14 (Q8Y1R5) PROBABLE ZINC-DE Q88S32 310 18 33 185 22 78 8e-14 (Q88S32) Oxidoreductase ( Q6RKG3 2530 15 30 190 30 78 1e-13 (Q6RKG3) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR85531|AAR85531 2530 15 30 190 30 78 1e-13 Polyketide synthase. Q7B6G7 449 16 28 188 36 78 1e-13 (Q7B6G7) Crotonyl-CoA red trembl|AAR32675|AAR32675 449 16 28 188 36 78 1e-13 Crotonyl-CoA reductase. Q6PJJ3 774 13 30 187 26 78 1e-13 (Q6PJJ3) FASN protein (Fr trembl|AAH14631|AAH14631 774 13 30 187 26 78 1e-13 FASN protein (Fragment). Q6W1X8 369 18 30 230 34 78 1e-13 (Q6W1X8) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAQ87240|AAQ87240 369 18 30 230 34 78 1e-13 Alcohol dehydrogenase (EC Q9WYP3 395 13 24 222 31 78 1e-13 (Q9WYP3) Alcohol dehydrog Q9HY50 337 16 27 215 40 78 1e-13 (Q9HY50) Probable oxidore Q73UP0 315 14 27 191 26 78 1e-13 (Q73UP0) Hypothetical pro Q7U377 360 15 25 229 27 78 1e-13 (Q7U377) Putative Zinc-bi Q7U389 360 15 25 229 27 78 1e-13 (Q7U389) Putative Zinc-bi Q81VM0 302 16 29 170 30 78 1e-13 (Q81VM0) Alcohol dehydrog Q82NN0 356 15 25 234 25 78 1e-13 (Q82NN0) Putative zinc-bi Q9AI30 2546 16 30 192 27 78 1e-13 (Q9AI30) Putative type I Q7U2Q9 322 19 27 192 25 77 1e-13 (Q7U2Q9) PUTATIVE QUINONE P96826 322 19 27 192 25 77 1e-13 (P96826) POSSIBLE QUINONE Q7DAD7 322 19 27 192 25 77 1e-13 (Q7DAD7) Quinone oxidored Q8PKX9 389 12 21 236 67 77 1e-13 (Q8PKX9) Glutathione-depe Q6BSF3 403 11 23 226 60 77 2e-13 (Q6BSF3) Similarities wit Q43677 317 20 33 177 28 77 2e-13 (Q43677) Auxin-induced pr Q7UTT8 327 18 31 186 24 77 2e-13 (Q7UTT8) Putative zinc-bi Q9SEP8 379 11 21 225 49 77 2e-13 (Q9SEP8) Alcohol dehydrog Q7ULC9 328 16 28 185 31 77 2e-13 (Q7ULC9) Ripening-induced Q84V25 322 20 31 177 28 77 2e-13 (Q84V25) Quinone oxidored Q8PC20 340 15 26 189 37 77 2e-13 (Q8PC20) Oxidoreductase Q6LST6 330 20 31 189 31 77 2e-13 (Q6LST6) Hypothetical pro Q8YYF5 389 11 19 235 67 77 2e-13 (Q8YYF5) Alcohol dehydrog Q73F09 302 16 28 170 30 77 2e-13 (Q73F09) Alcohol dehydrog Q7NJ83 336 14 26 192 29 77 2e-13 (Q7NJ83) Gll1949 protein O22574 422 13 23 205 55 77 3e-13 (O22574) (R)-hydroxynitri Q886J5 310 17 29 183 20 77 3e-13 (Q886J5) Alcohol dehydrog Q7D3P9 358 20 30 184 28 77 3e-13 (Q7D3P9) AGR_pAT_262p Q8UKD5 328 20 30 184 28 77 3e-13 (Q8UKD5) Zinc-binding deh Q941I0 339 18 30 177 29 77 3e-13 (Q941I0) Putative quinone XYLD_RHIME 346 14 28 178 18 77 3e-13 (Q92MT4) Putative D-xylul Q7D3C9 353 20 30 184 33 77 3e-13 (Q7D3C9) AGR_pAT_466p Q8UK00 353 20 30 184 33 77 3e-13 (Q8UK00) Zinc-binding oxi Q41766 379 11 21 224 51 77 3e-13 (Q41766) Alcohol dehydrog Q96V44 377 11 24 219 23 76 3e-13 (Q96V44) L-arabinitol 4-d trembl|AAP57209|AAP57209 377 11 24 219 23 76 3e-13 L-arabinitol 4-dehydrogen Q9ALM5 2152 14 30 188 27 76 3e-13 (Q9ALM5) Polyketide synth P93243 422 13 23 205 55 76 3e-13 (P93243) Alpha-hydroxynit Q8KL46 394 19 30 235 44 76 4e-13 (Q8KL46) Probable aryl-al Q9I1S7 388 15 27 195 38 76 4e-13 (Q9I1S7) Probable alcohol Q6C2G3 340 17 28 186 38 76 4e-13 (Q6C2G3) Similar to tr|AA Q97VB8 317 13 27 218 11 76 4e-13 (Q97VB8) Alcohol dehydrog Q75DW3 334 16 31 191 28 76 4e-13 (Q75DW3) ABL090Wp Q93CP0 329 16 27 192 25 76 4e-13 (Q93CP0) Putative oxidore Q89QP5 330 15 26 192 29 76 5e-13 (Q89QP5) Blr3079 protein Q89G16 338 15 27 236 23 76 5e-13 (Q89G16) Blr6532 protein Q9AG75 1360 20 30 191 25 76 5e-13 (Q9AG75) Polyketide synth Q7TZB1 334 16 26 192 37 76 5e-13 (Q7TZB1) POSSIBLE OXIDORE Q41242 390 13 23 224 49 76 5e-13 (Q41242) Alcohol dehydrog Q8RV10 381 12 22 226 46 76 5e-13 (Q8RV10) AT5g24760/T4C12_ Q6FRB5 333 18 30 164 26 75 5e-13 (Q6FRB5) Similar to sp|P3 Q93H82 418 14 26 180 43 75 6e-13 (Q93H82) Putative dehydro Q9I1V7 415 13 21 230 71 75 6e-13 (Q9I1V7) Probable alcohol Q6CEW4 337 13 26 192 38 75 6e-13 (Q6CEW4) Yarrowia lipolyt Q9XIS0 387 12 23 231 66 75 6e-13 (Q9XIS0) F13O11.3 protein Q92WG5 326 15 30 192 20 75 6e-13 (Q92WG5) Putative NADPH:q Q826P3 347 18 28 192 26 75 7e-13 (Q826P3) Putative oxidore Q8LEB2 381 12 21 226 46 75 7e-13 (Q8LEB2) Alcohol dehydrog Q89S61 328 15 28 220 33 75 8e-13 (Q89S61) Blr2544 protein Q8J0F5 2563 14 31 190 32 75 8e-13 (Q8J0F5) Polyketide synth Q93J29 294 19 35 180 22 75 9e-13 (Q93J29) Putative oxidore Q938F2 374 18 29 229 45 75 9e-13 (Q938F2) 6-hydroxylauric P96291 2111 16 31 192 29 75 9e-13 (P96291) PROBABLE MULTIFU Q7D6E5 2111 16 31 192 29 75 9e-13 (Q7D6E5) Mycocerosic acid Q8RQG3 167 21 36 109 13 75 9e-13 (Q8RQG3) Probable zinc-bi MCAS_MYCBO 2111 16 31 192 29 75 9e-13 (Q02251) Mycocerosic acid Q930I3 337 15 28 226 12 75 9e-13 (Q930I3) Putative zinc-bi Q89G08 347 14 29 190 37 75 9e-13 (Q89G08) Bll6540 protein Q6N0V2 328 17 28 211 34 75 9e-13 (Q6N0V2) Zinc-binding deh trembl|CAE30098|CAE30098 328 17 28 211 34 75 9e-13 Zinc-binding dehydrogenas Q8YTN4 2518 16 30 190 33 75 1e-12 (Q8YTN4) Polyketide synth Q6NEX4 363 15 31 174 27 75 1e-12 (Q6NEX4) Putative zinc-bi trembl|CAE50665|CAE50665 363 15 31 174 27 75 1e-12 Putative zinc-binding alc Q6BVP5 352 12 26 221 19 75 1e-12 (Q6BVP5) Similar to tr|Q9 ADH1_ENTHI 360 16 28 182 22 75 1e-12 (P35630) NADP-dependent a Q6RKF8 2431 14 30 192 29 74 1e-12 (Q6RKF8) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR90261|AAR90261 2431 14 30 192 29 74 1e-12 Polyketide synthase (Frag Q7WTF3 4032 21 30 191 23 74 1e-12 (Q7WTF3) NanA3 Q7D3Q5 317 18 29 190 24 74 1e-12 (Q7D3Q5) AGR_pAT_254p Q7PLB8 2284 15 30 191 30 74 2e-12 (Q7PLB8) CG17374-PA.3 Q7XC60 337 17 30 174 41 74 2e-12 (Q7XC60) Putative quinone Q8SBA7 337 17 30 174 41 74 2e-12 (Q8SBA7) Putative quinone Q84M06 305 16 27 172 25 74 2e-12 (Q84M06) Alcohol dehydrog Q8YTN5 2478 12 31 184 37 74 2e-12 (Q8YTN5) Polyketide synth Q9KFE3 198 19 31 74 2 74 2e-12 (Q9KFE3) NADP-dependent a Q7UJD0 2471 15 28 188 28 74 2e-12 (Q7UJD0) Polyketide synth Q52933 188 24 36 110 15 74 2e-12 (Q52933) Fix23-4 Q8UKE1 311 18 29 190 24 74 2e-12 (Q8UKE1) Quinone oxidored Q9D932 375 12 23 235 47 74 2e-12 (Q9D932) Mus musculus 10 Q6RKJ9 2434 13 29 192 28 74 2e-12 (Q6RKJ9) Polyketide synth Q8BGC4 377 15 30 178 40 74 2e-12 (Q8BGC4) Mus musculus 10 trembl|AAR90237|AAR90237 2434 13 29 192 28 74 2e-12 Polyketide synthase (Frag Q6AC91 349 16 23 229 31 74 2e-12 (Q6AC91) Alcohol dehydrog Q70HX6 370 16 23 231 49 73 2e-12 (Q70HX6) Hypothetical pro Q9CJQ4 236 13 28 162 24 73 2e-12 (Q9CJQ4) Hypothetical pro trembl|CAE45693|CAE45693 370 16 23 231 49 73 2e-12 Hypothetical protein. Q43169 377 10 22 223 47 73 2e-12 (Q43169) Alcohol dehydrog Q74F38 335 18 29 227 27 73 2e-12 (Q74F38) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR34101|AAR34101 335 18 29 227 27 73 2e-12 Alcohol dehydrogenase, zi Q6DNE2 2232 14 28 183 37 73 2e-12 (Q6DNE2) CurK Q8YLG4 409 10 19 225 81 73 2e-12 (Q8YLG4) Alcohol dehydrog pdb|pdb|1iz0_A 295 22 30 183 26 73 2e-12 Q7X295 298 17 31 183 29 73 2e-12 (Q7X295) Putative oxidore Q7C2R4 412 12 22 237 62 73 3e-12 (Q7C2R4) Putative oxidore Q83SA9 412 12 22 237 62 73 3e-12 (Q83SA9) Putative oxidore Q7AGQ4 412 12 22 237 62 73 3e-12 (Q7AGQ4) Putative oxidore Q8XBT2 412 12 22 237 62 73 3e-12 (Q8XBT2) Putative oxidore P95814 6420 17 31 186 23 73 3e-12 (P95814) FK506 polyketide Q7VES2 4151 18 31 190 24 73 3e-12 (Q7VES2) Probable polyket Q73YT8 2073 15 33 192 29 73 3e-12 (Q73YT8) Pks5 Q7NXJ6 337 15 26 187 39 73 3e-12 (Q7NXJ6) Probable oxidore Q7WID3 2527 16 31 188 32 73 3e-12 (Q7WID3) Putative type I Q9PCQ1 353 15 27 190 29 73 3e-12 (Q9PCQ1) NADP-alcohol deh Q88UV7 342 17 31 186 44 73 3e-12 (Q88UV7) Oxidoreductase ( Q7D065 338 12 27 189 36 73 3e-12 (Q7D065) AGR_C_1830p Q8UGN9 338 12 27 189 36 73 3e-12 (Q8UGN9) Zinc-binding deh O53490 4151 16 29 190 24 73 3e-12 (O53490) Probable polyket Q6RKI9 2544 15 31 192 29 73 4e-12 (Q6RKI9) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR90247|AAR90247 2544 15 31 192 29 73 4e-12 Polyketide synthase. Q7D7J7 4151 16 29 190 24 73 4e-12 (Q7D7J7) Polyketide synth O33956 3729 17 29 185 36 73 4e-12 (O33956) Tylactone syntha Q89IR8 434 19 30 157 23 73 4e-12 (Q89IR8) Bll5566 protein pdb|pdb|1pqw_A 183 22 34 110 15 73 4e-12 Q88WH7 316 15 29 190 24 73 4e-12 (Q88WH7) Oxidoreductase ( Q6MZA4 16990 16 31 213 24 73 4e-12 (Q6MZA4) Type I modular p Q6MZA5 2410 16 31 213 24 73 4e-12 (Q6MZA5) Type I modular p Q6WG27 1389 16 31 213 24 73 4e-12 (Q6WG27) Type I polyketid Q93NW6 10917 19 32 185 33 73 4e-12 (Q93NW6) AmphC trembl|AAQ74419|AAQ74419 1389 16 31 213 24 73 4e-12 Type I polyketide synthas Q8DU52 320 11 28 190 13 73 4e-12 (Q8DU52) Putative oxidore Q81US6 332 19 34 191 23 73 4e-12 (Q81US6) Alcohol dehydrog Q8PSM7 720 21 33 183 42 72 5e-12 (Q8PSM7) Oxidoreductase ( Q6DNE7 3195 15 28 184 38 72 5e-12 (Q6DNE7) CurF Q6NAX4 328 14 27 220 33 72 5e-12 (Q6NAX4) Putative dehydro trembl|CAE26499|CAE26499 328 14 27 220 33 72 5e-12 Putative dehydrogenase (Z Q8ZR17 412 13 24 236 64 72 5e-12 (Q8ZR17) Putative dehydro Q70KH5 2164 16 32 191 24 72 5e-12 (Q70KH5) Polyketide synth Q884Q9 386 20 31 181 28 72 6e-12 (Q884Q9) Oxidoreductase, Q927S0 332 13 26 186 40 72 6e-12 (Q927S0) Lin2718 protein Q7CRS0 338 15 28 213 16 72 6e-12 (Q7CRS0) AGR_L_3295p Q8UB54 338 15 28 213 16 72 6e-12 (Q8UB54) Zinc-binding deh O07721 334 15 26 192 37 72 7e-12 (O07721) POSSIBLE OXIDORE Q7D7T1 334 15 26 192 37 72 7e-12 (Q7D7T1) Quinone oxidored Q89Z65 350 10 19 225 23 72 7e-12 (Q89Z65) Putative zinc-ty YBDR_ECOLI 412 12 22 237 62 72 8e-12 (P77316) Hypothetical zin Q88IP6 335 14 25 188 36 72 8e-12 (Q88IP6) Alcohol dehydrog Q7WE43 327 18 29 188 24 72 8e-12 (Q7WE43) Probable zinc-bi Q8CV89 327 14 31 190 26 72 8e-12 (Q8CV89) Hypothetical con Q8CRA5 330 14 27 212 23 72 9e-12 (Q8CRA5) Hypothetical pro Q7W6G2 2527 15 31 188 32 72 9e-12 (Q7W6G2) Putative type I Q87J69 352 13 25 192 18 72 9e-12 (Q87J69) Hypothetical pro TERD_PSESP 319 20 31 143 17 72 1e-11 (P33010) Probable alcohol Q82BC9 340 17 30 187 35 72 1e-11 (Q82BC9) Putative oxidore Q889J5 349 15 27 187 39 72 1e-11 (Q889J5) Alcohol dehydrog P91871 2586 16 32 191 33 71 1e-11 (P91871) Hypothetical pro Q9KIV3 3816 16 29 190 26 71 1e-11 (Q9KIV3) 8,8a-deoxyoleand Q53929 306 18 30 178 31 71 1e-11 (Q53929) ORF4 protein Q8R9L6 317 13 27 223 20 71 1e-11 (Q8R9L6) Threonine dehydr Q88IN7 333 17 26 183 38 71 1e-11 (Q88IN7) Alcohol dehydrog Q9X7X7 363 10 21 227 38 71 1e-11 (Q9X7X7) Probable zinc-bi Q7VS00 327 18 28 188 24 71 1e-11 (Q7VS00) Probable zinc-bi Q92R74 337 13 26 191 31 71 1e-11 (Q92R74) PUTATIVE OXIDORE Q6RKJ0 2420 18 32 192 31 71 1e-11 (Q6RKJ0) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR90246|AAR90246 2420 18 32 192 31 71 1e-11 Polyketide synthase. Q92217 2528 16 28 192 26 71 1e-11 (Q92217) Polyketide synth Q73D37 332 17 32 191 23 71 1e-11 (Q73D37) Alcohol dehydrog Q6RKK4 2319 13 29 193 24 71 1e-11 (Q6RKK4) Polyketide synth Q9Y8A2 2607 13 29 193 24 71 1e-11 (Q9Y8A2) Fum1p trembl|AAR92218|AAR92218 2319 13 29 193 24 71 1e-11 Polyketide synthase (Frag Q745Q3 322 18 29 190 27 71 1e-11 (Q745Q3) Hypothetical pro Q6N824 389 10 20 227 66 71 1e-11 (Q6N824) Zinc-containing trembl|CAE27521|CAE27521 389 10 20 227 66 71 1e-11 Zinc-containing dehydroge Q9ZGA4 7576 18 32 119 8 71 1e-11 (Q9ZGA4) FK506 polyketide Q8FGB2 1352 15 29 190 24 71 1e-11 (Q8FGB2) Putative polyket Q9Y7D5 2532 17 30 191 32 71 2e-11 (Q9Y7D5) Polyketide synth Q9AYU1 329 16 27 186 32 71 2e-11 (Q9AYU1) Quinone-oxidored O24504 188 16 28 147 20 71 2e-11 (O24504) Alcohol dehydrog Q9KUG9 337 18 33 182 24 71 2e-11 (Q9KUG9) Quinone oxidored Q72KT1 363 15 26 224 34 70 2e-11 (Q72KT1) Dehydrogenase fa pdb|pdb|1v3u_A 316 13 26 190 25 70 2e-11 Q89RG0 359 15 24 192 36 70 2e-11 (Q89RG0) Hypothetical zin Q7N5I8 342 10 24 220 17 70 2e-11 (Q7N5I8) Similar to xylit Q89R74 334 14 25 216 21 70 2e-11 (Q89R74) Blr2898 protein Q8KUE7 241 23 33 181 22 70 2e-11 (Q8KUE7) Quinone oxidored Q7UU62 414 13 24 218 47 70 2e-11 (Q7UU62) Sorbitol dehydro Q8XVE0 338 19 29 217 22 70 2e-11 (Q8XVE0) PUTATIVE OXIDORE Q7QF38 354 15 29 178 28 70 2e-11 (Q7QF38) AgCP13682 (Fragm Q9ZT38 341 15 28 148 27 70 2e-11 (Q9ZT38) Alcohol-dehydrog Q9V4N2 381 16 33 192 38 70 2e-11 (Q9V4N2) CG1600-PA (Cg160 Q961L4 434 16 33 192 38 70 2e-11 (Q961L4) GH18014p (CG1600 Q89GJ2 334 12 25 225 16 70 2e-11 (Q89GJ2) Bll6353 protein ZDH1_STAAW 335 12 26 190 34 70 3e-11 (Q8NVD1) Zinc-type alcoho Q6G7C8 335 12 26 190 34 70 3e-11 (Q6G7C8) Putative zinc-bi Q9ZEX7 422 14 21 219 22 70 3e-11 (Q9ZEX7) Dehydrogenase Q9Z3T9 2731 19 31 186 34 70 3e-11 (Q9Z3T9) Type I polyketid Q6RKF4 2378 16 31 214 38 70 3e-11 (Q6RKF4) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR90265|AAR90265 2378 16 31 214 38 70 3e-11 Polyketide synthase. Q7QF39 343 14 28 179 29 70 3e-11 (Q7QF39) AgCP13671 (Fragm Q8Z8J5 412 12 23 236 64 70 3e-11 (Q8Z8J5) Hypothetical zin Q9KID7 6396 16 31 187 21 70 3e-11 (Q9KID7) FkbA Q8CU46 315 16 31 184 20 70 3e-11 (Q8CU46) Alginate lyase Q8VS08 346 12 27 161 23 70 3e-11 (Q8VS08) GatD XYLD_AGRT5 350 14 27 178 18 70 3e-11 (Q8U7Y1) Putative D-xylul Q8NJQ2 352 17 31 189 35 70 3e-11 (Q8NJQ2) Reductase RED1 Q8N4Q0 377 16 31 178 40 70 3e-11 (Q8N4Q0) Zinc binding alc Q9M166 367 16 32 181 18 70 3e-11 (Q9M166) Nuclear receptor Q6E7J8 3935 13 24 183 37 70 3e-11 (Q6E7J8) JamL Q6JHN6 7488 16 31 185 29 69 4e-11 (Q6JHN6) ObsC Q71WK5 332 14 26 186 40 69 4e-11 (Q71WK5) Alcohol dehydrog Q6KC58 181 17 27 122 7 69 4e-11 (Q6KC58) Secondary alcoho Q70I82 213 16 26 136 25 69 4e-11 (Q70I82) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE45296|CAE45296 213 16 26 136 25 69 4e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( Q70I76 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 (Q70I76) Alcohol dehydrog Q70IA4 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 (Q70IA4) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE45273|CAE45273 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45274|CAE45274 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45275|CAE45275 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45276|CAE45276 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45278|CAE45278 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45279|CAE45279 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45280|CAE45280 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45281|CAE45281 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45282|CAE45282 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45283|CAE45283 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45284|CAE45284 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45287|CAE45287 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45288|CAE45288 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45295|CAE45295 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45302|CAE45302 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45305|CAE45305 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45306|CAE45306 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( Q840S6 303 21 27 164 35 69 5e-11 (Q840S6) Alcohol dehydrog Q70I68 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 (Q70I68) Alcohol dehydrog Q70I80 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 (Q70I80) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE45298|CAE45298 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45310|CAE45310 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( Q70I64 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 (Q70I64) Alcohol dehydrog Q70I69 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 (Q70I69) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE45309|CAE45309 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45313|CAE45313 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45314|CAE45314 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45316|CAE45316 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45319|CAE45319 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45320|CAE45320 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45321|CAE45321 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45322|CAE45322 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( Q70I74 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 (Q70I74) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE45303|CAE45303 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45304|CAE45304 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( Q70I60 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 (Q70I60) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE45317|CAE45317 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45318|CAE45318 213 16 26 136 25 69 5e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( Q9L4W3 11096 17 31 185 33 69 5e-11 (Q9L4W3) NysC Q87W70 2719 18 30 187 32 69 5e-11 (Q87W70) Coronafacic acid Q7XMU7 332 15 27 189 22 69 5e-11 (Q7XMU7) OSJNBa0018J19.11 Q7UJC3 335 15 26 222 31 69 5e-11 (Q7UJC3) Quinone oxidored trembl|CAE04444|CAE04444 332 15 27 189 22 69 5e-11 OSJNBa0018J19.11 protein. VAT1_TORCA 379 11 25 182 40 69 6e-11 (P19333) Synaptic vesicle pdb|pdb|1pqw_B 175 16 30 153 19 69 6e-11 Q93HI6 450 16 27 188 36 69 6e-11 (Q93HI6) Crotonyl-CoA red Q8KUV8 321 18 32 187 23 69 6e-11 (Q8KUV8) PANL16 Q70I86 213 16 26 136 25 69 6e-11 (Q70I86) Alcohol dehydrog Q6FC94 337 14 25 187 39 69 6e-11 (Q6FC94) Putative Zn-depe trembl|CAE45291|CAE45291 213 16 26 136 25 69 6e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45292|CAE45292 213 16 26 136 25 69 6e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45293|CAE45293 213 16 26 136 25 69 6e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45294|CAE45294 213 16 26 136 25 69 6e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( Q6W5P7 7771 17 31 186 30 68 7e-11 (Q6W5P7) FscE trembl|AAQ82567|AAQ82567 7771 17 31 186 30 68 7e-11 FscE. Q6T7C8 322 17 26 188 28 68 7e-11 (Q6T7C8) Fiber quinone-ox trembl|AAR07601|AAR07601 322 17 26 188 28 68 7e-11 Fiber quinone-oxidoreduct Q6W5P9 5541 15 30 188 31 68 7e-11 (Q6W5P9) FscB Q6AAQ4 338 15 28 188 33 68 7e-11 (Q6AAQ4) Zinc-binding deh trembl|AAQ82565|AAQ82565 5541 15 30 188 31 68 7e-11 FscB. Q9ADL6 6315 17 33 191 27 68 7e-11 (Q9ADL6) Soraphen polyket Q7ZA30 398 13 24 211 33 68 7e-11 (Q7ZA30) Alcohol dehydrog Q82G80 322 17 30 191 23 68 7e-11 (Q82G80) Putative oxidore Q70IA1 213 16 26 136 25 68 7e-11 (Q70IA1) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE45277|CAE45277 213 16 26 136 25 68 7e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( Q7WT33 341 17 29 191 20 68 8e-11 (Q7WT33) Enoyl reductase Q70I70 213 15 25 136 25 68 8e-11 (Q70I70) Alcohol dehydrog Q8P362 335 13 27 191 30 68 8e-11 (Q8P362) Bifunctional oxi trembl|CAE45307|CAE45307 213 15 25 136 25 68 8e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45308|CAE45308 213 15 25 136 25 68 8e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45311|CAE45311 213 15 25 136 25 68 8e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45312|CAE45312 213 15 25 136 25 68 8e-11 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( Q9KII4 678 16 28 191 24 68 8e-11 (Q9KII4) Polyketide synth Q6N924 338 13 21 216 20 68 9e-11 (Q6N924) Putative oxidore trembl|CAE27167|CAE27167 338 13 21 216 20 68 9e-11 Putative oxidoreductase. Q8Y482 332 13 26 186 40 68 1e-10 (Q8Y482) Lmo2573 protein Q9KIE0 7525 15 29 185 20 68 1e-10 (Q9KIE0) FkbB Q93JA6 381 19 28 181 33 68 1e-10 (Q93JA6) Putative oxidore Q70I63 213 16 27 136 25 68 1e-10 (Q70I63) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE45315|CAE45315 213 16 27 136 25 68 1e-10 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( O24502 212 14 27 159 20 68 1e-10 (O24502) Alcohol dehydrog Q6GVP0 2124 16 29 191 24 68 1e-10 (Q6GVP0) Possible polyket ZDH1_STAAM 335 12 25 190 34 68 1e-10 (Q99S81) Zinc-type alcoho Q7N973 353 12 27 217 23 68 1e-10 (Q7N973) Similarities wit Q880W1 340 15 29 189 35 68 1e-10 (Q880W1) Alcohol dehydrog Q73XE3 529 14 27 215 46 68 1e-10 (Q73XE3) Hypothetical pro Q84G24 6842 19 33 191 19 68 1e-10 (Q84G24) GdmAI Q740I1 2018 16 28 191 24 68 1e-10 (Q740I1) Pks7 Q985B6 363 14 24 188 37 68 1e-10 (Q985B6) Alginate lyase Q6BNY0 350 12 23 209 37 67 1e-10 (Q6BNY0) Similar to CA306 Q70I92 213 16 26 136 25 67 1e-10 (Q70I92) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE45285|CAE45285 213 16 26 136 25 67 1e-10 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45286|CAE45286 213 16 26 136 25 67 1e-10 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( Q81BQ9 377 13 21 236 56 67 2e-10 (Q81BQ9) Glutathione-depe O49214 175 14 26 146 22 67 2e-10 (O49214) Alcohol dehydrog Q93WK4 175 14 26 146 22 67 2e-10 (Q93WK4) Alcohol dehydrog Q88FV8 400 13 23 237 62 67 2e-10 (Q88FV8) Formaldehyde deh Q9L1V8 2358 17 31 188 29 67 2e-10 (Q9L1V8) Polyketide synth Q6N4W0 338 14 24 187 39 67 2e-10 (Q6N4W0) Putative alginat trembl|CAE28664|CAE28664 338 14 24 187 39 67 2e-10 Putative alginate lyase. Q846X5 2238 22 32 190 30 67 2e-10 (Q846X5) Monensin polyket Q9RS48 431 9 19 226 81 67 2e-10 (Q9RS48) Alcohol dehydrog Q7NIC3 337 13 24 191 31 67 2e-10 (Q7NIC3) Gll2260 protein Q8W4H6 375 14 29 176 36 67 2e-10 (Q8W4H6) Oxidoreductase o XYLD_MORMO 338 12 24 212 21 67 2e-10 (Q59545) D-xylulose reduc Q23624 372 13 29 192 31 67 2e-10 (Q23624) Hypothetical pro Q6AJP8 331 16 31 188 28 67 2e-10 (Q6AJP8) Probable oxidore Q9ZGI4 3739 15 28 183 38 67 2e-10 (Q9ZGI4) Type I polyketid Q7WXA6 141 59 70 82 0 67 2e-10 (Q7WXA6) Probable alcohol Q9KBU5 378 14 22 235 56 67 2e-10 (Q9KBU5) Alcohol dehydrog Q7BB70 326 16 31 193 23 67 2e-10 (Q7BB70) Putative oxidore Q9FBQ4 326 16 31 193 23 67 2e-10 (Q9FBQ4) Putative oxidore Q8I6I6 13414 13 33 190 31 67 2e-10 (Q8I6I6) Polyketide synth Q86S85 173 14 26 144 27 67 2e-10 (Q86S85) Hypothetical pro Q7XVK0 336 14 27 184 27 67 3e-10 (Q7XVK0) OSJNBa0069D17.1 Q8H0M1 329 17 28 184 36 67 3e-10 (Q8H0M1) Quinone-oxidored Q6MVR4 408 13 28 192 33 67 3e-10 (Q6MVR4) Related to zinc- Q7UJZ0 341 15 28 185 37 67 3e-10 (Q7UJZ0) Putative oxidore Q72VL5 340 14 29 215 38 67 3e-10 (Q72VL5) Zinc-binding deh Q8F971 340 14 29 215 38 67 3e-10 (Q8F971) Alcohol dehydrog Q9CD78 2116 15 30 190 28 67 3e-10 (Q9CD78) Putative mycocer Q743Z7 337 16 27 193 10 67 3e-10 (Q743Z7) Hypothetical pro Q8LCU7 375 14 29 176 36 67 3e-10 (Q8LCU7) Nuclear receptor O49109 338 10 22 188 43 67 3e-10 (O49109) Alcohol dehydrog Q7ND01 329 15 27 189 22 67 3e-10 (Q7ND01) Quinone oxidored Q7DMF5 158 15 27 127 21 66 3e-10 (Q7DMF5) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FT42 375 12 21 220 52 66 3e-10 (Q9FT42) Alcohol dehydrog Q81NP8 377 13 21 235 56 66 3e-10 (Q81NP8) Alcohol dehydrog Q82GE1 329 18 30 193 26 66 4e-10 (Q82GE1) Putative oxidore Q7TXK8 2112 14 28 189 28 66 4e-10 (Q7TXK8) PROBABLE POLYKET Q734D7 339 12 26 190 35 66 4e-10 (Q734D7) Alcohol dehydrog pdb|pdb|1jqb_A 350 17 29 182 22 66 4e-10 Q53840 8817 18 31 190 26 66 4e-10 (Q53840) Soraphen polyket O24508 280 11 21 208 47 66 4e-10 (O24508) Alcohol dehydrog Q6GEP3 335 12 25 190 34 66 4e-10 (Q6GEP3) Putative zinc-bi Q8D6M2 343 15 28 179 33 66 4e-10 (Q8D6M2) Putative NADP-de Q8P4K4 387 12 24 194 39 66 4e-10 (Q8P4K4) Zn-dependent alc IC11_TRIHA 339 15 29 189 36 66 4e-10 (P34055) Protein indc11 O24506 188 15 26 150 26 66 4e-10 (O24506) Alcohol dehydrog Q7PVV1 423 14 27 189 44 66 5e-10 (Q7PVV1) ENSANGP000000166 Q82ND5 318 18 30 180 29 66 5e-10 (Q82ND5) Putative oxidore Q6NDJ8 346 16 28 239 23 66 5e-10 (Q6NDJ8) Putative Zn-bind trembl|CAE25551|CAE25551 346 16 28 239 23 66 5e-10 Putative Zn-binding dehyd ADH_MYCPN 351 13 27 181 22 66 5e-10 (P75214) Probable NADP-de Q89ZF3 344 16 28 182 24 66 5e-10 (Q89ZF3) Sorbitol dehydro Q6BN61 353 10 24 219 24 66 5e-10 (Q6BN61) Similar to wi|NC Q6D9L1 2713 17 31 189 23 66 5e-10 (Q6D9L1) Type I polyketid Q9WX20 318 17 28 186 20 66 6e-10 (Q9WX20) Putative dehydro Q8XYJ2 336 17 29 176 32 65 6e-10 (Q8XYJ2) PROBABLE NADP-DE Q7D6E1 1620 14 28 189 28 65 6e-10 (Q7D6E1) Polyketide synth P96285 1616 14 28 189 28 65 6e-10 (P96285) PROBABLE POLYKET Q6JLE7 248 19 32 88 6 65 6e-10 (Q6JLE7) P53 induced prot Q6PB72 857 13 29 172 26 65 6e-10 (Q6PB72) Fasn protein (Fr trembl|AAH59850|AAH59850 857 13 29 172 26 65 6e-10 Fasn protein (Fragment). Q6CCV6 340 16 28 188 33 65 6e-10 (Q6CCV6) Similar to tr|Q8 ZDH1_STAEP 336 14 27 186 42 65 6e-10 (Q8CRJ7) Zinc-type alcoho O45903 344 16 31 152 13 65 6e-10 (O45903) Hypothetical pro Q8DUZ7 294 18 34 180 20 65 6e-10 (Q8DUZ7) Putative oxidore Q75JV4 2448 13 28 190 48 65 7e-10 (Q75JV4) Similar to Dicty Q6AHE3 340 18 32 191 28 65 7e-10 (Q6AHE3) Alcohol dehydrog Q75JV1 1447 13 28 190 47 65 7e-10 (Q75JV1) Similar to Dicty Q8GBX7 2518 17 29 192 24 65 7e-10 (Q8GBX7) Polyketide synth Q7MDH9 343 15 28 179 33 65 7e-10 (Q7MDH9) Putative NADP-de O06012 378 13 21 235 56 65 7e-10 (O06012) NAD alcohol dehy Q94B56 213 19 28 101 10 65 8e-10 (Q94B56) Cinnamyl alcohol Q7NZW1 330 14 27 182 27 65 8e-10 (Q7NZW1) Probable zinc-co Q25222 340 19 28 187 39 65 8e-10 (Q25222) CP36 Q70I88 213 16 26 136 25 65 8e-10 (Q70I88) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE45289|CAE45289 213 16 26 136 25 65 8e-10 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45290|CAE45290 213 16 26 136 25 65 8e-10 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( Q8KN10 730 19 30 190 42 65 8e-10 (Q8KN10) Putative bi-doma Q6ZXK8 181 17 27 122 7 65 9e-10 (Q6ZXK8) Secondary alcoho Q70I79 213 16 27 136 25 65 9e-10 (Q70I79) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE45297|CAE45297 213 16 27 136 25 65 9e-10 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45299|CAE45299 213 16 27 136 25 65 9e-10 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( trembl|CAE45300|CAE45300 213 16 27 136 25 65 9e-10 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( pdb|pdb|1kev_A 350 17 29 182 22 65 9e-10 pdb|pdb|1ped_A 350 17 29 182 22 65 9e-10 pdb|pdb|1v3t_A 333 13 26 190 32 65 1e-09 pdb|pdb|1v3t_B 330 13 26 190 32 65 1e-09 pdb|pdb|1v3u_B 332 13 26 190 32 65 1e-09 pdb|pdb|1v3v_A 333 13 26 190 32 65 1e-09 pdb|pdb|1v3v_B 328 13 26 190 32 65 1e-09 Q9EQZ5 329 13 26 190 32 65 1e-09 (Q9EQZ5) Leukotriene b4 Q42764 181 16 26 151 22 65 1e-09 (Q42764) Alcohol dehydrog Q83X70 3656 18 35 189 23 65 1e-09 (Q83X70) Lankamycin synth Q8PG70 387 13 24 194 39 65 1e-09 (Q8PG70) Zn-dependent alc Q70I77 213 14 24 136 25 65 1e-09 (Q70I77) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|CAE45301|CAE45301 213 14 24 136 25 65 1e-09 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( Q885F9 411 14 23 193 39 65 1e-09 (Q885F9) Glutathione-depe O24284 193 15 27 136 17 65 1e-09 (O24284) Alcohol dehydrog Q6LW08 356 18 30 191 23 65 1e-09 (Q6LW08) Putative zinc-bi Q926S2 350 17 28 124 15 65 1e-09 (Q926S2) Lin2969 protein Q8Y3J9 350 17 28 124 15 65 1e-09 (Q8Y3J9) Lmo2836 protein Q71VS5 350 17 28 124 15 65 1e-09 (Q71VS5) Alcohol dehydrog Q84G22 3896 17 33 190 19 64 1e-09 (Q84G22) GdmAIII Q8FMR9 358 16 27 222 22 64 1e-09 (Q8FMR9) Putative alcohol QOR_LEIAM 340 19 28 187 39 64 1e-09 (P42865) Possible quinone Q9AC82 323 10 27 191 20 64 1e-09 (Q9AC82) Hypothetical pro Q8NMN4 340 15 27 221 24 64 2e-09 (Q8NMN4) NADPH:quinone re Q6RKK0 2471 15 27 186 31 64 2e-09 (Q6RKK0) Polyketide synth Q69XJ5 342 16 28 178 28 64 2e-09 (Q69XJ5) Putative allyl a trembl|AAR92222|AAR92222 2471 15 27 186 31 64 2e-09 Polyketide synthase. Q93HI8 3970 18 30 189 26 64 2e-09 (Q93HI8) Modular polyketi Q73TX7 322 18 27 170 24 64 2e-09 (Q73TX7) Hypothetical pro Q92WU3 330 18 27 165 23 64 2e-09 (Q92WU3) Putative oxidore Q9SV68 329 17 31 186 32 64 2e-09 (Q9SV68) Hypothetical pro Q76KZ5 2260 14 29 190 34 64 2e-09 (Q76KZ5) Polyketide synth Q7VEV1 2126 15 28 186 34 64 2e-09 (Q7VEV1) Probable polyket Q73U50 341 16 32 183 22 64 2e-09 (Q73U50) Hypothetical pro P94996 2126 15 28 186 34 64 2e-09 (P94996) Probable polyket Q7D875 2126 15 28 186 34 64 2e-09 (Q7D875) Polyketide synth Q840S4 200 16 25 139 37 63 2e-09 (Q840S4) Alcohol dehydrog Q6AH23 322 18 29 182 27 63 2e-09 (Q6AH23) Zinc-binding oxi Q735K7 377 13 21 235 56 63 2e-09 (Q735K7) Alcohol dehydrog Q54297 8563 14 30 187 27 63 2e-09 (Q54297) Polyketide synth P2_ARATH 343 16 28 180 28 63 2e-09 (Q39173) Probable NADP-de Q6IR65 399 15 29 179 38 63 3e-09 (Q6IR65) LOC432094 protei Q9WYD4 317 13 26 208 24 63 3e-09 (Q9WYD4) Alcohol dehydrog Q94FC6 168 16 28 148 11 63 3e-09 (Q94FC6) Alcohol dehydrog Q8ETS5 330 16 30 189 34 63 3e-09 (Q8ETS5) Nuclear receptor Q8YMC6 356 16 29 178 32 63 3e-09 (Q8YMC6) Oxidoreductase O74822 325 11 25 132 19 63 3e-09 (O74822) SPBC337.11 prote Q9I377 334 18 30 185 28 63 3e-09 (Q9I377) Probable oxidore Q9RDP0 364 16 28 187 35 63 3e-09 (Q9RDP0) Putative oxidore ADH_CLOBE 351 17 29 182 22 63 3e-09 (P25984) NADP-dependent a Q8EJR1 337 12 25 190 34 63 3e-09 (Q8EJR1) Alcohol dehydrog Q8FQJ4 392 14 26 235 71 63 3e-09 (Q8FQJ4) Putative glutath Q6HFX0 339 12 26 190 35 63 3e-09 (Q6HFX0) Probable zinc-bi Q9I0Z1 339 16 30 189 35 63 3e-09 (Q9I0Z1) Probable oxidore Q92DP6 329 16 28 188 25 63 4e-09 (Q92DP6) Lin0767 protein Q8G973 340 17 28 188 37 63 4e-09 (Q8G973) Putative quinone FADH_METMR 424 12 22 235 70 63 4e-09 (P47734) Glutathione-depe Q8LDI4 343 16 28 180 28 63 4e-09 (Q8LDI4) Quinone oxidored Q9A6R7 341 16 26 183 35 63 4e-09 (Q9A6R7) Alcohol dehydrog O24507 188 14 30 143 19 63 4e-09 (O24507) Alcohol dehydrog Q96404 193 16 29 147 17 63 4e-09 (Q96404) Alcohol dehydrog Q7WTF2 3956 16 28 186 37 63 5e-09 (Q7WTF2) NanA4 Q6HGX1 377 13 21 235 56 63 5e-09 (Q6HGX1) Alcohol dehydrog Q88LW1 333 18 30 184 30 63 5e-09 (Q88LW1) Alcohol dehydrog Q89JB2 337 15 27 183 47 62 5e-09 (Q89JB2) Zinc-binding deh P1_ARATH 345 15 26 180 28 62 5e-09 (Q39172) Probable NADP-de Q8L865 345 15 26 180 28 62 5e-09 (Q8L865) Quinone oxidored O93331 271 10 20 145 38 62 5e-09 (O93331) Alcohol dehydrog Q8WNN3 269 13 22 126 27 62 5e-09 (Q8WNN3) Alcohol dehydrog O30481 2100 13 26 192 23 62 5e-09 (O30481) PKS module 3 Q98GR0 329 14 28 212 32 62 5e-09 (Q98GR0) Dehydrogenase; z Q6RKF3 2624 13 28 192 26 62 6e-09 (Q6RKF3) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR90266|AAR90266 2624 13 28 192 26 62 6e-09 Polyketide synthase. Q9ZNB1 367 15 22 130 20 62 6e-09 (Q9ZNB1) Alcohol dehydrog Q9Z311 373 13 29 180 27 62 6e-09 (Q9Z311) Nuclear receptor Q8MNM6 339 13 26 173 25 62 6e-09 (Q8MNM6) Similar to Burkh Q9HR85 380 18 27 184 31 62 6e-09 (Q9HR85) Quinone oxidored Q722E2 329 16 29 188 25 62 6e-09 (Q722E2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9P6I8 423 11 22 222 61 62 7e-09 (Q9P6I8) SPBC1198.01 prot O24503 262 13 27 162 20 62 8e-09 (O24503) Alcohol dehydrog Q6IZA0 240 17 29 139 18 62 8e-09 (Q6IZA0) Putative mycolac Q7WTF4 2223 22 32 187 30 62 8e-09 (Q7WTF4) NanA2 Q93Z72 345 16 27 180 28 62 8e-09 (Q93Z72) AT5g16970/F2K13_ Q7PVP1 446 13 29 193 33 62 8e-09 (Q7PVP1) ENSANGP000000105 Q8PXN6 724 21 32 182 44 62 9e-09 (Q8PXN6) Oxidoreductase ( Q8SPG4 210 13 31 120 15 62 9e-09 (Q8SPG4) Fatty acid synth Q7PYE4 2232 17 33 190 32 62 1e-08 (Q7PYE4) EbiP7937 (Fragme Q7X4R4 2172 15 30 182 45 62 1e-08 (Q7X4R4) ShnD KF76_MOUSE 417 11 25 191 41 62 1e-08 (Q80TB8) Probable oxidore Q8BL94 334 11 25 191 41 62 1e-08 (Q8BL94) Mus musculus adu trembl|AAH56927|AAH56927 417 11 25 191 41 62 1e-08 Hypothetical protein. Q9RJB9 337 15 28 215 20 61 1e-08 (Q9RJB9) Putative Zinc-co Q9Y7V8 604 13 28 176 28 61 1e-08 (Q9Y7V8) Polyketide synth Q82NK6 306 19 29 179 24 61 1e-08 (Q82NK6) Putative zinc-bi Q8GWT2 239 15 28 180 28 61 1e-08 (Q8GWT2) Putative quinone Q9LFK4 311 15 28 180 28 61 1e-08 (Q9LFK4) Quinone oxidored Q8MV15 322 15 28 162 22 61 1e-08 (Q8MV15) Alcohol dehydrog Q872V8 364 16 30 185 38 61 1e-08 (Q872V8) Hypothetical pro Q7S2T5 362 17 29 179 34 61 1e-08 (Q7S2T5) Hypothetical pro Q88J22 340 16 28 188 37 61 1e-08 (Q88J22) Alcohol dehydrog Q92YT2 355 20 29 119 8 61 1e-08 (Q92YT2) Hypothetical pro Q8VZ25 345 15 28 181 26 61 1e-08 (Q8VZ25) Putative quinone Q7WE89 338 15 27 226 20 61 1e-08 (Q7WE89) Putative zinc-bi Q6CLT6 381 12 25 231 32 61 1e-08 (Q6CLT6) Similar to sp|P3 Q6IBU9 373 13 26 193 29 61 2e-08 (Q6IBU9) CGI-63 protein Q9Y373 373 13 26 193 29 61 2e-08 (Q9Y373) CGI-63 protein Q9BV79 373 13 26 193 29 61 2e-08 (Q9BV79) Nuclear receptor Q8IPZ3 413 14 25 185 52 61 2e-08 (Q8IPZ3) CG17221-PA Q9VQL4 362 14 25 185 52 61 2e-08 (Q9VQL4) CG17221-PB Q8SZK7 413 14 25 185 52 61 2e-08 (Q8SZK7) RH24774p Q6BSI6 368 12 27 188 44 61 2e-08 (Q6BSI6) Similar to CA201 KF76_HUMAN 419 12 25 191 41 61 2e-08 (Q9HCJ6) Probable oxidore Q8NDE0 330 12 25 191 41 61 2e-08 (Q8NDE0) Hypothetical pro Q70KK7 378 11 20 233 61 61 2e-08 (Q70KK7) Yx01 protein Q8S2W1 231 12 23 185 39 61 2e-08 (Q8S2W1) Alcohol dehydrog Q99L39 373 13 29 193 29 61 2e-08 (Q99L39) Nuclear receptor Q9DCS3 373 13 29 193 29 61 2e-08 (Q9DCS3) Mus musculus adu Q7UQ60 3665 14 29 184 41 60 2e-08 (Q7UQ60) Mycocerosate syn Q6AG21 321 18 28 181 30 60 2e-08 (Q6AG21) Zinc-binding deh Q9Z3U5 345 13 24 191 39 60 2e-08 (Q9Z3U5) Alginate lyase Q9Y7W3 329 15 28 148 29 60 2e-08 (Q9Y7W3) NADP-dependent l Q889C0 319 16 23 221 16 60 3e-08 (Q889C0) Alcohol dehydrog Q72VP3 417 12 25 184 44 60 3e-08 (Q72VP3) Alcohol dehydrog Q8F999 417 12 25 184 44 60 3e-08 (Q8F999) Alcohol dehydrog Q9LPI6 357 12 25 225 47 60 3e-08 (Q9LPI6) F6N18.16 Q6NFS5 348 18 28 192 23 60 3e-08 (Q6NFS5) Putative zinc-bi trembl|CAE50341|CAE50341 348 18 28 192 23 60 3e-08 Putative zinc-binding deh Q81HK4 331 19 30 140 17 60 3e-08 (Q81HK4) Alcohol dehydrog Q6RKG2 2141 17 32 190 15 60 3e-08 (Q6RKG2) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR90257|AAR90257 2141 17 32 190 15 60 3e-08 Polyketide synthase. Q6RKK1 2434 13 28 174 31 60 4e-08 (Q6RKK1) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR92221|AAR92221 2434 13 28 174 31 60 4e-08 Polyketide synthase. Q6DCS9 329 15 27 187 33 60 4e-08 (Q6DCS9) Hypothetical pro Q9SX08 131 12 24 111 18 59 4e-08 (Q9SX08) Alcohol dehydrog Q6BV61 360 17 28 154 24 59 4e-08 (Q6BV61) Similar to CA240 Q7Q5E7 398 13 28 190 48 59 5e-08 (Q7Q5E7) AgCP6572 (Fragme Q73WQ7 1336 17 31 192 29 59 5e-08 (Q73WQ7) Hypothetical pro Q9L4X2 5435 15 29 187 29 59 5e-08 (Q9L4X2) NysJ Q9RJK1 726 19 29 190 42 59 5e-08 (Q9RJK1) Putative bi-doma Q93NX8 5644 15 28 187 29 59 5e-08 (Q93NX8) AmphJ Q6T604 143 15 27 127 17 59 6e-08 (Q6T604) Alcohol dehydrog Q8Y301 85 55 70 78 0 59 6e-08 (Q8Y301) Hypothetical pro trembl|AAR12034|AAR12034 143 15 27 127 17 59 6e-08 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q9FPF4 312 12 22 163 44 59 6e-08 (Q9FPF4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FPF5 312 12 22 163 44 59 6e-08 (Q9FPF5) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FPF3 312 12 22 163 44 59 6e-08 (Q9FPF3) Alcohol dehydrog Q8Y1Q2 174 17 27 152 21 59 7e-08 (Q8Y1Q2) Hypothetical pro Q7NR39 348 14 22 234 18 58 7e-08 (Q7NR39) Probable glutath Q7XUK3 345 17 27 180 28 58 7e-08 (Q7XUK3) OSJNBa0067K08.13 trembl|CAD41251|CAD41251 345 17 27 180 28 58 7e-08 OSJNBa0067K08.13 protein. Q6HMF4 330 14 29 188 36 58 7e-08 (Q6HMF4) NADPH:quinone re Q54296 10223 15 31 188 30 58 8e-08 (Q54296) Polyketide synth Q88ZV5 304 15 32 184 20 58 8e-08 (Q88ZV5) Oxidoreductase ( Q6T603 143 15 28 127 17 58 9e-08 (Q6T603) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR12029|AAR12029 143 15 28 127 17 58 9e-08 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12035|AAR12035 143 15 28 127 17 58 9e-08 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr O07615 330 15 27 212 26 58 9e-08 (O07615) Hypothetical pro Q93HJ3 3939 16 28 185 36 58 9e-08 (Q93HJ3) Modular polyketi Q73UV3 393 16 28 176 53 58 9e-08 (Q73UV3) Hypothetical pro Q6BV62 359 14 25 159 26 58 9e-08 (Q6BV62) Similar to CA240 Q6T612 143 15 28 127 17 58 1e-07 (Q6T612) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR12025|AAR12025 143 15 28 127 17 58 1e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12026|AAR12026 143 15 28 127 17 58 1e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12030|AAR12030 143 15 28 127 17 58 1e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12032|AAR12032 143 15 28 127 17 58 1e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12039|AAR12039 143 15 28 127 17 58 1e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12043|AAR12043 143 15 28 127 17 58 1e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q8KUH3 4684 16 30 185 25 58 1e-07 (Q8KUH3) Polyketide synth Q84XR1 315 13 22 165 40 58 1e-07 (Q84XR1) Alcohol dehydrog Q9PG51 363 14 26 190 24 58 1e-07 (Q9PG51) Hypothetical pro Q9SXF6 288 18 25 120 28 58 1e-07 (Q9SXF6) LEDI-4 protein Q8CNF9 334 16 27 180 26 58 1e-07 (Q8CNF9) Quinone oxidored Q9FE72 312 12 22 163 44 58 1e-07 (Q9FE72) Alcohol dehydrog Q826G4 391 11 22 232 67 58 1e-07 (Q826G4) Putative alcohol Q84XQ9 315 13 22 165 40 58 1e-07 (Q84XQ9) Alcohol dehydrog Q93HJ5 6146 17 31 189 28 58 1e-07 (Q93HJ5) Modular polyketi Q9FE73 312 12 22 163 44 58 1e-07 (Q9FE73) Alcohol dehydrog Q87GA1 344 13 26 179 38 58 1e-07 (Q87GA1) Putative oxidore Q6GEP2 334 14 28 179 28 58 1e-07 (Q6GEP2) Putative zinc-bi Q84XR4 315 13 22 165 40 58 1e-07 (Q84XR4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FE74 312 12 22 163 44 58 1e-07 (Q9FE74) Alcohol dehydrog Q9CHL2 328 14 32 126 17 58 1e-07 (Q9CHL2) Quinone oxidored Q84K66 315 13 22 165 40 58 1e-07 (Q84K66) Alcohol dehydrog Q84JB2 315 13 22 165 40 58 1e-07 (Q84JB2) Alcohol dehydrog Q84XR0 315 12 22 165 40 58 1e-07 (Q84XR0) Alcohol dehydrog Q881C6 327 16 28 190 24 58 1e-07 (Q881C6) Alcohol dehydrog Q7BJZ7 333 15 29 180 26 58 1e-07 (Q7BJZ7) Quinone oxidored Q99S80 333 15 29 180 26 58 1e-07 (Q99S80) Similar to quino Q9CD81 2103 13 26 188 28 58 1e-07 (Q9CD81) Putative polyket Q7A492 333 15 29 180 26 58 1e-07 (Q7A492) SA1989 protein Q84N44 364 18 30 188 34 57 2e-07 (Q84N44) Oxidoreductase Q6DA11 345 16 28 178 35 57 2e-07 (Q6DA11) Putative zinc-bi Q7RV37 375 13 27 146 27 57 2e-07 (Q7RV37) Hypothetical pro Q84JW9 315 13 22 165 40 57 2e-07 (Q84JW9) Alcohol dehydrog Q8LA26 351 14 26 173 42 57 2e-07 (Q8LA26) Allyl alcohol de Q6T5V4 143 17 28 126 19 57 2e-07 (Q6T5V4) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR12064|AAR12064 143 17 28 126 19 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q6C0G2 413 15 30 102 9 57 2e-07 (Q6C0G2) Yarrowia lipolyt Q6T601 143 15 30 126 19 57 2e-07 (Q6T601) Alcohol dehydrog Q8EED0 314 15 28 184 27 57 2e-07 (Q8EED0) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR12037|AAR12037 143 15 30 126 19 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q87B29 334 15 27 191 22 57 2e-07 (Q87B29) Hypothetical pro Q6T5X3 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 (Q6T5X3) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR12045|AAR12045 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q6TAD2 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 (Q6TAD2) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR06287|AAR06287 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ( Q6T5W1 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 (Q6T5W1) Alcohol dehydrog Q6T5X2 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 (Q6T5X2) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR12044|AAR12044 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12046|AAR12046 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12048|AAR12048 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12050|AAR12050 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12051|AAR12051 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12053|AAR12053 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12054|AAR12054 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12055|AAR12055 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12056|AAR12056 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12057|AAR12057 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12060|AAR12060 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12062|AAR12062 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12063|AAR12063 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q6T5W9 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 (Q6T5W9) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR12049|AAR12049 143 16 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q967C7 335 18 31 178 30 57 2e-07 (Q967C7) Leukotriene B4 LB4D_RAT 329 13 25 187 36 57 2e-07 (P97584) NADP-dependent l Q9RZE4 392 10 18 235 68 57 2e-07 (Q9RZE4) Alcohol dehydrog Q7TVU3 397 13 22 193 59 57 2e-07 (Q7TVU3) PUTATIVE DEHYDRO Q6T610 143 15 28 127 17 57 2e-07 (Q6T610) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR12027|AAR12027 143 15 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12028|AAR12028 143 15 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12031|AAR12031 143 15 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12033|AAR12033 143 15 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr trembl|AAR12040|AAR12040 143 15 28 127 17 57 2e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q8LC19 346 17 30 178 30 57 2e-07 (Q8LC19) Allyl alcohol de Q830W4 330 12 23 191 24 57 2e-07 (Q830W4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9LFK2 358 15 26 180 41 57 2e-07 (Q9LFK2) Quinone oxidored O69693 397 13 22 193 59 57 2e-07 (O69693) POSSIBLE DEHYDRO Q7D4Z7 397 13 22 193 59 57 2e-07 (Q7D4Z7) Zinc-binding deh Q6RKJ2 2264 13 26 195 22 57 3e-07 (Q6RKJ2) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR90244|AAR90244 2264 13 26 195 22 57 3e-07 Polyketide synthase. Q7S571 379 21 32 107 14 57 3e-07 (Q7S571) Hypothetical pro Q70HZ8 2156 16 28 184 36 57 3e-07 (Q70HZ8) Borrelidin polyk trembl|CAE45671|CAE45671 2156 16 28 184 36 57 3e-07 Borrelidin polyketide syn Q87TP1 326 16 29 191 23 57 3e-07 (Q87TP1) Zinc-binding alc Q8LPM0 346 17 30 178 30 57 3e-07 (Q8LPM0) Allyl alcohol de Q9M1Z0 462 17 30 178 30 57 3e-07 (Q9M1Z0) Allyl alcohol de Q9KVW2 326 14 27 191 23 57 3e-07 (Q9KVW2) Zinc-binding alc Q6RKG0 2549 15 30 190 33 57 3e-07 (Q6RKG0) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR90259|AAR90259 2549 15 30 190 33 57 3e-07 Polyketide synthase. Q9FPF7 306 12 23 154 37 57 3e-07 (Q9FPF7) Alcohol dehydrog Q9I2R2 330 15 30 186 27 57 3e-07 (Q9I2R2) Probable oxidore Q7NFD5 223 26 40 53 4 57 3e-07 (Q7NFD5) Glr3591 protein Q9AK62 377 14 23 234 58 57 3e-07 (Q9AK62) Putative alcohol Q8Y8W9 329 15 28 188 25 57 3e-07 (Q8Y8W9) Lmo0773 protein Q840S2 155 13 19 118 25 56 3e-07 (Q840S2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FEH1 306 12 23 154 37 56 3e-07 (Q9FEH1) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FPG0 308 12 23 154 37 56 3e-07 (Q9FPG0) Alcohol dehydrog Q8Z742 345 17 28 178 35 56 4e-07 (Q8Z742) Putative NADP-de Q8ZPD4 356 17 28 178 35 56 4e-07 (Q8ZPD4) Putative NADP-de Q9FEH2 306 12 23 154 37 56 4e-07 (Q9FEH2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FPF2 312 12 22 163 44 56 4e-07 (Q9FPF2) Alcohol dehydrog Q6ZXP7 114 16 30 60 0 56 4e-07 (Q6ZXP7) Alcohol dehydrog Q91YR9 329 13 24 189 32 56 4e-07 (Q91YR9) Leukotriene B4 1 Q6T5V9 143 15 27 127 17 56 4e-07 (Q6T5V9) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR12059|AAR12059 143 15 27 127 17 56 4e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q9FPF6 304 13 22 151 43 56 4e-07 (Q9FPF6) Alcohol dehydrog Q6ZXP9 114 16 30 60 0 56 4e-07 (Q6ZXP9) Alcohol dehydrog Q6ZXP1 114 16 30 60 0 56 4e-07 (Q6ZXP1) Alcohol dehydrog Q96ZY7 360 11 24 227 45 56 4e-07 (Q96ZY7) 360aa long hypot Q6ZXP6 114 16 30 60 0 56 4e-07 (Q6ZXP6) Alcohol dehydrog Q6T602 143 15 28 127 17 56 4e-07 (Q6T602) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR12036|AAR12036 143 15 28 127 17 56 4e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q9S1T3 268 24 31 113 13 56 4e-07 (Q9S1T3) Putative zinc-bi Q8KKS7 344 13 25 219 24 56 4e-07 (Q8KKS7) Putative Zn-alco Q9LD91 104 17 29 95 10 56 5e-07 (Q9LD91) Alcohol dehydrog Q6G7C7 334 15 29 180 26 56 5e-07 (Q6G7C7) Putative zinc-bi Q8NVD0 333 15 29 180 26 56 5e-07 (Q8NVD0) MW2113 protein Q89Y51 333 18 31 176 29 56 5e-07 (Q89Y51) Blr0103 protein Q6RKG1 2484 17 31 193 25 56 5e-07 (Q6RKG1) Polyketide synth Q94KQ1 214 12 23 152 37 56 5e-07 (Q94KQ1) Alchohol dehydro trembl|AAR90258|AAR90258 2484 17 31 193 25 56 5e-07 Polyketide synthase. Q81U80 331 15 30 189 34 56 5e-07 (Q81U80) Alcohol dehydrog Q94KQ7 214 11 22 152 37 56 5e-07 (Q94KQ7) Alchohol dehydro Q7S9B3 437 13 24 104 8 56 6e-07 (Q7S9B3) Hypothetical pro Q6GE61 334 12 25 212 25 56 6e-07 (Q6GE61) Putative zinc-bi Q84XR2 315 12 22 165 40 55 6e-07 (Q84XR2) Alcohol dehydrog Q6T5W6 143 16 27 127 17 55 6e-07 (Q6T5W6) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR12052|AAR12052 143 16 27 127 17 55 6e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q6T5V7 143 15 27 127 17 55 6e-07 (Q6T5V7) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR12061|AAR12061 143 15 27 127 17 55 6e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q6T5W0 143 16 28 127 17 55 7e-07 (Q6T5W0) Alcohol dehydrog Q6ZXP4 114 17 31 58 0 55 7e-07 (Q6ZXP4) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR12058|AAR12058 143 16 28 127 17 55 7e-07 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q9M7L0 214 11 22 152 37 55 7e-07 (Q9M7L0) Alcohol dehydrog Q8NLD8 337 16 30 181 42 55 7e-07 (Q8NLD8) NADPH:quinone re Q9FPF8 306 12 23 154 37 55 7e-07 (Q9FPF8) Alcohol dehydrog Q9CPS1 329 14 25 189 32 55 7e-07 (Q9CPS1) Mus musculus 10 Q9C677 351 14 26 173 42 55 8e-07 (Q9C677) Allyl alcohol de Q8DDK4 326 16 29 191 23 55 8e-07 (Q8DDK4) Zn-binding alcoh Q43807 296 11 20 216 63 55 8e-07 (Q43807) Alcohol dehydrog Q72S01 352 13 22 216 35 55 8e-07 (Q72S01) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FPF9 306 12 23 154 37 55 8e-07 (Q9FPF9) Alcohol dehydrog Q94KQ2 214 11 22 152 37 55 9e-07 (Q94KQ2) Alchohol dehydro Q43805 296 11 20 216 63 55 9e-07 (Q43805) Alcohol dehydrog Q54299 6260 14 30 193 20 55 9e-07 (Q54299) Polyketide synth Q9ZBH1 367 15 24 234 43 55 9e-07 (Q9ZBH1) Putative alcohol O24505 188 14 26 153 17 55 9e-07 (O24505) Alcohol dehydrog Q8RJY1 2218 18 30 190 25 55 9e-07 (Q8RJY1) StiF protein Q6GQN8 413 13 28 194 29 55 9e-07 (Q6GQN8) Hypothetical pro FAS_MOUSE 838 10 26 156 22 55 1e-06 (P19096) Fatty acid synth O22365 214 11 22 152 37 55 1e-06 (O22365) Alcohol dehydrog Q43806 296 10 19 223 49 55 1e-06 (Q43806) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FEF4 306 15 29 112 15 55 1e-06 (Q9FEF4) Alcohol dehydrog Q94KQ8 214 11 22 152 37 55 1e-06 (Q94KQ8) Alchohol dehydro Q99RQ7 334 12 25 212 25 55 1e-06 (Q99RQ7) Probable oxidore Q7A3W3 334 12 25 212 25 55 1e-06 (Q7A3W3) Hypothetical pro Q9M9M7 350 14 26 178 30 55 1e-06 (Q9M9M7) Putative NADP-de Q7G753 142 16 26 114 12 55 1e-06 (Q7G753) Putative alcohol Q8L3U8 142 16 26 114 12 55 1e-06 (Q8L3U8) Putative alcohol O22364 214 11 22 152 37 55 1e-06 (O22364) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M7L1 214 11 22 152 37 55 1e-06 (Q9M7L1) Alcohol dehydrog Q94KP8 214 11 22 152 37 55 1e-06 (Q94KP8) Alchohol dehydro Q94KP7 214 10 21 152 37 55 1e-06 (Q94KP7) Alchohol dehydro Q8KPW2 1169 14 30 184 36 55 1e-06 (Q8KPW2) Putative polyket Q9HQS8 338 16 25 179 31 55 1e-06 (Q9HQS8) Vng1023c Q89N69 351 15 25 173 37 55 1e-06 (Q89N69) Blr3973 protein Q8CXR4 340 15 30 191 25 55 1e-06 (Q8CXR4) Probable Zinc-bi O52367 298 14 27 162 36 55 1e-06 (O52367) Aryl-alcohol deh Q7RY77 364 15 25 235 37 55 1e-06 (Q7RY77) Hypothetical pro Q43722 296 10 19 223 49 55 1e-06 (Q43722) Alcohol dehydrog LB4D_HUMAN 329 13 25 187 36 55 1e-06 (Q14914) NADP-dependent l Q8IYQ0 329 13 25 187 36 55 1e-06 (Q8IYQ0) NADP-dependent l Q6T5X1 143 16 27 127 17 55 1e-06 (Q6T5X1) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR12047|AAR12047 143 16 27 127 17 55 1e-06 Alcohol dehydrogenase (Fr Q93P94 184 15 28 121 17 55 1e-06 (Q93P94) MS137, putative Q6G6V0 334 12 25 213 23 54 1e-06 (Q6G6V0) Putative zinc-bi Q8NV39 334 12 25 213 23 54 1e-06 (Q8NV39) Hypothetical pro Q8TTL3 394 11 21 224 76 54 1e-06 (Q8TTL3) Formaldehyde deh O22366 214 11 22 152 37 54 1e-06 (O22366) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M7L8 214 11 22 152 37 54 1e-06 (Q9M7L8) Alcohol dehydrog Q81H12 330 13 29 190 32 54 1e-06 (Q81H12) Quinone oxidored Q9M7L3 214 11 22 152 37 54 2e-06 (Q9M7L3) Alcohol dehydrog Q94KP9 214 11 22 152 37 54 2e-06 (Q94KP9) Alchohol dehydro O22359 214 11 22 152 37 54 2e-06 (O22359) Alcohol dehydrog Q9A6G9 333 19 29 193 37 54 2e-06 (Q9A6G9) Alcohol dehydrog Q7MQI1 326 16 29 191 23 54 2e-06 (Q7MQI1) Zn-binding alcoh O22356 214 11 22 152 37 54 2e-06 (O22356) Alcohol dehydrog Q9I1S0 345 17 29 178 35 54 2e-06 (Q9I1S0) Hypothetical pro Q82E57 292 21 31 178 19 54 2e-06 (Q82E57) Putative oxidore Q82PZ8 56 27 46 47 0 54 2e-06 (Q82PZ8) Hypothetical pro O22357 214 11 22 152 37 54 2e-06 (O22357) Alcohol dehydrog O24290 214 10 22 152 37 54 2e-06 (O24290) Alcohol dehydrog LB4D_RABIT 349 14 26 185 36 54 2e-06 (Q28719) NADP-dependent l Q9FKC9 353 15 27 175 30 54 2e-06 (Q9FKC9) Allyl alcohol de Q93C91 593 20 33 155 28 54 2e-06 (Q93C91) Polyketide synth YCJQ_SHIFL 350 19 30 89 11 53 2e-06 (Q83RK8) Hypothetical zin Q97BK9 367 11 24 102 7 53 2e-06 (Q97BK9) Alcohol dehydrog O22358 214 11 22 152 37 53 2e-06 (O22358) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M7L7 214 11 22 152 37 53 2e-06 (Q9M7L7) Alcohol dehydrog Q72MD1 340 14 30 191 25 53 2e-06 (Q72MD1) NADH oxidoreduct Q8PQN6 342 15 27 190 32 53 2e-06 (Q8PQN6) Quinone oxidored Q8LFN7 353 15 27 175 30 53 2e-06 (Q8LFN7) Quinone oxidored Q94KQ5 214 11 22 152 37 53 2e-06 (Q94KQ5) Alchohol dehydro O22361 214 11 22 152 37 53 3e-06 (O22361) Alcohol dehydrog ETR1_SCHPO 372 13 22 167 34 53 3e-06 (Q10488) Enoyl-[acyl-carr Q7DMZ6 298 10 19 223 49 53 3e-06 (Q7DMZ6) Alcohol dehydrog Q8DV65 322 11 24 188 22 53 3e-06 (Q8DV65) Putative oxidore Q9I578 319 14 23 213 24 53 3e-06 (Q9I578) Probable oxidore O22362 214 11 22 152 37 53 3e-06 (O22362) Alcohol dehydrog Q43808 296 10 19 223 49 53 3e-06 (Q43808) Alcohol dehydrog Q94KQ4 214 11 22 152 37 53 3e-06 (Q94KQ4) Alchohol dehydro Q8IUN7 295 16 30 80 4 53 3e-06 (Q8IUN7) ADH6 protein O22353 214 10 22 152 37 53 3e-06 (O22353) Alcohol dehydrog O24289 214 10 22 152 37 53 3e-06 (O24289) Alcohol dehydrog O24267 214 10 22 152 37 53 3e-06 (O24267) Alcohol dehydrog Q9S852 214 10 22 152 37 53 3e-06 (Q9S852) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SPY4 214 10 22 152 37 53 3e-06 (Q9SPY4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SPY5 214 10 22 152 37 53 3e-06 (Q9SPY5) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SPY6 214 10 22 152 37 53 3e-06 (Q9SPY6) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M7L6 214 11 22 152 37 53 3e-06 (Q9M7L6) Alcohol dehydrog Q6NCJ7 333 17 31 172 31 53 3e-06 (Q6NCJ7) Putative oxidore trembl|CAE25919|CAE25919 333 17 31 172 31 53 3e-06 Putative oxidoreductase. O22363 214 11 22 152 37 53 3e-06 (O22363) Alcohol dehydrog O24291 214 10 22 151 39 53 3e-06 (O24291) Alcohol dehydrog Q6DAI8 325 15 24 187 24 53 3e-06 (Q6DAI8) Putative zinc-bi Q8FLN0 333 13 26 183 38 53 3e-06 (Q8FLN0) Putative oxidore O62642 329 12 24 188 34 53 3e-06 (O62642) 15-oxoprostaglan Q7S1U8 1136 11 21 184 49 53 4e-06 (Q7S1U8) Hypothetical pro Q8Y831 341 16 30 188 24 53 4e-06 (Q8Y831) Lmo1087 protein Q8L997 346 16 28 179 31 53 4e-06 (Q8L997) Quinone oxidored Q9SPY1 214 11 22 152 37 53 4e-06 (Q9SPY1) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SPY3 214 11 22 152 37 53 4e-06 (Q9SPY3) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SPY8 214 11 23 152 37 53 4e-06 (Q9SPY8) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SPY0 214 11 22 152 37 53 4e-06 (Q9SPY0) Alcohol dehydrog pdb|pdb|1o8c_A 324 18 30 139 17 53 5e-06 pdb|pdb|1o8c_C 323 18 30 139 17 53 5e-06 pdb|pdb|1o89_A 319 18 30 139 17 53 5e-06 Q9LFK5 346 16 28 179 30 53 5e-06 (Q9LFK5) Quinone oxidored Q7AAF3 324 18 30 139 17 53 5e-06 (Q7AAF3) Putative dehydro Q8X9C1 324 18 30 139 17 53 5e-06 (Q8X9C1) Putative dehydro YHDH_ECOLI 324 18 30 139 17 53 5e-06 (P26646) Protein yhdH Q9SPY2 214 11 22 152 37 53 5e-06 (Q9SPY2) Alcohol dehydrog Q7YS70 373 12 26 173 29 53 5e-06 (Q7YS70) 2-enoyl thioeste Q8ZAW8 325 13 27 186 24 52 5e-06 (Q8ZAW8) Probable zinc-bi O22355 214 10 22 151 39 52 5e-06 (O22355) Alcohol dehydrog O04473 432 16 28 190 32 52 5e-06 (O04473) F5I14.9 protein Q7BZN6 324 18 30 139 17 52 5e-06 (Q7BZN6) Putative dehydro Q83PZ8 324 18 30 139 17 52 5e-06 (Q83PZ8) Putative dehydro Q94KR0 214 10 22 152 37 52 5e-06 (Q94KR0) Alchohol dehydro Q94KR2 214 10 22 152 37 52 5e-06 (Q94KR2) Alchohol dehydro Q94KR5 214 10 22 152 37 52 5e-06 (Q94KR5) Alchohol dehydro Q7TVK8 2126 14 27 190 28 52 6e-06 (Q7TVK8) POLYKETIDE SYNTH O07798 2126 14 27 190 28 52 6e-06 (O07798) PROBABLE POLYKET Q7D4T0 2126 14 27 190 28 52 6e-06 (Q7D4T0) Mycocerosic acid O49092 169 12 30 109 17 52 6e-06 (O49092) Alcohol dehydrog O24311 214 11 22 152 37 52 6e-06 (O24311) Alcohol dehydrog Q82GK6 350 13 25 183 21 52 6e-06 (Q82GK6) Putative quinone Q9SPY7 214 11 22 152 37 52 6e-06 (Q9SPY7) Alcohol dehydrog Q88TA9 322 15 29 191 24 52 6e-06 (Q88TA9) Oxidoreductase ( Q94KQ3 214 10 21 152 37 52 6e-06 (Q94KQ3) Alchohol dehydro O50066 169 12 30 109 17 52 6e-06 (O50066) Alcohol dehydrog O49087 169 12 30 109 17 52 7e-06 (O49087) Alcohol dehydrog O49089 169 12 30 109 17 52 7e-06 (O49089) Alcohol dehydrog O50034 169 12 30 109 17 52 7e-06 (O50034) Alcohol dehydrog Q8S0M7 359 15 27 178 30 52 7e-06 (Q8S0M7) Putative allyl a O49088 169 12 30 109 17 52 7e-06 (O49088) Alcohol dehydrog O50056 169 12 30 109 17 52 7e-06 (O50056) Alcohol dehydrog Q97U21 360 11 26 220 30 52 7e-06 (Q97U21) Glucose 1-dehydr O30766 3654 18 29 187 32 52 7e-06 (O30766) Polyketide synth O49084 169 12 30 109 17 52 7e-06 (O49084) Alcohol dehydrog O50074 169 12 30 109 17 52 7e-06 (O50074) Alcohol dehydrog Q7G1F1 169 12 30 109 17 52 7e-06 (Q7G1F1) Alcohol dehydrog YNCB_ECOLI 353 15 26 178 35 52 8e-06 (P76113) Putative NADP-de Q7AE49 376 15 26 178 35 52 8e-06 (Q7AE49) Putative oxidore Q8X9W9 376 15 26 178 35 52 8e-06 (Q8X9W9) Putative oxidore Q9SLN8 343 16 28 179 28 52 8e-06 (Q9SLN8) Allyl alcohol de O49085 169 13 30 95 17 52 8e-06 (O49085) Alcohol dehydrog Q8FD42 324 18 30 139 17 52 8e-06 (Q8FD42) Protein yhdH Q8Z6Z4 287 9 19 189 55 52 8e-06 (Q8Z6Z4) Starvation sensi O49086 169 12 30 109 17 51 8e-06 (O49086) Alcohol dehydrog Q6CAL4 338 16 28 83 13 51 8e-06 (Q6CAL4) Similar to sp|P5 Q6RKF6 2706 16 28 190 35 51 9e-06 (Q6RKF6) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR90263|AAR90263 2706 16 28 190 35 51 9e-06 Polyketide synthase. Q9RCW3 333 19 26 188 29 51 9e-06 (Q9RCW3) Putative oxidore O24317 214 11 22 152 37 51 9e-06 (O24317) Alcohol dehydrog Q94KP3 174 16 28 110 15 51 9e-06 (Q94KP3) Alchohol dehydro O49083 169 12 30 109 17 51 9e-06 (O49083) Alcohol dehydrog LB4D_PIG 329 12 24 188 34 51 1e-05 (Q29073) NADP-dependent l Q9LTB4 353 15 27 165 30 51 1e-05 (Q9LTB4) NADP-dependent o O24268 214 11 22 152 37 51 1e-05 (O24268) Alcohol dehydrog Q94KR1 214 11 22 152 37 51 1e-05 (Q94KR1) Alchohol dehydro Q94KP4 174 14 28 110 15 51 1e-05 (Q94KP4) Alchohol dehydro O34812 339 16 26 191 33 51 1e-05 (O34812) YfmJ protein O24283 214 11 22 151 39 51 1e-05 (O24283) Alcohol dehydrog Q94KR4 214 10 22 152 37 51 1e-05 (Q94KR4) Alchohol dehydro Q7AEH8 350 17 28 116 14 51 1e-05 (Q7AEH8) Putative oxidore Q73Z07 4170 17 30 190 26 51 1e-05 (Q73Z07) Pks12 Q8X8J8 350 17 28 116 14 51 1e-05 (Q8X8J8) Putative oxidore Q7N031 325 19 31 187 24 51 1e-05 (Q7N031) Similar to putat O22354 214 11 22 152 37 51 1e-05 (O22354) Alcohol dehydrog Q6F8Y0 327 13 29 189 26 51 1e-05 (Q6F8Y0) Putative NADPH:q O24250 214 10 22 152 37 51 2e-05 (O24250) Alcohol dehydrog Q88K17 344 15 27 178 35 51 2e-05 (Q88K17) Alcohol dehydrog Q7G1F3 166 12 29 107 17 51 2e-05 (Q7G1F3) Alcohol dehydrog O49090 169 11 28 109 17 51 2e-05 (O49090) Alcohol dehydrog Q8PEK0 335 13 25 188 36 51 2e-05 (Q8PEK0) Oxireductase Q9SP69 220 9 21 139 35 51 2e-05 (Q9SP69) Alcohol dehydrog Q6RKF5 2274 11 22 188 36 51 2e-05 (Q6RKF5) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR90264|AAR90264 2274 11 22 188 36 51 2e-05 Polyketide synthase. Q6TKG4 978 17 30 186 35 50 2e-05 (Q6TKG4) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR15335|AAR15335 978 17 30 186 35 50 2e-05 Polyketide synthase modul Q9SP84 219 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q9SP84) Alcohol dehydrog Q7QFD1 340 13 28 165 26 50 2e-05 (Q7QFD1) AgCP13495 (Fragm Q94KQ6 214 9 21 152 37 50 2e-05 (Q94KQ6) Alchohol dehydro Q92CU9 341 13 26 206 25 50 2e-05 (Q92CU9) Lin1072 protein Q7G0D5 220 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q7G0D5) Alcohol dehydrog Q882F2 379 11 20 232 62 50 2e-05 (Q882F2) Glutathione-inde Q9SP70 220 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q9SP70) Alcohol dehydrog O82791 221 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (O82791) Alcohol dehydrog O82792 221 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (O82792) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP66 219 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q9SP66) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP75 219 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q9SP75) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP91 221 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q9SP91) Alcohol dehydrog Q9XFA6 221 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q9XFA6) Alcohol dehydrog Q9XFA8 221 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q9XFA8) Alcohol dehydrog Q7G0E1 219 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q7G0E1) Alcohol dehydrog Q7G0F1 219 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q7G0F1) Alcohol dehydrog Q9S7X0 219 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q9S7X0) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP71 219 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q9SP71) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP86 219 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q9SP86) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP88 219 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q9SP88) Alcohol dehydrog Q9S7S9 219 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q9S7S9) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP76 219 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q9SP76) Alcohol dehydrog Q9F829 3562 17 31 190 21 50 2e-05 (Q9F829) Megalomicin 6-de Q7G0F4 218 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q7G0F4) Alcohol dehydrog Q7G0G3 220 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q7G0G3) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M5N4 266 8 21 149 43 50 2e-05 (Q9M5N4) Alcohol dehydrog Q7G0B3 218 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q7G0B3) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP82 215 9 21 137 35 50 2e-05 (Q9SP82) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M5N7 266 8 21 149 43 50 2e-05 (Q9M5N7) Alcohol dehydrog Q7G0F2 217 9 21 139 35 50 2e-05 (Q7G0F2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP68 216 9 21 137 35 50 2e-05 (Q9SP68) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP73 216 9 21 137 35 50 2e-05 (Q9SP73) Alcohol dehydrog Q8FHR8 350 16 28 116 14 50 2e-05 (Q8FHR8) Hypothetical zin Q9SP72 216 9 21 137 35 50 2e-05 (Q9SP72) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP67 215 9 21 137 35 50 2e-05 (Q9SP67) Alcohol dehydrog Q83WE8 3649 16 29 180 44 50 2e-05 (Q83WE8) Protomycinolide Q7G0C5 213 9 21 137 35 50 2e-05 (Q7G0C5) Alcohol dehydrog Q7G0G5 215 9 21 137 35 50 2e-05 (Q7G0G5) Alcohol dehydrog Q9S7T3 215 9 21 137 35 50 2e-05 (Q9S7T3) Alcohol dehydrog Q7PZC1 367 15 27 177 29 50 3e-05 (Q7PZC1) AgCP9884 (Fragme Q7G0D7 217 9 21 137 35 50 3e-05 (Q7G0D7) Alcohol dehydrog Q7G0F8 217 9 21 137 35 50 3e-05 (Q7G0F8) Alcohol dehydrog O22352 210 10 22 149 37 50 3e-05 (O22352) Alcohol dehydrog Q7G0C6 216 9 21 137 35 50 3e-05 (Q7G0C6) Alcohol dehydrog Q8PDR5 342 16 25 191 30 50 3e-05 (Q8PDR5) Quinone oxidored Q75JW6 321 14 26 173 32 50 3e-05 (Q75JW6) Hypothetical pro ERY2_SACER 3567 17 31 186 29 50 3e-05 (Q03132) Erythronolide sy Q7G0E8 213 9 21 139 35 50 3e-05 (Q7G0E8) Alcohol dehydrog O22367 214 11 21 152 37 50 3e-05 (O22367) Alcohol dehydrog Q84CK9 337 13 27 141 10 50 3e-05 (Q84CK9) Hypothetical pro Q89KN1 362 17 30 191 28 50 3e-05 (Q89KN1) Blr4874 protein TOXD_COCCA 297 21 30 83 14 50 3e-05 (P54006) TOXD protein Q9M5N6 266 8 21 149 43 50 3e-05 (Q9M5N6) Alcohol dehydrog O49091 169 12 30 109 17 50 3e-05 (O49091) Alcohol dehydrog Q6MY50 400 9 18 234 68 50 3e-05 (Q6MY50) Zinc-dependent a Q7WQ72 340 19 30 184 20 50 3e-05 (Q7WQ72) Zinc-binding deh Q6BZZ4 333 17 29 83 11 50 3e-05 (Q6BZZ4) Similar to ca|CA Q07321 281 14 28 93 14 50 3e-05 (Q07321) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M5N5 266 8 21 149 43 50 3e-05 (Q9M5N5) Alcohol dehydrog Q720Y6 341 13 26 206 25 50 3e-05 (Q720Y6) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M691 205 10 21 132 35 50 3e-05 (Q9M691) Alcohol dehydrog YCJQ_ECOLI 350 16 28 116 14 50 4e-05 (P76043) Hypothetical zin O22360 214 10 21 151 39 50 4e-05 (O22360) Alcohol dehydrog Q79B38 326 13 21 182 52 50 4e-05 (Q79B38) Alcohol dehydrog Q848J9 178 12 22 155 17 49 4e-05 (Q848J9) Zinc-type alcoho Q9SP78 215 8 21 136 35 49 4e-05 (Q9SP78) Alcohol dehydrog O24269 214 10 22 151 39 49 5e-05 (O24269) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP80 215 8 21 136 35 49 5e-05 (Q9SP80) Alcohol dehydrog Q94C17 209 16 29 175 31 49 5e-05 (Q94C17) At1g65560/F5I14_ Q9KID2 152 18 32 110 2 49 5e-05 (Q9KID2) FkbS (Fragment) Q94KR6 214 11 22 152 37 49 5e-05 (Q94KR6) Alchohol dehydro Q7RGV4 384 12 28 160 27 49 5e-05 (Q7RGV4) Quinone oxidored Q82PF8 377 13 23 235 56 49 5e-05 (Q82PF8) Putative glutath O49060 266 12 28 110 15 49 5e-05 (O49060) Alcohol dehydrog Q8LEZ0 353 15 28 176 28 49 6e-05 (Q8LEZ0) Quinone oxidored O49058 266 12 28 110 15 49 6e-05 (O49058) Alcohol dehydrog Q8NL73 374 13 27 185 38 49 6e-05 (Q8NL73) NADPH:quinone re Q9XFA7 221 9 21 139 35 49 6e-05 (Q9XFA7) Alcohol dehydrog Q8KCJ7 337 12 26 165 19 49 6e-05 (Q8KCJ7) 2-desacetyl-2-hy Q7RWC7 2346 16 28 188 27 49 6e-05 (Q7RWC7) Hypothetical pro O49059 266 12 28 110 15 49 6e-05 (O49059) Alcohol dehydrog O65622 161 16 23 60 8 49 6e-05 (O65622) Cinnamyl alcohol Q86IG0 2551 13 30 179 38 49 6e-05 (Q86IG0) Hypothetical pro O49051 266 12 28 110 15 49 6e-05 (O49051) Alcohol dehydrog O93332 271 13 27 84 17 49 7e-05 (O93332) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M7L2 214 11 22 152 37 49 7e-05 (Q9M7L2) Alcohol dehydrog Q7UAG3 376 15 26 178 35 49 7e-05 (Q7UAG3) Putative oxidore Q83R91 398 15 26 178 35 49 7e-05 (Q83R91) Putative oxidore Q7WC68 340 18 29 184 20 49 7e-05 (Q7WC68) Zinc-binding deh O49061 272 11 28 98 14 49 7e-05 (O49061) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M7L5 214 11 22 152 37 48 8e-05 (Q9M7L5) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M7L4 214 11 22 152 37 48 8e-05 (Q9M7L4) Alcohol dehydrog Q94KP6 214 10 21 152 37 48 8e-05 (Q94KP6) Alchohol dehydro Q9SP77 214 8 21 135 35 48 8e-05 (Q9SP77) Alcohol dehydrog Q81Q46 308 10 25 180 15 48 8e-05 (Q81Q46) Alcohol dehydrog O49062 272 12 28 98 14 48 8e-05 (O49062) Alcohol dehydrog TARJ_BACSU 341 14 26 191 24 48 8e-05 (Q8RKJ0) Putative ribitol Q76KY0 5826 15 27 192 20 48 1e-04 (Q76KY0) Polyketide synth Q6WAU0 342 13 26 157 39 48 1e-04 (Q6WAU0) (+)-pulegone red Q7UHE3 326 12 26 186 32 48 1e-04 (Q7UHE3) Putative zinc-bi trembl|AAQ75423|AAQ75423 342 13 26 157 39 48 1e-04 (+)-pulegone reductase. Q9SX09 110 14 27 95 18 48 1e-04 (Q9SX09) Hypothetical pro Q09593 529 16 29 191 37 48 1e-04 (Q09593) Hypothetical pro Q944V2 203 9 21 132 35 48 1e-04 (Q944V2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FKD2 353 16 27 175 30 48 1e-04 (Q9FKD2) Allyl alcohol de Q8GDC6 317 18 31 167 16 48 1e-04 (Q8GDC6) BchC Q94KQ0 214 10 21 152 37 48 1e-04 (Q94KQ0) Alchohol dehydro Q9SWA7 266 11 28 110 15 48 1e-04 (Q9SWA7) Alcohol dehydrog Q6M1E2 325 13 27 185 38 48 1e-04 (Q6M1E2) NADPH quinone re O49113 281 12 28 89 17 48 1e-04 (O49113) Alcohol dehydrog Q8YXM4 356 18 29 179 27 48 1e-04 (Q8YXM4) All1188 protein Q9M5N8 266 8 21 149 43 47 2e-04 (Q9M5N8) Alcohol dehydrog Q7VEZ2 367 14 22 205 28 47 2e-04 (Q7VEZ2) Probable alcohol O53904 367 14 22 205 28 47 2e-04 (O53904) Probable alcohol Q7D8B6 367 14 22 205 28 47 2e-04 (Q7D8B6) Zinc-binding deh Q73CG6 324 15 31 121 17 47 2e-04 (Q73CG6) Alcohol dehydrog Q944U9 144 12 29 98 15 47 2e-04 (Q944U9) Alcohol dehydrog Q6A5L5 333 12 23 187 39 47 2e-04 (Q6A5L5) Zinc-binding deh Q9XAM4 396 12 24 230 74 47 2e-04 (Q9XAM4) Putative glutath Q93TV2 301 19 32 94 24 47 2e-04 (Q93TV2) NADPH:quinone ox Q93TX1 1233 17 31 111 17 47 2e-04 (Q93TX1) MxaB1 O49111 223 12 28 89 17 47 2e-04 (O49111) Alcohol dehydrog Q8L7X1 144 12 28 110 15 47 2e-04 (Q8L7X1) Alcohol dehydrog Q944V0 144 12 28 110 15 47 2e-04 (Q944V0) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP85 211 8 21 132 35 47 2e-04 (Q9SP85) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP83 210 8 21 132 35 47 2e-04 (Q9SP83) Alcohol dehydrog Q8N0N4 99 20 39 87 11 47 3e-04 (Q8N0N4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP74 211 8 21 132 35 47 3e-04 (Q9SP74) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP87 211 8 21 132 35 47 3e-04 (Q9SP87) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP90 211 8 21 132 35 47 3e-04 (Q9SP90) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP92 211 8 21 132 35 47 3e-04 (Q9SP92) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP89 212 8 21 132 35 47 3e-04 (Q9SP89) Alcohol dehydrog Q944V1 144 12 28 110 15 47 3e-04 (Q944V1) Alcohol dehydrog Q6RKL3 2526 14 28 191 28 47 3e-04 (Q6RKL3) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR92209|AAR92209 2526 14 28 191 28 47 3e-04 Polyketide synthase. Q8L7X3 144 11 29 110 15 46 3e-04 (Q8L7X3) Alcohol dehydrog Q6RKF1 2567 15 27 139 23 46 3e-04 (Q6RKF1) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR90268|AAR90268 2567 15 27 139 23 46 3e-04 Polyketide synthase. Q9S7D4 206 9 21 123 35 46 3e-04 (Q9S7D4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6X5 197 10 21 124 28 46 3e-04 (Q9M6X5) Alcohol dehydrog O49052 266 8 21 152 37 46 3e-04 (O49052) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP81 208 9 21 123 35 46 3e-04 (Q9SP81) Alcohol dehydrog Q9SP79 209 9 21 123 35 46 3e-04 (Q9SP79) Alcohol dehydrog Q944V3 203 8 21 132 35 46 3e-04 (Q944V3) Alcohol dehydrog Q944V5 203 8 21 132 35 46 3e-04 (Q944V5) Alcohol dehydrog O65300 197 11 18 122 32 46 3e-04 (O65300) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6W9 197 10 21 124 28 46 3e-04 (Q9M6W9) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6X0 197 10 21 124 28 46 3e-04 (Q9M6X0) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6X1 197 10 21 124 28 46 3e-04 (Q9M6X1) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6X2 197 10 21 124 28 46 3e-04 (Q9M6X2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6X3 197 10 21 124 28 46 3e-04 (Q9M6X3) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6X6 197 10 21 124 28 46 3e-04 (Q9M6X6) Alcohol dehydrog Q944V4 203 8 21 132 35 46 4e-04 (Q944V4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9F1Z9 349 7 22 161 28 46 4e-04 (Q9F1Z9) BtrE Q9U0Y7 266 15 28 134 19 46 4e-04 (Q9U0Y7) Possible oxidore Q7S0Q5 2226 17 32 187 39 46 4e-04 (Q7S0Q5) Hypothetical pro Q94KQ9 214 10 22 152 37 46 4e-04 (Q94KQ9) Alchohol dehydro O50437 1582 16 30 192 29 46 4e-04 (O50437) PROBABLE POLYKET Q8XG63 324 16 26 173 18 46 4e-04 (Q8XG63) Possible oxidore Q7CPM2 324 16 26 173 18 46 4e-04 (Q7CPM2) Putative oxidore Q9S7K4 109 14 27 94 18 46 4e-04 (Q9S7K4) Hypothetical pro O65897 228 11 18 124 28 46 4e-04 (O65897) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAC14970|AAC14970 228 11 18 124 28 46 4e-04 Alcohol dehydrogenase D ( trembl|AAC14971|AAC14971 228 11 18 124 28 46 4e-04 Alcohol dehydrogenase D ( Q944V6 203 8 21 132 35 46 4e-04 (Q944V6) Alcohol dehydrog Q9KCV3 260 16 26 182 33 46 4e-04 (Q9KCV3) BH1466 protein Q6HVX1 190 18 29 60 11 46 5e-04 (Q6HVX1) Adh_zinc, Zinc-b Q82GT1 187 16 28 154 25 46 5e-04 (Q82GT1) Putative oxidore Q8KZ22 313 14 28 163 18 46 5e-04 (Q8KZ22) 2-desacetyl-2-hy Q7U0G2 2085 16 30 192 29 46 5e-04 (Q7U0G2) PROBABLE POLYKET Q94KP5 214 10 20 149 37 46 5e-04 (Q94KP5) Alchohol dehydro Q73TB5 339 15 26 111 15 46 5e-04 (Q73TB5) Hypothetical pro Q8VK52 2101 16 30 192 29 46 5e-04 (Q8VK52) Mycocerosic acid Q6BX85 371 12 26 190 43 46 5e-04 (Q6BX85) Similar to CA201 O65284 228 11 18 124 28 46 5e-04 (O65284) Alcohol dehydrog Q6LQB0 355 11 22 189 53 46 5e-04 (Q6LQB0) Putative alcohol O65297 228 11 18 124 28 46 5e-04 (O65297) Alcohol dehydrog Q94KR3 214 10 22 152 37 46 5e-04 (Q94KR3) Alchohol dehydro O65303 228 11 18 124 28 46 5e-04 (O65303) Alcohol dehydrog Q7G0X6 227 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (Q7G0X6) Alcohol dehydrog Q7ZTW7 629 21 37 47 4 46 6e-04 (Q7ZTW7) Similar to cryst Q9M3S9 185 9 20 146 39 46 6e-04 (Q9M3S9) Putative alcohol Q944U8 143 12 28 110 15 46 6e-04 (Q944U8) Alcohol dehydrog O65301 228 11 19 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65301) Alcohol dehydrog O65899 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65899) Alcohol dehydrog O65293 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65293) Alcohol dehydrog O65294 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65294) Alcohol dehydrog O65298 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65298) Alcohol dehydrog O65903 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65903) Alcohol dehydrog O65906 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65906) Alcohol dehydrog O65907 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65907) Alcohol dehydrog O65908 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65908) Alcohol dehydrog O65909 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65909) Alcohol dehydrog O65910 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65910) Alcohol dehydrog O65911 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65911) Alcohol dehydrog O65912 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65912) Alcohol dehydrog O65913 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65913) Alcohol dehydrog O65914 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65914) Alcohol dehydrog O65291 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65291) Alcohol dehydrog O65304 228 11 18 124 28 46 6e-04 (O65304) Alcohol dehydrog O49054 266 9 22 152 37 46 6e-04 (O49054) Alcohol dehydrog O65302 228 10 17 124 28 45 6e-04 (O65302) Alcohol dehydrog O65296 228 11 18 124 28 45 6e-04 (O65296) Alcohol dehydrog Q81D51 308 11 26 165 10 45 7e-04 (Q81D51) Zn-dependent alc Q6RKF7 2421 13 26 120 14 45 7e-04 (Q6RKF7) Polyketide synth trembl|AAR90262|AAR90262 2421 13 26 120 14 45 7e-04 Polyketide synthase. Q82M63 326 19 30 142 10 45 7e-04 (Q82M63) Putative oxidore O65290 228 11 18 123 30 45 7e-04 (O65290) Alcohol dehydrog Q8XTQ3 398 14 24 175 45 45 7e-04 (Q8XTQ3) PROBABLE GLUTATH Q6RKJ1 2323 17 34 65 5 45 7e-04 (Q6RKJ1) Polyketide synth Q9FYY7 230 11 20 127 26 45 7e-04 (Q9FYY7) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR90245|AAR90245 2323 17 34 65 5 45 7e-04 Polyketide synthase. Q9M6X4 197 9 20 124 28 45 7e-04 (Q9M6X4) Alcohol dehydrog Q8L7X2 144 11 28 92 14 45 8e-04 (Q8L7X2) Alcohol dehydrog Q8L7X0 144 11 28 110 15 45 8e-04 (Q8L7X0) Alcohol dehydrog O49057 266 9 22 152 37 45 8e-04 (O49057) Alcohol dehydrog O49108 199 13 28 83 17 45 8e-04 (O49108) Alcohol dehydrog O49056 266 11 28 92 14 45 9e-04 (O49056) Alcohol dehydrog Q7G0W1 197 11 18 124 28 45 9e-04 (Q7G0W1) Alcohol dehydrog Q8KZ76 316 18 32 167 17 45 9e-04 (Q8KZ76) 2-desacetyl-2-hy Q7G1A6 199 13 28 83 17 45 0.001 (Q7G1A6) Alcohol dehydrog Q7G1C0 199 13 28 83 17 45 0.001 (Q7G1C0) Alcohol dehydrog Q7MC21 330 17 29 189 30 45 0.001 (Q7MC21) Hypothetical pro O65289 228 11 21 125 26 45 0.001 (O65289) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FYZ3 211 11 18 124 28 45 0.001 (Q9FYZ3) Alcohol dehydrog Q8RUH4 360 22 35 115 12 45 0.001 (Q8RUH4) Putative oxidore O49055 266 8 22 152 37 45 0.001 (O49055) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FYZ4 211 11 18 124 28 45 0.001 (Q9FYZ4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FYZ0 233 18 30 76 10 45 0.001 (Q9FYZ0) Alcohol dehydrog Q9P7F4 348 17 28 81 18 45 0.001 (Q9P7F4) SPAC2E1P3.01 pro O65295 228 11 18 124 28 45 0.001 (O65295) Alcohol dehydrog O49097 199 13 29 83 17 45 0.001 (O49097) Alcohol dehydrog O49102 199 13 29 83 17 45 0.001 (O49102) Alcohol dehydrog O50045 199 13 29 83 17 45 0.001 (O50045) Alcohol dehydrog O49096 199 13 29 83 17 45 0.001 (O49096) Alcohol dehydrog Q8RTX5 315 16 27 158 10 45 0.001 (Q8RTX5) 2-desacetyl-2-hy O49100 199 13 29 83 17 45 0.001 (O49100) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FYY9 203 11 20 127 26 45 0.001 (Q9FYY9) Alcohol dehydrog O49105 199 14 28 87 23 44 0.001 (O49105) Alcohol dehydrog O49095 199 14 29 83 17 44 0.001 (O49095) Alcohol dehydrog Q8F3P0 181 14 25 138 16 44 0.001 (Q8F3P0) Probable alcohol O49101 199 13 29 83 17 44 0.001 (O49101) Alcohol dehydrog Q9V6U9 357 13 24 170 29 44 0.001 (Q9V6U9) CG16935-PA Q73TF4 2098 12 22 211 35 44 0.001 (Q73TF4) Pks2 O49053 265 8 22 152 36 44 0.001 (O49053) Alcohol dehydrog O65925 228 11 18 124 28 44 0.002 (O65925) Alcohol dehydrog Q6GQK6 348 18 31 89 7 44 0.002 (Q6GQK6) MGC79085 protein O65928 228 11 18 124 28 44 0.002 (O65928) Alcohol dehydrog O65287 228 11 18 124 28 44 0.002 (O65287) Alcohol dehydrog O65299 228 11 18 124 28 44 0.002 (O65299) Alcohol dehydrog O65292 228 10 19 125 26 44 0.002 (O65292) Alcohol dehydrog Q6CBE4 376 13 25 154 27 44 0.002 (Q6CBE4) Similar to sp|P3 Q9XHT0 98 14 27 82 15 44 0.002 (Q9XHT0) Hypothetical pro Q24858 1083 21 39 54 2 44 0.002 (Q24858) Pyridine nucleot Q7SHI6 2382 13 30 190 24 44 0.002 (Q7SHI6) Hypothetical pro Q92RI7 322 16 29 192 23 44 0.002 (Q92RI7) PUTATIVE OXIDORE Q9XXC8 346 16 27 180 32 44 0.002 (Q9XXC8) Hypothetical pro QORL_MOUSE 348 16 26 137 35 44 0.002 (Q921W4) Quinone oxidored Q8EMB0 339 13 23 188 31 44 0.002 (Q8EMB0) Quinone oxidored Q6HID3 179 10 28 116 0 44 0.002 (Q6HID3) Alcohol dehydrog Q93MP4 39 25 42 35 0 44 0.002 (Q93MP4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FYZ2 211 11 17 124 28 44 0.002 (Q9FYZ2) Alcohol dehydrog Q869W9 2603 11 25 190 44 44 0.002 (Q869W9) Similar to Anaba Q6BXR2 370 14 24 102 23 43 0.002 (Q6BXR2) Debaryomyces han Q54425 372 13 24 221 16 43 0.002 (Q54425) Alkane hydroxyla O65926 228 11 19 122 32 43 0.002 (O65926) Alcohol dehydrog Q7D874 1602 15 29 133 18 43 0.002 (Q7D874) Polyketide synth O65933 1602 15 29 133 18 43 0.002 (O65933) Probable polyket Q6FLW4 362 12 29 160 36 43 0.002 (Q6FLW4) Similar to sp|Q0 Q8L7X4 144 11 28 110 15 43 0.002 (Q8L7X4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9RKZ8 157 15 24 137 16 43 0.002 (Q9RKZ8) Hypothetical pro Q6N7Q5 341 14 24 175 34 43 0.003 (Q6N7Q5) Quinone oxidored trembl|CAE27642|CAE27642 341 14 24 175 34 43 0.003 Quinone oxidoreductase (E O49104 199 8 20 139 39 43 0.003 (O49104) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6U8 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.003 (Q9M6U8) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6V6 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.003 (Q9M6V6) Alcohol dehydrog Q16464 151 19 30 48 4 43 0.003 (Q16464) Chromosome 17q21 Q9M6V8 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.003 (Q9M6V8) Alcohol dehydrog O49098 199 13 29 83 17 43 0.003 (O49098) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6V0 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.003 (Q9M6V0) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6V1 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.003 (Q9M6V1) Alcohol dehydrog Q8J0F9 362 16 25 121 25 43 0.003 (Q8J0F9) Enoyl reductase Q6CTQ5 453 14 25 187 38 43 0.003 (Q6CTQ5) Kluyveromyces la Q9M6W8 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.003 (Q9M6W8) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6W7 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.003 (Q9M6W7) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6V9 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.004 (Q9M6V9) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6W0 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.004 (Q9M6W0) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6W1 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.004 (Q9M6W1) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6W2 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.004 (Q9M6W2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6W3 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.004 (Q9M6W3) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6W6 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.004 (Q9M6W6) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6W4 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.004 (Q9M6W4) Alcohol dehydrog Q6C597 427 17 24 104 25 43 0.004 (Q6C597) Similar to wi|NC Q9M6V2 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.004 (Q9M6V2) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6V3 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.004 (Q9M6V3) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6V4 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.004 (Q9M6V4) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6V5 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.004 (Q9M6V5) Alcohol dehydrog Q9M6V7 197 11 21 124 28 43 0.004 (Q9M6V7) Alcohol dehydrog Q9F102 313 12 28 154 9 43 0.004 (Q9F102) 2-desacetyl-2-hy Q9M6W5 197 10 20 124 28 43 0.005 (Q9M6W5) Alcohol dehydrog Q9FYY8 230 11 20 127 26 43 0.005 (Q9FYY8) Alcohol dehydrog Q6D095 333 13 26 188 35 43 0.005 (Q6D095) Putative zinc-bi Q7VEV0 1602 15 29 133 18 42 0.005 (Q7VEV0) Probable polyket Q87FI3 330 18 31 186 36 42 0.005 (Q87FI3) Hypothetical pro Q6RKF9 2676 13 25 194 65 42 0.006 (Q6RKF9) Polyketide synth Q9M6U7 197 10 20 124 28 42 0.006 (Q9M6U7) Alcohol dehydrog trembl|AAR90260|AAR90260 2676 13 25 194 65 42 0.006 Polyketide synthase. --- --- PSI-BLAST ALIGNMENT
--- ------------------------------------------------------------ --- MAXHOM multiple sequence alignment --- ------------------------------------------------------------ --- --- MAXHOM ALIGNMENT HEADER: ABBREVIATIONS FOR SUMMARY --- ID : identifier of aligned (homologous) protein --- STRID : PDB identifier (only for known structures) --- IDE : percentage of pairwise sequence identity --- WSIM : percentage of weighted similarity --- LALI : number of residues aligned --- NGAP : number of insertions and deletions (indels) --- LGAP : number of residues in all indels --- LSEQ2 : length of aligned sequence --- ACCNUM : SwissProt accession number --- OMIM : OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) ID --- NAME : one-line description of aligned protein --- --- MAXHOM ALIGNMENT HEADER: SUMMARY ID STRID IDE WSIM LALI NGAP LGAP LSEQ2 ACCNUM NAME predict_h185 93 93 242 0 0 242 prot (#) default: single prote --- --- MAXHOM ALIGNMENT: IN MSF FORMAT
--- --- Version of database searched for alignment: --- SWISS-PROT release 41 (02/2003) with 122 564 proteins ---
Identities computed with respect to: (1) predict_h1850 Colored by: consensus/70% and property
--- COILS HEADER: SUMMARY COILS version 2.2: R.B. Russell, A.N. Lupas, 1999 using MTIDK matrix. weights: a,d=2.5 and b,c,e,f,g=1.0 For the threshold of 5 ( probability > 0.5): >prot window size = 14 14 residues in coiled coil domain window size = 21 0 residues in coiled coil domain window size = 28 0 residues in coiled coil domain . : . : . : . : . 5 seq MAGPYLRALRILPRGSREPVQRSWLHGYTIDGGFAAHAAAEAGYAFELPE frame-14 MAGPYLRALRILPRGSREPVQRSWLHGYTIDGGFAAHAAAEAGYAFELPE frame-21 MAGPYLRALRILPRGSREPVQRSWLHGYTIDGGFAAHAAAEAGYAFELPE frame-28 MAGPYLRALRILPRGSREPVQRSWLHGYTIDGGFAAHAAAEAGYAFELPE prob-14 37779999999999999966666677777777779999999999999988 prob-21 35555555555555555555666688888888888888888888877777 prob-28 44444444445555555666666666666666666666666666666666 . : . : . : . : . 10 seq DADPVATAPLLCAGLIGWQSLKMAGEGRTIGIYGFGAAAHILVQVCKHRG frame-14 DADPVATAPLLCAGLIGWQSLKMAGEGRTIGIYGFGAAAHILVQVCKHRG frame-21 DADPVATAPLLCAGLIGWQSLKMAGEGRTIGIYGFGAAAHILVQVCKHRG frame-28 DADPVATAPLLCAGLIGWQSLKMAGEGRTIGIYGFGAAAHILVQVCKHRG prob-14 87777778888888888888888888888778888888888888888877 prob-21 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 prob-28 66666666666666677777777777777777777777777777777766 . : . : . : . : . 15 seq QSVYAFVLPGDEAGRKFTLDLGAVWAGFSGEKPPVPLDAAIIFAPAGELV frame-14 QSVYAFVLPGDEAGRKFTLDLGAVWAGFSGEKPPVPLDAAIIFAPAGELV frame-21 QSVYAFVLPGDEAGRKFTLDLGAVWAGFSGEKPPVPLDAAIIFAPAGELV frame-28 QSVYAFVLPGDEAGRKFTLDLGAVWAGFSGEKPPVPLDAAIIFAPAGELV prob-14 77777557777777777777766666666555444477777777788888 prob-21 77777666666666666666655555554444444455666666666666 prob-28 66666666666666665555555555554445555555555555555566 . : . : . : . : . 20 seq PMALDVVRKGGTVVCGGIDMSDIPSMPYRLLWGERRVVSVANLTRSDGAE frame-14 PMALDVVRKGGTVVCGGIDMSDIPSMPYRLLWGERRVVSVANLTRSDGAE frame-21 PMALDVVRKGGTVVCGGIDMSDIPSMPYRLLWGERRVVSVANLTRSDGAE frame-28 PMALDVVRKGGTVVCGGIDMSDIPSMPYRLLWGERRVVSVANLTRSDGAE prob-14 88888888877765555555556666688899999999999999777777 prob-21 66666666666666666665557777777777777777777777777777 prob-28 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 . : . : . : . : . 25 seq FFSIGKAAGVRCFTSVYPLEHANEALDDLRAGRVSGAAVIVP frame-14 FFSIGKAAGVRCFTSVYPLEHANEALDDLRAGRVSGAAVIVP frame-21 FFSIGKAAGVRCFTSVYPLEHANEALDDLRAGRVSGAAVIVP frame-28 FFSIGKAAGVRCFTSVYPLEHANEALDDLRAGRVSGAAVIVP prob-14 766655555777777999999999999999999999999554 prob-21 777777777779999999999999999999999999999666 prob-28 666688888888888888888888888888888888888554 // End
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cysteines Bonding State and Connectivity Predictor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 = Not Bonded 1 = Bonded Chain identifier: predict_h18530.fasta .........10........20........30........40........50........60........70........ MAGPYLRALRILPRGSREPVQRSWLHGYTIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXLPEDADPVATAPLLCAGLIGWQSLKMAGEGRT 0 80........90........100.......110.......120.......130.......140.......150...... IGIYGFGAAAHILVQVCKHRGQSVYAFVLPGDEAGRKFTLDLGAVWAGFSGEKPPVPLDAAIIFAPAGELVPMALDVVR 0 .160.......170.......180.......190.......200.......210.......220.......230..... KGGTVVCGGIDMSDIPSMPYRLLWGERRVVSVANLTRSDGAEFFSIGKAAGVRCFTSVYPLEHANEALDDLRAGRVSGA 0 0 ..240 AVIVP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please cite: P. Frasconi, A. Passerini, and A. Vullo. "A Two-Stage SVM Architecture for Predicting the Disulfide Bonding State of Cysteines" Proc. IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, pp. 25-34, 2002. A.Ceroni, P.Frasconi, A.Passerini and A.Vullo. "Predicting the Disulfide Bonding State of Cysteines with Combinations of Kernel Machines" Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 35, 287-295, 2003. A. Vullo and P. Frasconi. "Disulfide Connectivity Prediction using Recursive Neural Networks and Evolutionary Information" Bioinformatics, 20, 653-659, 2004. Questions and comments are very appreciated. Please, send email to: Created by members of the Machine Learning and Neural Network Group, Universita' di Firenze The server is hosted at the Department of Systems and Computer Science (DSI), Faculty of Engineering, Universita' di Firenze, Italy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**************************************************************************** * * * PHD: Profile fed neural network systems from HeiDelberg * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * Prediction of: * * secondary structure, by PHDsec * * solvent accessibility, by PHDacc * * and helical transmembrane regions, by PHDhtm * * * * Author: * * Burkhard Rost * * EMBL, 69012 Heidelberg, Germany * * Internet: Rost@EMBL-Heidelberg.DE * * * * All rights reserved. * * * **************************************************************************** * * * The network systems are described in: * * * * PHDsec: B Rost & C Sander: JMB, 1993, 232, 584-599. * * B Rost & C Sander: Proteins, 1994, 19, 55-72. * * PHDacc: B Rost & C Sander: Proteins, 1994, 20, 216-226. * * PHDhtm: B Rost et al.: Prot. Science, 1995, 4, 521-533. * * * ****************************************************************************
N HTM | Total score | Best HTM | c-N |
1 | 0.8782 | 0.7475 | 139 - 156 |
2 | 0.8992 | 0.6412 | 82 - 99 |
Positions | Segments | Explain |
1- 81 | o1 | outside region 1 |
82- 99 | T1 | ?=error 1 |
100- 138 | i1 | inside region 1 |
139- 156 | T2 | ?=error 2 |
157- 242 | o2 | outside region 2 |
%A: 14.5 | %C: 1.6 | %D: 5.0 | %E: 5.0 | %F: 4.1 |
%G: 12.4 | %H: 2.1 | %I: 5.0 | %K: 2.5 | %L: 9.1 |
%M: 2.1 | %N: 0.8 | %P: 6.6 | %Q: 1.6 | %R: 6.6 |
%S: 5.0 | %T: 2.9 | %V: 8.7 | %W: 1.6 | %Y: 2.9 |
AA : | amino acid sequence |
pH_sec: | 'probability' for assigning helix (1=high, 0=low) |
pL_sec: | 'probability' for assigning neither helix, nor strand (1=high, 0=low) |
PHD_htm: | PHD predicted membrane helix: M=helical transmembrane region,
blank=non-membrane PHD = PHD: Profile network prediction HeiDelberg |
Rel_htm: | reliability index for PHDhtm prediction (0=low to 9=high) Note: for the brief presentation strong predictions marked by '*' |
SUB_htm: | subset of the PHDhtm prediction, for all residues with an expected
average accuracy > 98% (tables in header) NOTE: for this subset the following symbols are used: N: is non-membrane region (for which above ' ' is used) .: means that no prediction is made for this residue, as the reliability is: Rel < 7 |
PHDrhtm: | refined PHD prediction: M=helical transmembrane region, blank=non-membrane |
PiMohtm: | PHD prediction of membrane topology: T=helical transmembrane region, i=inside of membrane, o=outside of membrane |
pT_htm: | 'probability' for assigning transmembrane helix |
pN_htm: | 'probability' for assigning globular region |
phd_skip: | note: sequence stretches with less than 9 are not predicted, the symbol '*' is used! |
PHD results (brief)....,....1....,....2....,....3....,....4....,....5....,....6....,....7....,....8....,....9....,....1 AA MAGPYLRALRILPRGSREPVQRSWLHGYTIDGGFAAHAAAEAGYAFELPEDADPVATAPLLCAGLIGWQSLKMAGEGRTIGIYGFGAAAHILVQVCKHRG PHD_htm MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM Rel_htm ******************************************************** ******* * PiMohtm oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTi ....,....11...,....12...,....13...,....14...,....15...,....16...,....17...,....18...,....19...,....20 AA QSVYAFVLPGDEAGRKFTLDLGAVWAGFSGEKPPVPLDAAIIFAPAGELVPMALDVVRKGGTVVCGGIDMSDIPSMPYRLLWGERRVVSVANLTRSDGAE PHD_htm MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Rel_htm ************************************ ****** ****************************************** PiMohtm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTToooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ....,....21...,....22...,....23...,....24...,....25 AA FFSIGKAAGVRCFTSVYPLEHANEALDDLRAGRVSGAAVIVP PHD_htm Rel_htm ****************************************** PiMohtm oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
PHD results (normal) ....,....1....,....2....,....3....,....4....,....5....,....6....,....7....,....8....,....9....,....1 AA MAGPYLRALRILPRGSREPVQRSWLHGYTIDGGFAAHAAAEAGYAFELPEDADPVATAPLLCAGLIGWQSLKMAGEGRTIGIYGFGAAAHILVQVCKHRG PHD_htm MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM Rel_htm 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999998888765302222332010256777888764103566666544321157 SUB_htm NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.................NNNNNNN...................N PHDrhtm MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM PiMohtm oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTi ....,....11...,....12...,....13...,....14...,....15...,....16...,....17...,....18...,....19...,....20 AA QSVYAFVLPGDEAGRKFTLDLGAVWAGFSGEKPPVPLDAAIIFAPAGELVPMALDVVRKGGTVVCGGIDMSDIPSMPYRLLWGERRVVSVANLTRSDGAE PHD_htm MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Rel_htm 8999999999999999999999999999999998876411456677777765420026777889999999999999999999999999999999999999 SUB_htm NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN........MMMMMM........NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN PHDrhtm MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM PiMohtm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTToooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ....,....21...,....22...,....23...,....24...,....25 AA FFSIGKAAGVRCFTSVYPLEHANEALDDLRAGRVSGAAVIVP PHD_htm Rel_htm 999999988999999999999999999999999999999999 SUB_htm NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN PHDrhtm PiMohtm oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Bottom - Summary - Details - PredictProtein |
PROF predictions for query |
SYNOPSIS of prediction for query |
sec str type | H | E | L |
% in protein | 32.64 | 22.31 | 45.04 |
accessib type | b | e |
% in protein | 46.28 | 53.72 |
HEADER information |
ali_orig | /home/ppuser/server/work/predict_h18530.hsspPsiFil |
%A: 14.5 | %C: 1.6 | %D: 5.0 | %E: 5.0 | %F: 4.1 |
%G: 12.4 | %H: 2.1 | %I: 5.0 | %K: 2.5 | %L: 9.1 |
%M: 2.1 | %N: 0.8 | %P: 6.6 | %Q: 1.6 | %R: 6.6 |
%S: 5.0 | %T: 2.9 | %V: 8.7 | %W: 1.6 | %Y: 2.9 |
prof_fpar | acc=/home/ppuser/server/pub/prof/net/PROFboth_best.par |
prof_nnet | acc=6 |
AA : | amino acid sequence |
OBS_sec: | observed secondary structure: H=helix, E=extended (sheet), blank=other (loop) |
PROF_sec: | PROF predicted secondary structure: H=helix, E=extended (sheet),
blank=other (loop) PROF = PROF: Profile network prediction HeiDelberg |
Rel_sec: | reliability index for PROFsec prediction (0=low to 9=high) Note: for the brief presentation strong predictions marked by '*' |
SUB_sec: | subset of the PROFsec prediction, for all residues with an expected
average accuracy > 82% (tables in header) NOTE: for this subset the following symbols are used: L: is loop (for which above ' ' is used) .: means that no prediction is made for this residue, as the reliability is: Rel < 5 |
pH_sec: | 'probability' for assigning helix (1=high, 0=low) |
pE_sec: | 'probability' for assigning strand (1=high, 0=low) |
pL_sec: | 'probability' for assigning neither helix, nor strand (1=high, 0=low) |
O_2_acc: | observerd relative solvent accessibility (acc) in 2 states: b = 0-16%, e = 16-100%. |
P_2_acc: | PROF predicted relative solvent accessibility (acc) in 2 states: b = 0-16%, e = 16-100%. |
O_3_acc: | observerd relative solvent accessibility (acc) in 3 states: b = 0-9%, i = 9-36%, e = 36-100%. |
P_3_acc: | PROF predicted relative solvent accessibility (acc) in 3 states: b = 0-9%, i = 9-36%, e = 36-100%. |
OBS_acc: | observed relative solvent accessibility (acc) in 10 states: a value of n (=0-9) corresponds to a relative acc. of between n*n % and (n+1)*(n+1) % (e.g. for n=5: 16-25%). |
PROF_acc: | PROF predicted relative solvent accessibility (acc) in 10 states: a value of n (=0-9) corresponds to a relative acc. of between n*n % and (n+1)*(n+1) % (e.g. for n=5: 16-25%). |
Rel_acc: | reliability index for PROFacc prediction (0=low to 9=high) Note: for the brief presentation strong predictions marked by '*' |
SUB_acc: | subset of the PROFacc prediction, for all residues with an expected
average correlation > 0.69 (tables in header) NOTE: for this subset the following symbols are used: I: is intermediate (for which above ' ' is used) .: means that no prediction is made for this residue, as the reliability is: Rel < 4 |
ali_orig: | input file |
prof_fpar: | name of parameter file, used [w] |
prof_nnet: | number of networks used for prediction [d] |
prof_skip: | note: sequence stretches with less than 9 are not predicted, the symbol '*' is used! |
BODY with predictions for query |
PROF results (normal)....,....1....,....2....,....3....,....4....,....5....,....6....,....7....,....8....,....9....,....10.1.,....11.1.,....12.1.,....13.1.,....14.1.,....15.1.,....16.1.,....17.1.,....18.1.,....19.1.,....20.1.,....21.1.,....22.1.,....23.1.,....24. AA MAGPYLRALRILPRGSREPVQRSWLHGYTIDGGFAAHAAAEAGYAFELPEDADPVATAPLLCAGLIGWQSLKMAGEGRTIGIYGFGAAAHILVQVCKHRGQSVYAFVLPGDEAGRKFTLDLGAVWAGFSGEKPPVPLDAAIIFAPAGELVPMALDVVRKGGTVVCGGIDMSDIPSMPYRLLWGERRVVSVANLTRSDGAEFFSIGKAAGVRCFTSVYPLEHANEALDDLRAGRVSGAAVIVP OBS_sec PROF_sec EEE EEEEEEE EEEEE HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EEEEEE HHHHHHHHHHHH EEEEE HHHHHHHHH EEEE EEEEE HHHHHHHHHHHH EEEEE HHHH EEEEE HHHHHHHHHH EEEEEE HHHHHHHHHHHH EEE Rel_sec 97754453320215653323233011001366312356621101222367788454322232234677666512778738885034688989989875188178886277544678887528713441343566763058872475145678888751278278873256656655211000242355310344100678888753377303310027146778888876056554156618 SUB_sec LLLL..L......LLL..............LL....EEE.........LLLLL.H..........HHHHHHH..LLLL.EEEE...HHHHHHHHHHHH.LL.EEEEE.LLL..HHHHHHH.LL........LLLLL..EEEE..LL..HHHHHHHHH..LL.EEEE..LLLLLLLL..........EE.........HHHHHHHH..LL........L..HHHHHHHHHH.LLLL..EEE.L O_3_acc bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb P_3_acc ee e e be bee eee bee b b e bb bbbeee bb b ee e e bbbbbbbbbbbb bbee eee bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbe eb bbbbbb eeee ebbee eb bbbb eeeeeeb bbbbbb eebbe bbebbeeeb bbbbbb ee e b bbbee eb bbb eee beebbebbeeeeb e e b ebbe beeeeee bbb e Rel_acc 33011012032012011011331201211020100121012010012103223211443334454391255211241229894631249369808920313346983121352135072520210211103214131136733010142432925061231358765321132111002111232122310212242333814224013321002213063725915532403121221324 SUB_acc
PROF results (detail) ....,....1....,....2....,....3....,....4....,....5....,....6....,....7....,....8....,....9....,....10.1.,....11.1.,....12.1.,....13.1.,....14.1.,....15.1.,....16.1.,....17.1.,....18.1.,....19.1.,....20.1.,....21.1.,....22.1.,....23.1.,....24. AA MAGPYLRALRILPRGSREPVQRSWLHGYTIDGGFAAHAAAEAGYAFELPEDADPVATAPLLCAGLIGWQSLKMAGEGRTIGIYGFGAAAHILVQVCKHRGQSVYAFVLPGDEAGRKFTLDLGAVWAGFSGEKPPVPLDAAIIFAPAGELVPMALDVVRKGGTVVCGGIDMSDIPSMPYRLLWGERRVVSVANLTRSDGAEFFSIGKAAGVRCFTSVYPLEHANEALDDLRAGRVSGAAVIVP pH_sec ......... .... ..... .... ...... 1.0 pH_sec .... .......... ...... ....... ....... .......... 0.9 pH_sec ... ........ ............ ......... .......... ........ ........... 0.8 pH_sec ..... . ......... ............ ......... .......... ......... ........... 0.7 pH_sec .................... ............ ......... ............ .......... ............ 0.6 pH_sec .................... ............. ......... ............ .... ............ ............. 0.5 pH_sec .... . . . ..................... ............. .......... ............. ..... ............. ............. 0.4 pH_sec ....... ......... ... ..................... .............. ........... . .............. ....... ............. .............. 0.3 pH_sec ....................... . ..... ....................... ............... ........... ...... ............... ................ .................. ..... ................ 0.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pE_sec .. ... . . 1.0 pE_sec ... .... ... .... . 0.9 pE_sec ... .... ..... .... .... .. ... 0.8 pE_sec .... ..... ..... ... .... ..... .... .. ... 0.7 pE_sec . . ....... ... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ... 0.6 pE_sec ...... ....... .... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... 0.5 pE_sec ...... ........ ...... ...... ....... ..... ...... ....... .. ....... ........ ..... 0.4 pE_sec . ........ ................ ....... ....... ...... ........ ....... ..... ........ ........ ...... 0.3 pE_sec .......... ................................ . ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... ....................... ......... ........ 0.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pL_sec . . . .. . . . 1.0 pL_sec ... .... .... .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . 0.9 pL_sec .... . ... .. ..... .... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... ... .. . .. .. . 0.8 pL_sec ....... . ..... . ... ...... .... .. .. ... .. ......... ... .... ......... . .. .... . ..... . 0.7 pL_sec .......... ............ ..... . ...... ..... .. .... .... .... .......... ... .... .......... ... .... .... .. ....... .. 0.6 pL_sec ....................... ....... .. ...... ..... ... .... .... .... .......... .... ..... .......... ... ....... ..... .... ....... .. 0.5 pL_sec ................................... ..... ........ ..... ....... ... .... .... .... ........... ..... ..... ............ ..... ........ ...... ...... ....... .. 0.4 pL_sec .................................... .......................... ....... ... ..... ....... ................... ...... ..... ............. ...... ......... ............... ........ .. 0.3 pL_sec ............................................................................... ..... ...... ........ ..................... ......... ....... ................................. ................. .............. 0.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBS_acc 100% OBS_acc 81% OBS_acc 64% OBS_acc 49% OBS_acc 36% OBS_acc 25% OBS_acc 16% OBS_acc 9% OBS_acc 4% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROF_acc .. . . . ... . . 100% PROF_acc .. .. .. . . .. .. .... . .. . . . . ... . 81% PROF_acc .. . .. ... .. . .. . ... . .... . .. ...... . .. .. . . . . .. . . . ... . 64% PROF_acc .. . . . .. ... .. . ... .. . . .. ... . . .... . .. . ...... .. . . ... .. . .. . ... .. . .... . . . . ...... . 49% PROF_acc ..... .. .. ....... .. . . ...... . ... . .. .... .. ... .... . ..... .. .. . . ....... . . .. .. . ... .... ... . .... . .... .. . .... .. .. . .. .. .. ........ . 36% PROF_acc ..... .. .. ....... .. . . ...... . ... . ... .... . ........ .... . ........ .. . . ........ . . .. .. . ... . .... ... . .... . ...... .. . .... .. .. . .. .. .. ........ .. 25% PROF_acc ........ .. ....... .... . ...... .. .... . ........ . ........ .... . ........ .... . ........ . .... .. . ... . ......... . .... . ...... .. . .... ........... .. .. ........ .. 16% PROF_acc ........ .. ....... .... . ...... .. .... . ........ . ........ .... . ........ .... . ........ . .... .. . ... . ......... . .... . ...... .. . .... ........... .. .. ........ .. 9% PROF_acc ........... ....... .... . ...... .. .... . ........ . ........ ...... ........ ...... .......... .... .. . ..... ......... . .... . ...... .. . ................ .. .. ........ .. 4% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Top - Summary - Details - PredictProtein |
--- --- GLOBE: prediction of protein globularity --- --- nexp = 130 (number of predicted exposed residues) --- nfit = 105 (number of expected exposed residues --- diff = 25.00 (difference nexp-nfit) --- =====> your protein appears as compact, as a globular domain --- --- --- GLOBE: further explanations preliminaryily in: --- --- --- END of GLOBE
Ambivalent Sequence Predictor (ASP v1.0) mmy Parameters: Window size : 5 Min mu dPr : 9 Z-score cutoff : -1.75 Mean dPr score=12.928, Standard deviation=3.111 Please note: ASP was designed to identify the location of conformational switches in amino acid sequences. It is NOT designed to predict whether a given sequence does or does not contain a switch. For best results, ASP should be used on sequences of length >150 amino acids with >10 sequence homologues in the SWISS-PROT data bank. ASP has been validated against a set of globular proteins and may not be generally applicable. Please see Young et al., Protein Science 8(9):1852-64. 1999. for details and for how best to interpret this output. We consider ASP to be experimental at this time, and would appreciate any feedback from our users.
END of results for file predict_h18530
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